Monday, January 17, 2011

Suzanne Somers Pancake Recipe


During the last years of his life, Cooper worked alone at his home in Arizona with her two dogs, roosters and chickens, after his family emigrate from the U.S. in 1999 for their safety. Prior to several years of solitude in the desert of Arizona, Cooper was known as a world-class speaker, who appeared at Wembly Hall in London as well as in every State of the Union during a period of 10 years.

known as an expert researcher, who supported his theories on the New World Order with solid information from suoi giorni nella U.S. Navy Intelligence, Cooper ha sempre fatto comparire la paura negli occhi dei presidenti, compreso Clinton, che fece organizzare un attacco del FBI per fare tacere le opinioni di Cooper.

Subito dopo l'attentato di Oklahoma, Rush Limbaugh lesse un appunto della Casa Bianca in onda durante la sua radiotrasmissione, chiamando William Cooper, “... l'ospite radiofonico più pericoloso in America."

Cooper successivamente dichiarò che il pronunciamento di Clinton era "il complimento più grande che avesse mai ricevuto."

Più oltre, il fascicolo del FBI su Cooper che includeva riferimenti alla sua liquidazione di sicurezza durante il servizio militare, entrava illegalmente in possesso della Casa Bianca in quello che è noto come "Filegate". Subito dopo questa scoperta, Il presidente Clinton ha ordinato tutti gli enti federali di cominciare l'investigazione, la persecuzione, e il processo del sig. Cooper per farlo tacere.

Mentre era occupato in continue battaglie federali su questioni di libertà di parola con l'FBI e con l'IRS che tentava di strangolare finanziariamente i suoi affari, Cooper lavorarava a tutto vapore, generando parecchi documentari sull'assassinio di JFK e sulla truffa degli UFO del governo per infondere paura negli Americani.

Cooper credeva inoltre nel rafforzamento degli Americani con il libero pensiero per mezzo dei giornali e delle onde radio, diede vita al servizio di notizie di CAJI, al giornale nazionale VERITAS, The Intelligence Service, Harvest Publications, ed ha aiutato oltre 700 stazioni FM affiliate a bassa potenza a dotarsi di equipaggiamento e trasmettere, compresa la stazione che controllò come amministratore per la Independence Foundation Trust, 101.1 FM Eagar, Arizona, trasmettendo per radio a 7.000 persone.

Sotto la sua direzione, la sua azienda inoltre si avventurò nel mercato dell'editoria. Il primo libro pubblicato era su Oklahoma: "Day One" di Michele Marie Moore... il classico definitivo sull'attentato nella città di Oklahoma del palazzo federale Alfred P. Murrah il 19 aprile 1995.

Ma per capire realmente la filosofia di Cooper e dove ha ottenuto many of its secret information to use later in his work, you must understand his military experience, the place where he became familiar with the true intentions of the New World Order.

Cooper first served with the Strategic Air Command U.S. Air Force, completing tasks on the secret B-52 bombers, the aircraft refueling KC-135, and Minuteman missiles.

After the Air Force, U.S. Navy came to realizing a dream previously frustrated by chronic motion sickness. [...]

Working closely with secret information for many years, Cooper was later used his military experience and expertise as a core for many of his writings, and decided to tell the truth and be a man of conscience instead of selling his soul to the criminals of the New World Order.

While Cooper's work is immense, covering almost every possible element of what can be defined as the taking of possession by the global Illuminati, anyone reading the following excerpts from a secret document discovered by Cooper will conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the destruction of America is proceeding from and that the only way to recover the country, looking to 2006, is by means of a popular revolution. The article cited here

, entitled Majestytwelve, Cooper's words do authorize the hair on his head:

MAJESTYTWELVE by William Cooper, 1997

"The following is a fact. It is not a theory, it is a real conspiracy"

I witnessed documents Top Secret / Magic from which this information is withdrawn while serving with the U.S. Navy base to the Intelligence Briefing Team of Admiral Bernard Clarey, Commander in Chief of U.S. Pacific Fleet.

"I certify that the following information is true and correct to the best of my memory and research I have done. Swear for them in any court. "

" I can produce the names of about 38 officers and Navy to aggregates that have witnessed these documents while they were in the service of their country ... I can produce the names of about 80 others who suspect they have been witnesses of these same documents. I will not reveal the names before a court that is willing to prosecute individuals and organizations involved in the conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America and establish a totalitarian socialist world government. "

" Many years ago I had access to a set of documents to be finally realized the program for the destruction United States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The program is contained within a set of top secret documents with the title "MAJESTYTWELVE. There was no space between "majesty" and "twelve (twelve)." The term honored the planned establishment of a definitive power in a body of essays intended to govern the world as disciples of a Messiah.

This "messiah" will serve as a buffer between the wise men and the sheep. I discovered these documents between 1970 and 1973 while I was a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of U.S. Pacific Fleet.

"The plan described the formation of a government and socialist totalitarian world. Will be led by a shadow council of wise men. A so-called benevolent dictator, will be presented as the Messiah. "

" The Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights will be torn up. A parliamentary form of government will take its place. All military forces and individuals must be disarmed except for an internal police force which will bring only the minimum necessary for weapons to maintain internal order. "

Although Cooper only lived to see little more than a year of presidency Bush, was a firm supporter of the argument that President Clinton, even comes as a man of the people, was in fact una delle personalità visibili più importanti e diaboliche del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

E a dimostrazione della sua opinione, le seguenti due citazioni di Clinton mostrano le sue vere intenzioni:

"Quando ci siamo organizzati come nazione ed abbiamo scritto una costituzione ragionevolmente radicale con una Carta dei Diritti radicale, dando una quantità radicale di libertà individuale agli Americani... E così molti dicono che c'è troppa libertà personale. Quando si abusa della libertà personale, ti devi muovere per limitarla. Questo è ciò che abbiamo fatto con il mio annuncio dell'ultimo fine settimana sui progetti dell'edilizia popolare, su come stiamo per confiscare armi ed altre cose come rendere people safer in their communities. "

Thus spoke President Bill Clinton on MTV March 3, 1994.

also declared several days later in an interview with USA Today:" We can not be so fixed on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ... "As well as outlining

Clinton, Cooper claimed the true source of global conspiracy actually sought to go into a body known as the Illuminati, a group composed of the highest levels of so-called secret orders and secret societies. exert their origin and their purpose, Cooper wrote: They are held together by blood oaths, a secret religion, and the promise an elite status within regional government, or the upper world government.

Their religion is based on Kabbalah, the Luciferian Philosophy, and the cult of the sun.

are not bound by any oath or covenant except each other. Are not loyal to any government or people other than their own. And they are not citizens of any nation except their secret world government already established. With their own words, "if you're not one of us you are nothing." To grasp the meaning of this concept "skin" watching the movie "They Live" ("They Live" by John Carpenter)

"It is largely a conspiracy" open " because many of its membership, structures, methods and operations, are matters of public domain, although scattered and obscure. Its system of coordination is atypical. Two nuclei - the elite core of the Wall Street clique (orbiting the Rockefeller) and the core elite of European financial clique (orbiting the Rothschild) - coordinate this global conspiracy by using psychological warfare on the rest of the conspirators , telling each no more than necessary to fulfill its specific role, often with explicit recognition neither of his own role, nor of the unarticulated rules that govern it.

"Thus, the bulk of the conspirators do not know, but only suspected, that are part of and in service of "a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so invasive, so connected, so complete, so pervasive, it is much better for them not to speak louder than their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. "

In his article on the secret military documents, examines in depth the inner workings of the Illuminati, showing how some candidates rise to the next level, personally chosen to go beyond the thirteenth degree (York Rite) or the thirty-second degree (Scottish Rite).

Cooper says that those "chosen few" disappear behind the veil and become one of the "Thousand Points of Light," and are known as correctly as the "Magi."

Looking back the history, Cooper adds:

"The process of initiation and blood oaths have always been the protection of the Illuminati in a Christian world that had a tendency to" burn at the stake "those who have followed different philosophies or beliefs. The "burning alive" Jacques DeMolay, the persecution of men like Gallileo and Giordano Bruno by the Catholic church, and the persecution of their Orders resulted in hatred of the "Brotherhood" to Christianity and the objective of the extermination of all religions except theirs.

"You can see the goal of the Illuminati by visiting the home page of Freemasonry's Grand Lodge of Scotland"

Noterete che la bandiera della Gran Loggia di Scozia e quella "Universale" della massoneria sono visualizzate. La bandiera "Universale" della massoneria è la bandiera delle Nazioni Unite. Poiché questo è diventato molto noto, la Gran Loggia di Scozia ha sostituito la bandiera delle Nazioni Unite (bandiera Universale della massoneria) sulla loro web page con un grafico della Terra.”

E sepolto in profondità nei documenti scoperti da Cooper, che egli tentò vigorosamente di esporre fino alla sua morte prematura, era la decisione di uno sterminio totale in ciò che ha chiamato "l'obiettivo dell'epoca dell'inganno."

Se qualcuno si domandasse all'alba of this new year to where they head to the U.S. after the Oklahoma City and 9 / 11, Cooper plays forecasts based on what he has learned over the years of service in the field of intelligence:

"This is the age of 'deception. The world is on the cutting edge. For a half is planned to murder if these people go on his way, and the other half is expected to interlock when the mystical union between the moon IS (Isis or Church) and the sun RA (Osiris or Doctrine) will greet the son of the morning EL (Horus or full body of Adepts) on the horizon (Horus risen) in the new Dawn (ISRAEL or realization of the New World Order).

" When the processo sarà completo una "nuova Unione Sovietica mondiale" ( comunismo globale ) emergerà per assottigliare il gregge, tosare il popolo gregge, e farlo marciare verso la schiavitù o il macello a seconda della loro capacità di accettare ed aderire alla loro rieducazione."

Cooper pondera il destino dell'America e del mondo, e le sue parole del 1997 sembrano avverarsi mentre entriamo nel 2006.

" Non ci saranno diritti individuali, soltanto privilegi. Questi saranno assegnati o negati a volontà dal governo mondiale. Tutta la proprietà sarà posseduta dallo Stato. Ci sarà una ridistribuzione di ricchezza. Progettano di eliminare le differenze di classe e di ridurre lo standard of living to a lower level in advanced nations like the United States, and at a higher level in so-called third world nations.

"This leveling quality of life will be achieved with a global economic collapse which is in its beginning stages.

The economic collapse will make the goal of the Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels which advocated the destruction of middle class. The progressive income tax was the first step of this process and is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto.

NAFTA and GATT are a part of this process by encouraging industries to move to third world countries to exploit cheap labor force.

"All existing religions will disappear. The only religion will be the state religion (humanism or enlightenment)."

"All governments, county or state will be eliminated and replaced by a regional government. These regional governments (domestic law) are already in place. Regionalism is gradually taking control throughout America.

"There will be no more cash . The trade will work with an accreditation system with computerized accounts achieved through credit cards or integrated chips plants. The cards and chips also will be used for personal identification, patente di guida, etc.. Quando questo sarà completato la razza umana sarà incatenata ad un computer in un ciclo infinito di debito . Non ci sarà mai più nessuna azione o movimento riservato.”

Esaminando più a fondo l'epoca dell'inganno del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Cooper punta agli UFO ed alla truffa aliena spinta in America, scoprendo all'interno dei documenti segreti di Majestytwelve che l'intero programma per la creazione di un governo socialista mondiale è protetto da una minaccia extraterrestre artificiale .

Aggiunge che l'intero fenomeno degli UFO ed il movimento dell'ufologia è stato generato ad ulteriore protezione ed attivazione del programma, esponendo Art Bell, host of talk show coast to coast, as one of the main spokesman of the Illuminati.

"Within Majestytwelve, Operation Majority justifying the program by submitting an extraterrestrial threat as a reason for the need for world government, like" Who speaks for planet Earth ... Argentina? "exactly the way in which Stanton T. Friedman ends his lectures" UFOs are real, "says Cooper.

" When I saw Operation Majority while serving in the Navy I believed the alien threat was real, like all many. Not until it has been many years of research I could understand exactly what I had seen. It was extremely difficult for me to believe that my government and the States Navy United had used me, especially since I had dedicated my life to the government and military service. Most government and military personnel can not and will never believe in this idea.

" The program is real. The extraterrestrial threat is artificial . The threat is made with the use of secret technology originally developed by the Germans in their secret weapons programs during World War II, by geniuses like Nikola Tesla, and many others. "

Regarding the role of Bell of the New World Order agenda, Cooper focuses more on the theory "of the deception" as well as the decoding of the signs and symbols of the Illuminati to find out the real truth of the many messages of deception.

Referring to Bell's well-known brand with a pyramid of gold and deep blue sea with his name on the top of the pyramid, Cooper illustrates his point about the role of the Bell:

"I recognized that Art Bell is a front for the New World Order. It is confirmed in his book. The world government is, in fact, the theme of the book.

"Did you know that the sea (sea or Mary) is a symbol for a large number people, the masses in Marxist symbology? Have you noticed that the pyramid rises from the sea (the People) and dominates the scene as a promise, or salvation? Did you know that the pyramid lacking the summit is the Great Work (unfinished) of the Mystery School? Did you know that the Great Work represents social engineering (socialism), which operates on the basis of 'apotheosis of the breed (perfect man, sixth root race) as promised to Adam and Eve by Satan, and a New World Order?

"Have you noticed that the name Art Bell straddles the summit, indicating that it is the Light Worker, or Illumined Man, or Master Mason, or Horus , or god-Perfect Man, or Savior, who completes Great Works? Have you noticed the bright star falls from the sky just above the summit? know who or what is? see the Thousand Points of Light working quietly behind the veil (clouds) in the sky.

The Enlightenment and Marxism. It is a false promise that the human race will be perfect, which leads to a perfect utopian society through social engineering.

This is a brainwashing mechanism whereby an ignorant slave race may be created to be ruled by a totalitarian socialist world government .

"Art Bell is a Freemason. He is a member of the Illuminati. His book" The acceleration is one of the most blatant and obvious forms of propaganda of the New World Order that I have ever seen. In it Art Bell, claiming di essere un americano patriottico, sostiene senza vergogna la formazione di un governo socialista totalitario mondiale."

Con la maggior parte della gente che entra nel nuovo anno con il pensiero di un altro attacco terroristico all'orizzonte, Cooper dichiara che questi attacchi sono una strategia del nuovo ordine mondiale per dire agli Americani che qualsiasi opposizione si scontrerà con la forza bruta.

"Ruby Ridge, il massacre di Waco, l'attacco contro i Patrioti e le Milizie, ed altri atti di aggressione contro il Popolo Americano che potrebbe combattere questa frode sono atti di guerra. Questi atti sono progettati per demonizzare i fondamentalisti cristiani, ebrei, musulmani, la milizia legale, e chiunque altro potrebbe combattere in defense of the constitution or freedom.

"These terrorist acts deliver a message to the American people that across the top of opposition to the new world government will be met with overwhelming force and the complete genocide of the enemies of socialism .

" And while everyone is preparing his toast New Year's Eve, wondering where it will fall the next "shoe terrorist," listen to the final analysis and forecasts of left Cooper in 1997, which makes reading immediately want anyone to pour another glass of the strong.

"In Majestytwelve stated that the first terrorist attack in the United States would take place in a big city like New York or Los Angeles. Based on that statement I accurately predicted would happen in New York, and that was when the World Trade Center was hit.

"Majestytwelve declared that terrorism will continue until the American people will not have consented to be completely and totally disarmed.

The document stated that the second main objective would be" somewhere in the inland as Oklahoma City. "L 'real objective was not named. Because the document was not specific as to the objective and its actual position does not have told the Oklahoma City ... but my prediction of continued terrorist attacks, including attacchi importanti "nel cuore" d'America era esatta."

Scrivendo prima del 9/11, predisse inoltre quanto segue:

"Se questi atti di terrore non avranno successo ci saranno più bombe, attacchi chimici, o attacchi biologici. Si intensificherà la distruzione, mutilando ed uccidendo uomini, donne ed in particolar modo bambini. Avranno luogo più sparatorie nei centri commerciali, nei ristoranti, e nelle scuole. Come ultimo ricorso, se tutto il resto fallisce, gli Illuminati sono pronti a far esplodere un'arma atomica in una grande città americana come New York, Chicago, o Los Angeles.”

Testo originale,

sito di William Cooper Hour of the Time



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