Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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Flash Mental Simulation: i Colori dell'Anima - Corrado Malanga

This paper shows the new mental techniques to solve the problem quickly adduttivo. The resolution is the application of new mental models that allow simulation, if correctly applied all'addotto, pick it up from the problem forever, or at least in one sitting provide the means: first to understand and then eliminate the alien interference.

The methodology is simple and comes from a few obligatory remarks Corrado Malanga, which were then expanded and corrected by the working group built around this research project and with suggestions from many of our employees who are not yet officially entered join the pool of research on mental simulation but who provide their daily contributions in this area.

Surely this is not intended as a finished work but a first contribution to research in the field of methodologies intended to address (to address) the problem of alien adductions.

So this first effort, Others will follow that will add, deepen and modify, if necessary, parts of this first "instruction manual" that describes a series of methodologies that have been tested now in a period of eight months long, with very encouraging results.

And 'in fact should be stressed that the group is still working to identify potential new alien species, not yet well defined structurally, which were described in recent applications of the new technique, the answers to which are currently placed under further study and objective as possible.

should also be noted that although these new techniques are easy to apply, it should be noted come non ci si possa improvvisare dall’oggi al domani, operatori di simulazioni mentali ed inventarsi il ruolo di Alien Hunter, tanto caro a molti ufologi americani ed a molti perditempo italiani.

Ci rendiamo conto infatti che rendere pubbliche queste metodologie, da un lato produrrĂ  l’effetto di rendere disponibile questa ricerca a tutto il mondo, ricordiamo infatti che siamo l’unico gruppo di ricerca nel mondo che propone una ricetta difensiva nei confronti del fenomeno adduttivo, ma dall’altro potrebbe mettere nelle mani di sprovveduti, tecniche bomba per l’introspezione profonda personale che, se malamente impiegate, potrebbero creare effetti decisamente indesiderati sulla psiche umana (leggere il disclaimer at the end of this paper for more information).

The authors of this work is not held responsible for inappropriate use of these techniques.

Interested to be assisted in overcoming their problems adduttivi are strongly advised to make contact only with Corrado Malanga, on the basis of some preliminary remarks, to assign an aide to trust the process to solve the case.

We do not recommend anyone to rely strongly to anyone who presents himself as our partner, without showing the appropriate safeguards.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How To Know If A Keloid Is Forming


from 1 to 5 September was held in Santa Flavia Campus Summer 2010 MarineoSolidale non-profit organization dedicated to Common Goods and legality. We were guests of a property confiscated to mafia managed by the Jus Vitae attached to the Centre Don Pino Puglisi.

The campus has seen the participation of 18 young volunteers and six MarineoSolidale Associations and the New Life that have promoted the activities with the support of CESVOP.

The insights and issues on campus as speakers have seen:

Mario Cicero,

Mayor of Castelbuono

has illustrated the importance of the protection of common goods for the development of a virtuoso territory.

His contribution, starting from the many years of experience developed as Hospitality, has highlighted the diversity of initiatives which may lead to the rebirth of an entire economic and tourist district comequello Madonita.

Father Meli Balthazar.

He brought his moving testimony of the work of the Oratory of Santa Chiara.

Among the topics explored:

the reception of migrants who have found the center point of reference and support in the paths of integration.

mafia and the commitment to combat child exploitation in the district of BallarĂ².

Rosario do below, law professor, theologian and essayist.

He presented a summary of the Mafia through its history delinenado methods of oppression and violent infiltration in society. Starting the rediscovery of the meaning of life showed such virtuous paths to enable a society free from conditioning the Mafia.

The Campus has made use also of the constant presence of Claudio Coat psychologist who worked on the motivational aspects and emotional activity necessary for the effective involvement with the aims of the course.

A Breve forniremo una galleria fotografica dell'evento, l'audio degli incontri e un video.