Monday, January 31, 2011

Rose Quarter Detailed Seating Chart

UFO SaLuSa 26 gennaio 2011 Federazione Galattica di Luce

Cancer Jab And Pregnacy

30 Foot Yurt Assembly

Abitare in una Yurta (tenda mongola) West according to schemes ...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Scoliosis Broken Capillaries

Pacific Japan volcano awakes: the citizens are preparing for the evacuation

Japan Volcano awakes:

citizens are preparing for the evacuation

Il Vulcano Shiveluch

The volcano of Shinmoedake, in southern Japan , is continuing its eruption,
began on 26 January. The volcanic activity is causing concern for
neighboring countries, so that schools and public offices were closed due dell'inten
classification of ' eruption, which experts believe is its strongest since 1959.

Lava , dense clouds of ash and lightning, along with lapilli thrown more than 7 miles away
are signs important cause for alarm .
The authorities have launched preparations for an actual evacuation
the landscape is closer to the volcanic site. What worries experts most of Japanese volcanologists
Pones is the manifestation of the magma, which had not been seen by as many as 189 years.
Tokyo meanwhile is preparing to allocate the funds necessary for operations to meet all
' emergency. For the moment, there were no casualties or damage, but the situation is evolving
tion, and it is possible may turn for the worse.
Photo: NF Media.

Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse In Calgary

Project Blue Beam


March 19, 2010

Project Blue Beam

Note Educate Yourself:
Serge Monast [1945 - 1996] is the second journalist investigating the Project Blue Beam died of "heart attack."
The deaths occurred within weeks of each other, and none of them had heart problems denoted.
Serge was in Canada. The other journalist - a Canadian - was visiting Ireland. Before his death, the daughter of Serge was kidnapped by the Canadian government in an attempt to dissuade him from continuing his research on the Blue Beam Project. His daughter did not return home.
Update Ken Adachi - February 17, 2009:
only now beginning to fully grasp the scope of the contributions donated to the community from the work of Serge Monastir, and he showed incredible courage in publishing the revelations gained incredible anonymously by politicians 'sorry', military, or members of organizations with intelligence and conscience of humanity.
S. Monast
Translation of Antibodies
The infamous "Blue Beam Project " - engineered by NASA in three different operating phases - aims to accelerate the establishment of a new world religion of naturalistic mold - Satanist .

The spread of a new religion "only" is regarded by the elite a essential ideological base on which to build the so-called "New World Order."
Failure unification of all religious beliefs - in fact - would be a stumbling block in plans for social and political unification of the entire planetary population.
The first operational phase concerns the "discovery" of ancient archaeological finds in certain designated areas of the planet (in some cases due to geological upheavals caused artificially) retrievals so revolutionary to establish the definitive refutation of all the "religious certainties" cultivated until today the world's people (dinosaur fossils?) . Each nation should be led to believe so badly to have interpreters for centuries its religious doctrine. The psychological preparation than the first segment can be found in numerous films and documentaries that would support the substantial "unfounded" the creationist cosmogony and the incompatibility of traditional religious rulings with human nature (among them: Zeitgeist, Religious, Sex Crimes and the Vatican, The Da Vinci Code and the recent Genesis Code). Here is a clip from a recent, weird documentary by National Geographic (NDT).
Ultimately, goal del primo segmento operativo è quello di distruggere le convinzioni (argomento approfondito nel post " Vaticano Sotto Assedio " n.d.t.) di cristiani e musulmani anche mediante alcune "prove inconfutabili" provenienti da un remoto passato .
La seconda fase operativa prevede l'apparizione nei cieli di numerose località sparse intorno al mondo, di enormi immagini "divine" . Il tutto sarà realizzato sfruttando la teconologia degli ologrammi tridimensionali proiettati mediante raggi laser e resi "parlanti" mediante sofisticati strumenti di proiezione del suono . La proiezione sarà effettuata direttamente dai satelliti orbitanti, using as a "screen" a floating layer of sodium at about 100 kilometers above the earth. The same technology has already been used for the appearance of at least some of the many unidentified flying objects.

The purpose of these staged will be to bring up the "new messiah" - Maitreya, the enlightened master - that his words will inaugurate the establishment of new world religion.
Throughout the world believers of all faiths will attend the transfiguration of his beloved deity (Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, ecc.) nella figura della nuova divinità. Costei spiegherà che il fine della religione sia quello di unire i popoli, e non di separarli, e di come i dettami della antiche scritture e tradizioni siano stati fraintesi ed equivocati, conducendo fratelli a combattere contro fratelli . Le antiche religioni dovranno perciò essere abolite, in quanto menzognere, e sostituite da una nuova, unica religione universale.
L'evento appena descritto si verificherà in un momento di diffusa anarchia, incertezza e paura scatenata da una enorme catastrofe "naturale" (asteroide? tempesta solare?) verificatasi su scala mondiale.
La terza fase operativa avrà a che fare con le nuove tecnologie di comunicazione telepatica: le microonde ELF (extremely low frequency), VLF (very low frequency) ed LF (low frequency). Attraverso un bombardamento di impulsi di radiazione ogni singolo individuo del pianeta sarà persuaso di avere un rapporto di comunicazione diretta con il nuovo dio. Il bombardamento sarà effettuato mediante satellite, e provocherà una profonda interazione con il pensiero individuale, formando il fenomeno attualmente denominato "pensiero diffuso artificiale." Lo studio e l'utilizzazione delle tecnologie anzidette, adoperate anche per il famigerato programma "MK-Ultra" sono stati dimostrati in numerose occasioni.
In this regard, it is useful to cite a conference that took place in January 1991 at the University of Arizona, entitled "NATO Advanced Research on biomolecular systems." Some subjects of the conference stirred up the protests of the onlookers, frightened by the potential abuse that governments could do the technologies presented . On that occasion the scientists mentioned the capacity acquired by the United States, to make blind, deaf or mute people only through the transmission of certain magnetic pulses. Some of the abovementioned technologies are currently operational and used by the CIA, la NSA e l'FBI per scopi politici e militari, compresa la creazione di "candidati manciuriani." Esse si basano su una metodologia del tutto nuova di studio del cervello e del sistema neuro-muscolare, ed agiscono mediante impulsi di radiazione trasmessi a bassissime frequenze. La sperimentazione dei sistemi biomolecolari continua ad avere luogo sui detenuti di Stati Uniti, Canada, Gran Bretagna, Finlandia, Australia, Germania, Francia (Arancia Meccanica, film di Stanley Kubrick del 1971 trattava questo argomento n.d.t.). E' utile riportare quanto dichiarato nel 1970 dallo psicologo James V. McConnel in una intervista rilasciata alla rivista "Psychology Today." " Presto giungerà il giorno in cui saremo capaci di combinare la deprivazione senses with the hypnotic action of some drugs and mechanism "education" based on the reward-punishment dichotomy. At that point we can reach almost absolute control on the behavior of an individual, and get very quickly and effectively, a "positive brainwashing that will allow us to reprogram character and personality of any individual ." As soon as that is the basis of social philosophy of the United Nations, according to which no one should be able to say "owner" of a personality. any personal "anti-social" should be considered "unfair" and therefore susceptible to "improvements" by the tax agencies . All ciò - naturalmente - per poter soddisfare le esigenze "collaborative" richieste dal nuovo ordine mondiale. Vi suggerisco di prendere seriamente in considerazione tali informazioni, prima di respingerle come frutto di un fanatico cospirazionista. Vi suggerisco di informarvi circa il chip trasmettitore prodotto dalla compagnia Loral Electro-Optical System con sede in Pasadena, California. Tale trasmettitore, che opera sulle stesse frequenze del sistema nervoso umano , fu commissionato dal generale Leonardo Perez in nome e per conto della aviazione militare statunitense, che era alla ricerca di un'arma che fosse in grado di trasmettere impulsi di sfiducia nella mente del nemico ed impulsi di fiducia in quella delle truppe amiche. Si sospetta che la tecnologia ELF sia stata adoperata nel 1970 contro una donna britannica la quale protestava troppo "animosamente" contro l'installazione di missili cruise presso la base militare di Greenham Common (se è per questo esiste la possibilità che tali sperimentazioni siano già in corso d'opera da molti anni in tutto il mondo, e più precisamente dal momento in cui persone completamente normali hanno iniziato ad uccidere per futili motivi i propri congiunti, famigliari e vicini di casa, casi ormai molto frequenti, di cui sentiamo parlare quotidianamente in tutti i notiziari - n.d.t.) . Questa arma è in grado di causare la totale deprivazione sensoriale di un individuo, al punto che il soggetto non sia più in grado di udire their own thoughts. The scientific methodology used by the ELF technology has been described in many publications of the Department of Defense, including one titled "Electromagnetic spectrum and low intensity conflict" , drawn up by Captain Paul E. Tyler, commander of U.S. Navy doctor, including a collection of essays entitled "Low Intensity and modern technologies change", by Lieutenant Colonel David G. Dean. The collection was published in 1986 by Editions "Air University Press." In his book "The Body Electric" , the Nobel prize candidate Robert Baker describes a series of experiments in 1960 by scientist Allen Frie, in which the operation of mental tampering was fully demonstrated . As the experiments conducted in 1973 by Dr. Joseph Sharp, who personally underwent, demonstrating that it can hear and understand messages sent to him in an echo-chamber through a series of pulsed microwave audiograms . Baker concluded the book with some observations about dangerous potential of such a kind of technology that could "provide instructions undetectable to a murderess and unconscious programmed to do so." Allen Frie also noticed how you can accelerate, decelerate or stop the heartbeat of a frog synchronizing il fascio di impulsi a microonde con il ritmo del cuore dell'animale. Un altro libro del 1978, scritto da James C. Lynn ed intitolato "Microwave Auditory Effect and Application" descrive come sia possibile trasmettere delle voci perfettamente udibili, diretttamente nella mente di un individuo. Nel corso della campagna elettorale del 1988, il candidato alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti Michael Dukakis accusò il suo avversario George Bush Sr. di avere utilizzato tecnologia a microonde al fine di compromettere le sue performance in alcuni comizi, dopo che i primi sondaggi di opinione avevano dimostrato il vantaggio accumulato da Dukakis nella corsa presidenziale. Sostenne inoltre che la stessa tecnologia fu usata contro Kitty Dukakis (his wife ndt) pushing on the brink of suicide. In December 1980 was published in the magazine "U.S. Army Journal" article entitled "The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock ", by Lieutenant Colonel John Alexander. Alexander writes: "... Many examples show incredible progress in these areas. The transfer of energy from one organism to another, the ability to transmit or curing a disease away, and the ability to induce the death of distance in such a way that is not found any obvious cause of death, behavior modification through telepathic means, that allows to induce a hypnotic state up to a distance of 1000 km, these sono tutti obiettivi già conseguiti ." Alexander conclude: " Se sarà possibile alimentare il pensiero artificiale multigenico mediante satellite, a quel punto il controllo mentale dell'intero pianeta sarà a portata di mano ." Ecco, tornando al Blue Beam Project, la terza fase a cui accennavamo paragrafi eddietro è denominata proprio " Electronic Telepathic Two Way Communication ." Fintanto che la gente non si renderà conto che questo genere di tecnologia non è fantascienza, ma esiste realmente, essa correrà un gravissimo pericolo. Perchè arriverà la notte in cui nel cielo compariranno immagini meravigliose e sconvolgenti, che preannunceranno l'avvento del nuovo messiah, and many are not adequately prepared to address the situation, see the trap, and their lives. Article published in English from the site Educate Yourself link to the original article: Translation by Antibodies Related Post: Tag Control Related Post Tags Threats Artificial Related Post: Ready for Alien Invasion?
P. Marziani, P. Dorigo, M. Fabiani job Liberato

Friday, January 21, 2011

How Does A Gang Banger Wear A Bandana?

Feelings and emotions with love and soul towards the one

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Make A Wish Cystic Fibrosis

HAARP project

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, civil and military installations in Alaska (United States) for scientific research on the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Another purpose is the research on radio communications for military use.
It is located near Gakona, Alaska (lat. 62.39 ° N, long. 145.15 ° W), west of Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park. Similar systems exist in
Norway: EISCAT European project (1000 MW power ERP)
United States: HIPAS near Fairbanks (Alaska)
Puerto Rico: Arecibo
Russia: Draft SURA, near Novgorod Nižné (power 190 MW ERP )
The HAARP system consists of a transmitter capable of transmitting electromagnetic waves court from 2.8 to 10 MHz with a power of 960 KW. The radiated power (ERP) is 84 dBW (corresponding to 500 MW), but this applies only to the frequency of 10 MHz Two frequencies often used are 3.39 and 6.99 MHz
The HAARP facility was built in three distinct phases: DP
The prototype had 18 antennas arranged in three columns by six rows, with a transmitter power of 360 kw. The plant next
FDP currently has 48 antennas, arranged in six columns by eight rows. The plant will be the final
FIRI since 2007 is composed of 180 antennas, arranged in 15 columns by 12 rows, with a transmitter power of 3,600 kw.
Each corresponds to a dipole antenna that can be cross-polarized in modo lineare o circolare per la trasmissione e la ricezione.
La struttura è stata costruita modificando una precedente installazione radar esistente in zona.
Minacce invisibili

Ebbene il 15 gennaio 2003, il sito della «Prava» ha ospitato un inquietante articolo, scritto dal deputato ucraino Yuri Solomatin, in cui si esprime preoccupazione per gli esperimenti condotti dagli americani in Alaska, dove dal 1994 si sta portando avanti il programma HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, cioè «programma di ricerca attiva aurorale con alta frequenza». In pratica, una selva di enormi antenne eretta nel bel mezzo della foresta boreale nordamericana. Solomatin ha voluto richiamare l’attenzione Ukraine on an issue already raised by the Russians. Those antennas are perhaps the prototype of a weapon "geophysics" American, able to influence the climate of continents with microwave altering the temperature or humidity? The Ukrainian deputy gives credence to the suspicion that natural disasters which have intensified recently are to be attributed to more frequent testing of the HAARP system. Even in Germany, last year's floods have seemed to someone too disastrous. Thus, two German journalists, Grazyna Fosar Bludorf and Franz, they envisioned in their article, published in issue 120 of the bimonthly "Raum und Zeif," that the cyclones and flooding that have bent Central Europe can essere legati all’HAARP. La Russia aveva dato l’allarme quasi un anno fa. Come riporta l’agenzia Interfax dell’8 agosto 2002, ben 90 parlamentari della Duma di Mosca avevano firmato un appello indirizzato all’ONU in cui si chiedeva la messa al bando di questi esperimenti elettromagnetici. Un mese più tardi erano saliti a 220 i deputati russi a favore dell’appello. D’altronde vi era stato un rapporto della Duma che accusava esplicitamente l’America. Parole schiette e scomode: «Sotto il programma HAARP, gli USA stanno creando nuove armi geofisiche integrali, che possono influenzare gli elementi naturali con onde radio ad alta frequenza. Il significato di questo salto qualitativo è comparabile al passaggio white from the gun to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear ones. "

The word to the Americans The official site presents us with an innocent science station where scientists probing radio regions of the upper atmosphere preannuncianti outer space, namely the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The titles of the explanatory paragraphs of the site are also written to mo 'questions ("What is HAARP?," What is involved with the Department of Defense? ", Etc..) In the paragraph titled" HAARP is unique? "We are quick to point out that other nations are studying the ionosphere, come la stessa Russia o i Paesi europei (più il Giappone) del consorzio EISCAT, anche se le loro apparecchiature, site a Tromsoe in Norvegia, sono dei radar «incoerenti». Ma veniamo ai dettagli. Presso Gakona, circa 200 km a Nord-Est del Golfo del Principe Guglielmo, un terreno di proprietà del Dipartimento della Difesa USA fu scelto il 18 ottobre 1993 da funzionari dell’Air Force e a partire dall’anno seguente venne disseminato di piloni d’alluminio alti 22 metri, il cui numero è cresciuto di anno in anno fino ad arrivare a 180. Ognuno di questi piloni porta doppie antenne a dipoli incrociati, una coppia per la «banda bassa» da 2.8 a 7 MegaHerz e l’altra per la «banda alta» da 7 fino 10 MegaHerz. These antennas are capable of transmitting high-frequency waves to a height of 350km, due to their great power. When fully operational, the plant requires 3.6 megawatts (the capacity of 100 cars), secured by six generators powered by diesel engines by 3600 as many horses each. Official purpose of these facilities is to study the ionosphere to improve telecommunications. As we know, this layer is composed of thin material in the plasma state, that is, charged particles (ions), and has the ability to reflect radio waves toward the ground, especially at night. 'S why, for example, that at night we can hear AM radio stations in many foreign countries, as che la riflessione ionosferica permette ai segnali di scavalcare la curvatura terrestre.

Guerre di radioonde

Secondo lo stesso principio è plausibile che le irradiazioni delle antenne HAARP possano rimbalzare fino a colpire gli strati bassi dell’atmosfera sopra un Paese distante migliaia di chilometri. Ed interferire quindi con i fenomeni meteorologici. Certamente si tratta di mere ipotesi. Comunque, un uso militare dell’HAARP è ammesso dalla Federazione Scienziati Americani. Un uso, tuttavia, non distruttivo, ma solo di ricognizione. Modulando i segnali in frequenze bassissime, cioè onde ELF o VLF, si potrebbe «vedere ciò che succede nel sottosuolo, individuando bunker, silos di missili, e altre installazioni sotterranee di Stati avversi. Al di là di ciò, la «guerra ecologica» appare terribilmente possibile da oltre vent’anni. Già nel 1976 l’Enciclopedia Militare Sovietica ventilava il rischio che gli Stati Uniti, per via elettromagnetica o per via astronautica, potessero modificare il clima dell’Eurasia lacerando lo strato di ozono sopra l’URSS. L’Unione Sovietica si accordò così con gli USA perché fosse proibito l’uso dei cambiamenti climatici ambientali. A livello ONU, ciò fu ribadito con la convenzione ENMOD (Environmental Medifications), entrata in vigore il 5 ottobre 1978. Ma pochi anni dopo, negli Stati Uniti, lo dell'HAARP scientist considered the father openly trying out a system to monitor the weather phenomena. The August 11, 1897 Dr. Bernard Eastlund Patented number of "driving" his 4,686,605 "Method and apparatus for altering a region of the atmosphere, the ionosphere or magnetosphere.

Tesla's ghost is said to

Eastlund, a physicist at MIT was inspired by the work of the genius Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Yugoslav scientist who emigrated to America in 1884. At Tesla we found many that made possible the expansion of electricity, especially the current Three-phase AC (while Edison was still perched on the current). He had also attempted to develop a system of energy transmission over the air, which would have rendered unnecessary cables, and a device to get free electricity for all derived from the natural oscillation of the electric field of the Earth. When Tesla died on January 8, 1943, FBI agents hunted all his projects, on which the fabled long. On the other hand the same Tesla had even spoken of death rays, effective up to 320 km away.
do not know exactly what is going on in the projects of Dr. Tesla. Eastlund and nell'HAARP. The fact is that in the nineties Eastlund founded his own company, Eastlund Scientific Enterprise, that among the activities mentioned on its website includes both participation in the HAARP program, as an explicit research into weather modification. What can I say? Returning to the book by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui, it is to shudder their sentences: "Using methods that cause earthquakes and changing rainfall, temperature and atmospheric composition, sea level and the characteristics of sunlight, it damage the physical environment of the earth or create alternative local ecology. Perhaps, soon, a man-made El Nino effect will become a superweapon in the hands of certain nations and / or organizzazioni non-statali».

di Mirko Molteni - tratto da "La Padania" 15 e 16 giugno 2003

Guerre climatiche

- di Michel Chossudovsky -

professore di Economia dell'università di Ottawa

L'importante dibattito sul riscaldamento globale patrocinato dalle Nazioni Unite fornisce solo una immagine parziale del cambiamento climatico; oltre al devastante impatto delle emissioni di gas-serra nello strato d'ozono, il clima mondiale può ora essere modificato come parte di una nuova generazione di sofisticate "armi non letali" (non-lethal-weapons). Sia gli americani che i russi hanno sviluppato le capacità di manipolare il clima del mondo.
Negli Stati Uniti, la tecnologia has been developed within the program "High-frequency Active Aural Research" (HAARP) as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the potential to cause floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.


From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.
Although there is no evidence that this deadly technology has been used, surely the United Nations should address la questione della "guerra ambientale" a fianco del dibattito sugli impatti climatici dei gas-serra.
Nonostante esista un ampio corpo di conoscenze scientifiche, la questione della deliberata manipolazione climatica per uso militare non è mai diventata esplicitamente parte della agenda delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici.
Né le delegazioni ufficiali né i gruppi ambientalisti partecipanti alla Conferenza sul Cambiamento Climatico all'Aia (novembre 2000) hanno sollevato la questione generale della "guerra climatica" o delle "tecniche di modificazione ambientali (ENMOD) come rilevanti per una comprensione del cambiamento climatico.
Lo scontro tra negoziatori ufficiali, ambientalisti e lobbies del business americano si è concentrated on the open refusal to submit to Washington's commitments to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide taken on with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The impacts of military technologies on global climate are not the subject of discussion or 'reason for concern.
Narrowly confined to greenhouse gases, the ongoing debate on climate change serves the strategic objectives and defense of Washington.

"weather warfare"

The renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms that "U.S. military scientists are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the growth of storms and the diversion of rivers of the Earth's atmosphere to produce steam drought or flooding targeted
Back in the 70s the old National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book "Between Two Ages" that:
"... The technology will make available to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting A secret war, for which you will need to consider only a small part of the special forces (...) Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm ... "
Filterman Marc, a former French military officer, describes several types of "unconventional weapons" using radio frequencies. He refers to "weather war," indicating that the United States and the Soviet Union already "mastered ... il know-how necessario per scatenare improvvisi cambiamenti climatici (uragani, siccità) nei primi anni '80..." . Queste tecnologie rendono "...possibile provocare disturbi atmosferici usando onde radar a frequenza estremamente bassa...".
Una simulazione sui futuri scenari di difesa commissionata per l'U.S Air Force (aeronautica militare, ndt) indica la necessità per "...Le forze aerospaziali degli Stati Uniti di `possedere il clima' capitalizzando le emergenti tecnologie e concentrandosi sullo sviluppo di quelle tecnologie per le applicazioni di guerra...". Per mezzo dello sviluppo delle operazioni amiche, di quelle per disturbare le azioni nemiche per mezzo di modificazioni su piccola scala dei modelli climatici e di quelle per completare the dominance of global communications and space control, weather modification offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. In the U.S., weather modification is likely to become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue this policy, according to its interests, at various levels.


based in Gokoma (Alaska) - jointly managed by Air Force and Navy - is part of a new generation of weapons under the control of the Strategic Defense Initiative United States.
Operated from the Air Force Research Laboratory - Space Vehicles Directorate, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating "controlled local modifications of the ionosphere."
scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich - actively involved in the campaign against HAARP - describes the program as "... a technology-ray super-powerful radio waves that reach areas of the ionosphere (the upper atmosphere) are concentrated on it and heating purposes. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything - living and dead ... " Dr. Rosalie Bertell
describes HAARP "... a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet ...".

deceive public opinion

HAARP has been presented to public opinion as a program of scientific and academic research. However, military documents U.S. seem to suggest that the main goal of HAARP is to exploit the ionosphere for the purposes of the Department of Defense [8]. Without explicitly referring to the HAARP, an Air Force study points to the use of "induced ionospheric modifications" as a means of altering weather patterns as well as disrupting enemy communications and radar [9]
According to Dr. Rosalie Bertell, HAARP is part of an integrated weapons system that has potentially devastating environmental consequences: it is continuous with fifty years of intensive and increasingly destructive programs to understand and control the upper atmosphere. It would be rash not to associate HAARP the space laboratory construction which was designed by the United States.
HAARP is part of a long history of space research of a deliberate military nature.
The implications of combining these projects is alarming. AND 'frightening capacity resulting from the combination of the HAARP / Spacelab / rocket ship anywhere on earth of an enormous amount of energy, comparable to a nuclear bomb, or by laser beams particles.
The project is sold to the public as a space shield against incoming weapons, or, to the most naive, as a way to repair the ozone layer.
addition to weather manipulation, HAARP may have other functions may contribute to climate change by intensively bombarding the atmosphere with high-frequency rays. But the waves back to low frequency and high intensity possino affect people's brains, and also not be ruled out effects on tectonic movements.
More generally, HAARP is capable of changing the electromagnetic field of the earth. It is part of an arsenal of electronic weapons that the U.S. military researchers consider to be "polite war e delicata".


HAARP fa parte dell'arsenale d'armi del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale controllato dalla Iniziativa di Difesa Strategica (S.D.I.). Intere economie nazionali potrebbero essere potenzialmente destabilizzate attraverso manipolazioni climatiche attuate dai punti di comando negli Stati Uniti.
Ancora più importante è il fatto che tali operazioni possono essere effettuate senza conoscere il nemico, ad un costo minimo e senza impiegare personale ed equipaggiamento come in una guerra convenzionale.
Appagando gli interessi economici e strategici degli Stati Uniti HAARP potrebbe essere utilizzato per modificare selettivamente il clima in differenti parti del mondo col risultato di destabilizzare agricultural and ecological systems. What is worse is that the Department of Defense has allocated substantial resources for the development of intelligence systems and monitoring on climate change. NASA and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) of the Dept. of Defense
They are working on the images provided by satellites for the study of flooding, erosion, landslides, earthquakes, ecological zones, weather forecasts and climate change


Under the Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro:
"... In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, states have a responsibility to ensure that activities under their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond national jurisdiction ... "
There is also an international convention ratified by the UN General Assembly in 1977 which prohibits "... the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting, severe ...". Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union signed the Convention. This defines "environmental modification techniques" any technology "... to change - through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and space
...". Why the UN - disregarding the ENMOD Convention of 1977 as well as its own charter - decide to exclude from its agenda climatic changes resulting from military programs?


In February 1998, in response to a report of Mrs. Theorin - European parliamentary lawyer and pacifist - the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense held hearings public in Brussels on the HAARP program
The "Motion for Resolution" submitted to the Committee of the European Parliament "... By virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment considers a problem HAARP global implications and requires that its legal, ecological and ethical issues should be examined by an international independent body, the Committee regrets the repeated refusal of the United States to provide public information on public and environmental risks of the HAARP program .. ".
the Committee's request to establish a "Green Paper" on "the environmental impacts of military activities" was accidentally dropped into the void on the grounds that the European Parliament lacks the necessary jurisdiction to investigate "the relationship between environment and defense."
Brussels was anxious to avoid a confrontation with Washington.

While not fully operational There is no evidence that HAARP has been used, scientific findings suggest that when it is fully operational. This means that HAARP could be used by the U.S. military to selectively modify the climate of an "unfriendly nation" or a "rogue state" with a view to destabilizing its national economy. Agricultural systems in both developed countries and those in the developing world are already in crisis because of policies of the New World Order as the deregulation of the market.
E 'well documented that the "economic medicine" that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank have imposed on the Third World and former Soviet bloc has largely contributed to the destabilization of domestic agriculture. In turn, the measures of 'World Trade Organization have supported the interests of a handful of Western multinational bio-tech in their quest to impose genetically modified seeds to farmers throughout the world.
It 'important to understand the relationship between the economic, strategic and military of the New World Order. The climatic manipulations were made via the HAARP program (whether accidental or deliberate) inevitably worsen these changes affecting national economies, destroying infrastructure and potentially causing the bankruptcy of farmers over vast areas. Surely national governments and the United Nations should address the possible consequences HAARP and other "non-lethal weapons" on climate change.

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Chemtrails - FBI confesses!

Monday, January 17, 2011

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correlation between our DNA and the cosmos

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During the last years of his life, Cooper worked alone at his home in Arizona with her two dogs, roosters and chickens, after his family emigrate from the U.S. in 1999 for their safety. Prior to several years of solitude in the desert of Arizona, Cooper was known as a world-class speaker, who appeared at Wembly Hall in London as well as in every State of the Union during a period of 10 years.

known as an expert researcher, who supported his theories on the New World Order with solid information from suoi giorni nella U.S. Navy Intelligence, Cooper ha sempre fatto comparire la paura negli occhi dei presidenti, compreso Clinton, che fece organizzare un attacco del FBI per fare tacere le opinioni di Cooper.

Subito dopo l'attentato di Oklahoma, Rush Limbaugh lesse un appunto della Casa Bianca in onda durante la sua radiotrasmissione, chiamando William Cooper, “... l'ospite radiofonico più pericoloso in America."

Cooper successivamente dichiarò che il pronunciamento di Clinton era "il complimento più grande che avesse mai ricevuto."

Più oltre, il fascicolo del FBI su Cooper che includeva riferimenti alla sua liquidazione di sicurezza durante il servizio militare, entrava illegalmente in possesso della Casa Bianca in quello che è noto come "Filegate". Subito dopo questa scoperta, Il presidente Clinton ha ordinato tutti gli enti federali di cominciare l'investigazione, la persecuzione, e il processo del sig. Cooper per farlo tacere.

Mentre era occupato in continue battaglie federali su questioni di libertà di parola con l'FBI e con l'IRS che tentava di strangolare finanziariamente i suoi affari, Cooper lavorarava a tutto vapore, generando parecchi documentari sull'assassinio di JFK e sulla truffa degli UFO del governo per infondere paura negli Americani.

Cooper credeva inoltre nel rafforzamento degli Americani con il libero pensiero per mezzo dei giornali e delle onde radio, diede vita al servizio di notizie di CAJI, al giornale nazionale VERITAS, The Intelligence Service, Harvest Publications, ed ha aiutato oltre 700 stazioni FM affiliate a bassa potenza a dotarsi di equipaggiamento e trasmettere, compresa la stazione che controllò come amministratore per la Independence Foundation Trust, 101.1 FM Eagar, Arizona, trasmettendo per radio a 7.000 persone.

Sotto la sua direzione, la sua azienda inoltre si avventurò nel mercato dell'editoria. Il primo libro pubblicato era su Oklahoma: "Day One" di Michele Marie Moore... il classico definitivo sull'attentato nella città di Oklahoma del palazzo federale Alfred P. Murrah il 19 aprile 1995.

Ma per capire realmente la filosofia di Cooper e dove ha ottenuto many of its secret information to use later in his work, you must understand his military experience, the place where he became familiar with the true intentions of the New World Order.

Cooper first served with the Strategic Air Command U.S. Air Force, completing tasks on the secret B-52 bombers, the aircraft refueling KC-135, and Minuteman missiles.

After the Air Force, U.S. Navy came to realizing a dream previously frustrated by chronic motion sickness. [...]

Working closely with secret information for many years, Cooper was later used his military experience and expertise as a core for many of his writings, and decided to tell the truth and be a man of conscience instead of selling his soul to the criminals of the New World Order.

While Cooper's work is immense, covering almost every possible element of what can be defined as the taking of possession by the global Illuminati, anyone reading the following excerpts from a secret document discovered by Cooper will conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the destruction of America is proceeding from and that the only way to recover the country, looking to 2006, is by means of a popular revolution. The article cited here

, entitled Majestytwelve, Cooper's words do authorize the hair on his head:

MAJESTYTWELVE by William Cooper, 1997

"The following is a fact. It is not a theory, it is a real conspiracy"

I witnessed documents Top Secret / Magic from which this information is withdrawn while serving with the U.S. Navy base to the Intelligence Briefing Team of Admiral Bernard Clarey, Commander in Chief of U.S. Pacific Fleet.

"I certify that the following information is true and correct to the best of my memory and research I have done. Swear for them in any court. "

" I can produce the names of about 38 officers and Navy to aggregates that have witnessed these documents while they were in the service of their country ... I can produce the names of about 80 others who suspect they have been witnesses of these same documents. I will not reveal the names before a court that is willing to prosecute individuals and organizations involved in the conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America and establish a totalitarian socialist world government. "

" Many years ago I had access to a set of documents to be finally realized the program for the destruction United States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The program is contained within a set of top secret documents with the title "MAJESTYTWELVE. There was no space between "majesty" and "twelve (twelve)." The term honored the planned establishment of a definitive power in a body of essays intended to govern the world as disciples of a Messiah.

This "messiah" will serve as a buffer between the wise men and the sheep. I discovered these documents between 1970 and 1973 while I was a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of U.S. Pacific Fleet.

"The plan described the formation of a government and socialist totalitarian world. Will be led by a shadow council of wise men. A so-called benevolent dictator, will be presented as the Messiah. "

" The Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights will be torn up. A parliamentary form of government will take its place. All military forces and individuals must be disarmed except for an internal police force which will bring only the minimum necessary for weapons to maintain internal order. "

Although Cooper only lived to see little more than a year of presidency Bush, was a firm supporter of the argument that President Clinton, even comes as a man of the people, was in fact una delle personalità visibili più importanti e diaboliche del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

E a dimostrazione della sua opinione, le seguenti due citazioni di Clinton mostrano le sue vere intenzioni:

"Quando ci siamo organizzati come nazione ed abbiamo scritto una costituzione ragionevolmente radicale con una Carta dei Diritti radicale, dando una quantità radicale di libertà individuale agli Americani... E così molti dicono che c'è troppa libertà personale. Quando si abusa della libertà personale, ti devi muovere per limitarla. Questo è ciò che abbiamo fatto con il mio annuncio dell'ultimo fine settimana sui progetti dell'edilizia popolare, su come stiamo per confiscare armi ed altre cose come rendere people safer in their communities. "

Thus spoke President Bill Clinton on MTV March 3, 1994.

also declared several days later in an interview with USA Today:" We can not be so fixed on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ... "As well as outlining

Clinton, Cooper claimed the true source of global conspiracy actually sought to go into a body known as the Illuminati, a group composed of the highest levels of so-called secret orders and secret societies. exert their origin and their purpose, Cooper wrote: They are held together by blood oaths, a secret religion, and the promise an elite status within regional government, or the upper world government.

Their religion is based on Kabbalah, the Luciferian Philosophy, and the cult of the sun.

are not bound by any oath or covenant except each other. Are not loyal to any government or people other than their own. And they are not citizens of any nation except their secret world government already established. With their own words, "if you're not one of us you are nothing." To grasp the meaning of this concept "skin" watching the movie "They Live" ("They Live" by John Carpenter)

"It is largely a conspiracy" open " because many of its membership, structures, methods and operations, are matters of public domain, although scattered and obscure. Its system of coordination is atypical. Two nuclei - the elite core of the Wall Street clique (orbiting the Rockefeller) and the core elite of European financial clique (orbiting the Rothschild) - coordinate this global conspiracy by using psychological warfare on the rest of the conspirators , telling each no more than necessary to fulfill its specific role, often with explicit recognition neither of his own role, nor of the unarticulated rules that govern it.

"Thus, the bulk of the conspirators do not know, but only suspected, that are part of and in service of "a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so invasive, so connected, so complete, so pervasive, it is much better for them not to speak louder than their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. "

In his article on the secret military documents, examines in depth the inner workings of the Illuminati, showing how some candidates rise to the next level, personally chosen to go beyond the thirteenth degree (York Rite) or the thirty-second degree (Scottish Rite).

Cooper says that those "chosen few" disappear behind the veil and become one of the "Thousand Points of Light," and are known as correctly as the "Magi."

Looking back the history, Cooper adds:

"The process of initiation and blood oaths have always been the protection of the Illuminati in a Christian world that had a tendency to" burn at the stake "those who have followed different philosophies or beliefs. The "burning alive" Jacques DeMolay, the persecution of men like Gallileo and Giordano Bruno by the Catholic church, and the persecution of their Orders resulted in hatred of the "Brotherhood" to Christianity and the objective of the extermination of all religions except theirs.

"You can see the goal of the Illuminati by visiting the home page of Freemasonry's Grand Lodge of Scotland"

Noterete che la bandiera della Gran Loggia di Scozia e quella "Universale" della massoneria sono visualizzate. La bandiera "Universale" della massoneria è la bandiera delle Nazioni Unite. Poiché questo è diventato molto noto, la Gran Loggia di Scozia ha sostituito la bandiera delle Nazioni Unite (bandiera Universale della massoneria) sulla loro web page con un grafico della Terra.”

E sepolto in profondità nei documenti scoperti da Cooper, che egli tentò vigorosamente di esporre fino alla sua morte prematura, era la decisione di uno sterminio totale in ciò che ha chiamato "l'obiettivo dell'epoca dell'inganno."

Se qualcuno si domandasse all'alba of this new year to where they head to the U.S. after the Oklahoma City and 9 / 11, Cooper plays forecasts based on what he has learned over the years of service in the field of intelligence:

"This is the age of 'deception. The world is on the cutting edge. For a half is planned to murder if these people go on his way, and the other half is expected to interlock when the mystical union between the moon IS (Isis or Church) and the sun RA (Osiris or Doctrine) will greet the son of the morning EL (Horus or full body of Adepts) on the horizon (Horus risen) in the new Dawn (ISRAEL or realization of the New World Order).

" When the processo sarà completo una "nuova Unione Sovietica mondiale" ( comunismo globale ) emergerà per assottigliare il gregge, tosare il popolo gregge, e farlo marciare verso la schiavitù o il macello a seconda della loro capacità di accettare ed aderire alla loro rieducazione."

Cooper pondera il destino dell'America e del mondo, e le sue parole del 1997 sembrano avverarsi mentre entriamo nel 2006.

" Non ci saranno diritti individuali, soltanto privilegi. Questi saranno assegnati o negati a volontà dal governo mondiale. Tutta la proprietà sarà posseduta dallo Stato. Ci sarà una ridistribuzione di ricchezza. Progettano di eliminare le differenze di classe e di ridurre lo standard of living to a lower level in advanced nations like the United States, and at a higher level in so-called third world nations.

"This leveling quality of life will be achieved with a global economic collapse which is in its beginning stages.

The economic collapse will make the goal of the Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels which advocated the destruction of middle class. The progressive income tax was the first step of this process and is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto.

NAFTA and GATT are a part of this process by encouraging industries to move to third world countries to exploit cheap labor force.

"All existing religions will disappear. The only religion will be the state religion (humanism or enlightenment)."

"All governments, county or state will be eliminated and replaced by a regional government. These regional governments (domestic law) are already in place. Regionalism is gradually taking control throughout America.

"There will be no more cash . The trade will work with an accreditation system with computerized accounts achieved through credit cards or integrated chips plants. The cards and chips also will be used for personal identification, patente di guida, etc.. Quando questo sarà completato la razza umana sarà incatenata ad un computer in un ciclo infinito di debito . Non ci sarà mai più nessuna azione o movimento riservato.”

Esaminando più a fondo l'epoca dell'inganno del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Cooper punta agli UFO ed alla truffa aliena spinta in America, scoprendo all'interno dei documenti segreti di Majestytwelve che l'intero programma per la creazione di un governo socialista mondiale è protetto da una minaccia extraterrestre artificiale .

Aggiunge che l'intero fenomeno degli UFO ed il movimento dell'ufologia è stato generato ad ulteriore protezione ed attivazione del programma, esponendo Art Bell, host of talk show coast to coast, as one of the main spokesman of the Illuminati.

"Within Majestytwelve, Operation Majority justifying the program by submitting an extraterrestrial threat as a reason for the need for world government, like" Who speaks for planet Earth ... Argentina? "exactly the way in which Stanton T. Friedman ends his lectures" UFOs are real, "says Cooper.

" When I saw Operation Majority while serving in the Navy I believed the alien threat was real, like all many. Not until it has been many years of research I could understand exactly what I had seen. It was extremely difficult for me to believe that my government and the States Navy United had used me, especially since I had dedicated my life to the government and military service. Most government and military personnel can not and will never believe in this idea.

" The program is real. The extraterrestrial threat is artificial . The threat is made with the use of secret technology originally developed by the Germans in their secret weapons programs during World War II, by geniuses like Nikola Tesla, and many others. "

Regarding the role of Bell of the New World Order agenda, Cooper focuses more on the theory "of the deception" as well as the decoding of the signs and symbols of the Illuminati to find out the real truth of the many messages of deception.

Referring to Bell's well-known brand with a pyramid of gold and deep blue sea with his name on the top of the pyramid, Cooper illustrates his point about the role of the Bell:

"I recognized that Art Bell is a front for the New World Order. It is confirmed in his book. The world government is, in fact, the theme of the book.

"Did you know that the sea (sea or Mary) is a symbol for a large number people, the masses in Marxist symbology? Have you noticed that the pyramid rises from the sea (the People) and dominates the scene as a promise, or salvation? Did you know that the pyramid lacking the summit is the Great Work (unfinished) of the Mystery School? Did you know that the Great Work represents social engineering (socialism), which operates on the basis of 'apotheosis of the breed (perfect man, sixth root race) as promised to Adam and Eve by Satan, and a New World Order?

"Have you noticed that the name Art Bell straddles the summit, indicating that it is the Light Worker, or Illumined Man, or Master Mason, or Horus , or god-Perfect Man, or Savior, who completes Great Works? Have you noticed the bright star falls from the sky just above the summit? know who or what is? see the Thousand Points of Light working quietly behind the veil (clouds) in the sky.

The Enlightenment and Marxism. It is a false promise that the human race will be perfect, which leads to a perfect utopian society through social engineering.

This is a brainwashing mechanism whereby an ignorant slave race may be created to be ruled by a totalitarian socialist world government .

"Art Bell is a Freemason. He is a member of the Illuminati. His book" The acceleration is one of the most blatant and obvious forms of propaganda of the New World Order that I have ever seen. In it Art Bell, claiming di essere un americano patriottico, sostiene senza vergogna la formazione di un governo socialista totalitario mondiale."

Con la maggior parte della gente che entra nel nuovo anno con il pensiero di un altro attacco terroristico all'orizzonte, Cooper dichiara che questi attacchi sono una strategia del nuovo ordine mondiale per dire agli Americani che qualsiasi opposizione si scontrerà con la forza bruta.

"Ruby Ridge, il massacre di Waco, l'attacco contro i Patrioti e le Milizie, ed altri atti di aggressione contro il Popolo Americano che potrebbe combattere questa frode sono atti di guerra. Questi atti sono progettati per demonizzare i fondamentalisti cristiani, ebrei, musulmani, la milizia legale, e chiunque altro potrebbe combattere in defense of the constitution or freedom.

"These terrorist acts deliver a message to the American people that across the top of opposition to the new world government will be met with overwhelming force and the complete genocide of the enemies of socialism .

" And while everyone is preparing his toast New Year's Eve, wondering where it will fall the next "shoe terrorist," listen to the final analysis and forecasts of left Cooper in 1997, which makes reading immediately want anyone to pour another glass of the strong.

"In Majestytwelve stated that the first terrorist attack in the United States would take place in a big city like New York or Los Angeles. Based on that statement I accurately predicted would happen in New York, and that was when the World Trade Center was hit.

"Majestytwelve declared that terrorism will continue until the American people will not have consented to be completely and totally disarmed.

The document stated that the second main objective would be" somewhere in the inland as Oklahoma City. "L 'real objective was not named. Because the document was not specific as to the objective and its actual position does not have told the Oklahoma City ... but my prediction of continued terrorist attacks, including attacchi importanti "nel cuore" d'America era esatta."

Scrivendo prima del 9/11, predisse inoltre quanto segue:

"Se questi atti di terrore non avranno successo ci saranno più bombe, attacchi chimici, o attacchi biologici. Si intensificherà la distruzione, mutilando ed uccidendo uomini, donne ed in particolar modo bambini. Avranno luogo più sparatorie nei centri commerciali, nei ristoranti, e nelle scuole. Come ultimo ricorso, se tutto il resto fallisce, gli Illuminati sono pronti a far esplodere un'arma atomica in una grande città americana come New York, Chicago, o Los Angeles.”

Testo originale,

sito di William Cooper Hour of the Time


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WORLD Mysteries? Masonry

The roots of Freemasonry lie around the twelfth century onwards, until the present form. The philosophical roots go further back in time to the tenth century BC date for the design of the Temple of Solomon by the King David of Israel, on the sacred land of Mount Moriah. In the tradition of many Masonic rituals are based on the Temple of Solomon and the history or legend of a heinous murder committed inside the temple.

Mount Moriah has always been the subject of bitter disputes and three millennia since the time of David, this place called the Temple Mount, is claimed by Muslims and Jews. Revered by both religions as a sacred place. It seems here that Mohammed ascended the ladder of gold that took him from American rock to heaven where Allah instructed him on the law of the Koran as here also seems that Abraham was ordered to sacrifice his son Isaac.

According to the Bible David conquered Jerusalem in 1000 BC and here he decided to build a temple right in the Mount Moriah, God forbade the building punish him for the copious blood shed in his wars of conquest as the King of Israel. David bequeathed to his son Solomon the task, not forgetting to leave substantial funds for the construction. In the words of the Book of Kings:

"Behold, I have decided to build a temple in the name of the Lord my God, the Lord said to David my father: My son, I will put in your place on your throne, will build a temple in my name "

Solomon asked for help from Hiram, the Phoenician king of Tyre, aware that Israel did not exist in all relevant architects and craftsmen. They arrived in Israel's Dionysian Artieri of Tyre. Thousands of workers and thousands of tons of cedar of Lebanon and the architect-mathematician Hiram Abif the most illustrious and endowed with all of Tyre, as described in the Book of Kings:

"son of a widow"

The Holy Scriptures do not report nod heinous murder against Hiram Abif, but Freemasonry takes to this legend support. The literature claims that the designer Hiram Masonic sovrintendesse detail the work so as to have work organized by dividing the laborers into three classes according to ability: Apprentice, Fellow-Craft and Master. The wages were commensurate with qualification and team leaders as they were between 3330 and 150,000 between masons and laborers salaries in Hiram was distributed according to a secret password that identified each class. Still according to the Masonic legend fifteen workers joined the conspirators to extort Hiram Abif to a level up, a sort of ultimatum or face death. Twelve retired and three who remained in denial of Hiram, to reveal the secret words, they killed him. In point of death Abif Hiram spoke the words.

"There is no help for the widow's son?"

Phrase extraordinary echo in the ranks of Freemasonry, with this sentence, the Masons ask for help when needed to other affiliates.

Solomon and the king of Tyre, followed by the rest of the work. He thought the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, after four centuries, to raze it to the burnt land, when Israel invaded and conquered. The treasures that were taken away kept as spoils of war, except for the Ark of the Covenant mysteriously disappeared. After half a century of exile, the Jews returned in the land of Israel and rebuild the temple under Zerubbabel. We thought then the Romans in 70 AD, to destroy it again and expel the Jews from Israel.

Today Mount Moriah is dominated by the two most impressive buildings of the Muslim faith, the al-Aqsa mosque and the "Dome of the Rock" or even flies Omar. The remains of the Temple of Solomon are the so-called Wailing Wall, where Jews make the pilgrimage every year.

Two thousand years after the story of Solomon, in Western Europe began to establish itself as majestic places of worship, the Church was at the height of power and the creation of his empire. The architects were careful not to encourage them know the power sensing their role held by the most divine of the building, the Gothic cathedrals were the days look like a real miracle, now we know all the bow technique that allowed such rampant majesty.

was the thirteenth century and the north of France, this wonderful way of building crossed the whole of Europe, the status of master builder enjoyed the highest privileges after court, the architects were revered by the common people and understood by the Church and the ' indispensable to foster the imaginative of the populace to turn into a flock of the faithful.

Masoneria The term originates from the French franc-macon franc-Maçonnerie abbreviated (Freemason) Freemasonry in Italy. In fact they were Freemasons, free to travel and cross borders without problems thanks to their well-kept secret that art and enriched them. When Church and State realized that the guilds of masons could represent a danger prohibit associations and meetings, so it was that everything took place in secret, including passwords and rituals of initiation to the art. The same mystery which still hovers around this brotherhood.

Masonry all'Inqusizione and has resisted the Nazis, the Masons over the centuries have found themselves to be enemies of princes, kings, popes, dictators and democrats sucitando always fears and suspicions, remaining faithful to their principles of operation, until Renaissance when the financial fortunes of the workers saw the stone begin their decline. Towards the end of the sixteenth century began to receive the guild of noble sympathizers and also creating a speculative freemasonry from which a jump in historic masonry can lead us back to today, accompanied in part by the fame still satanic ventilated in 1800.

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The mystery can and must continue, peppered between the sacred and the profane, as befits any secret movement capable of arousing morbid curiosities, legends and conspiracies in the world. In fact, as every move, perhaps born of good, suffered the infection of men, religion and power. It survives today with the same mystery that has always been his true strength. The immortality of human greed than the rituals and formulas, the magic can also think of lots of little magic.

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UFO. The Church also pose questions on Alien Life According to Don And Screws The Angels are aliens

On unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life not only the scientists argue. The studies and the books of Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Danichen arouse uproar for years, but even some members of the Church have, in recent times, given space openings completely unexpected about the possibility of life in space.

Ufo. Anche La Chiesa Si Pone Domande Sulla Vita Aliena E Secondo Don Viti Gli Angeli Sono Alieni

Don Luciano Viti , also known as Samuel father, had achieved a certain reputation for being UFO interpretations of Scripture . It appears, for example, that he said: "The angels ? are extraterrestrials. " Now, if you take the statement literally, that is, translating the word "angel" with its corresponding greek of "messenger" and the term "alien" as a synonym for "outside the earth," as alleged by Don Luciano Viti is unassailable : the angels are, in fact, entities that carry messages and, as regards their strangeness to the ground, there is certainly nothing to argue. You can believe or not the existence of angels, but surely ranks as a separate "non-terrestrial," other than humans, dogs and birch, for example, that are terrestrial.

UFO. The Church also pose questions on Alien Life According to Don And Screws The Angels are aliens


Luciano Viti, born in Viterbo in 1962, however, went further and the Church, at some point, it no longer acceptable , so as to take the bishop of the Diocese of Pistoia, Bishop Mansueto Bianchi, with a formal warning letter. In addition to

interpretations "pro ufo" of the Bible, in fact, "father Samuel" was giving prayers of blessing the sick with music and dance a bit 'too similar to those US-made show of : a method of teaching is not really Catholic and certainly not in line with the discipline of the Holy See to remain faithful to the priest who preferred to resign. Last October, what had been dubbed by the media as "UFO priest" has been suspended divinis.

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Comes the Wave: The recurring dream ... USA

Pablo Ayo

Sono in molti a sognare in continuazione una onda terrificante che scuoterà il pianeta e distruggerà paesi e città
In recent years, various people around the world make a recurring dream: high wave, gigantic strikes cities, buildings, hills and people, sweeping away everything and creating a total upheaval. What puzzled the first thing is the incredible amount of people who make this dream, and then the fact that the applicant has the same dream, that people often do, with ever more details or variations (eg every dream the 'wave or waves become stronger, closer, etc.), and also the type of people who have these dreams. For the most part these are people who have a certain self-consciousness and the universe around them: people who for years do yoga or meditation or martial arts or some kind of spiritual training. Then, with regard to the allegations, I think (the estimate is mine) that at least 70% of people who have contacts Clubs (ie IR4) with the ETs do dreams like that. Indeed, for many given that experience is strongly linked with the aliens. Often one is led into a room where a monitor is shown them something to do with the end of the world as we know, be it a meteorite coming (this show very often), is a space-time anomaly, instead it is a real wave. The impression that the dream is the dreamer of the wave is terrifying because of a sense of immanence, and the inevitability of anxiety that is only partially describe those who do not know what we speak. Often the person in the dream we see the wave, and someone at our side or behind us (we do not viedo anyway) comment on the apocalyptic scenes of destruction with a few sentences more or less illuminating. Certainly, the perception that he has is that it is something on the end of the world as we know it. But this really is a wave of water?

waves and quantum spacetime Continuum
As mentioned in other sections of the site, it seems that something big is about to happen. Many alleged they hear about a project, are trained to swim for hours in strange pools (the water and breathing), tend to learn alien languages, to take care of the wounded, to organize groups and to hearten the people, to train on technical tasks scientific and high-level and some even to pilot spaceships or undertake paramilitary actions to ensure the safety of people! All this in a positive context, however, good intentions, people who talk about a "Federation", in which all work voluntarily for the common good, and where there is often talk of the bright future of humanity.
nel film Deep Impact cosi si immaginava l'impatto di un mostruoso Tsunami provocato da un impatto meteoricao contro New York
So there is no doubt that someone has in mind something big. Until the end of the 70 abductions were for the most individual and not repeated, were held during the day (IR3) and had no other purpose than to analyze human beings, or so it seemed. But since the early '80s, a period that be similar to the famous villain covenant spoken of by John Lear, something happened. Millions of people worldwide (4 in USA 1 in the UK and 800,000 in Italy) claim to be the subject of night raids, for the most part ENTAILING proper training of training.
But training for what?

Many abductees have claimed to have visited space ships as big as huge city, but half-empty, ready to host millions of people, and they have been trained to carry human beings and treat them if necessary. In addition, frequent experiences of IR4 where abductees are summoned in large rooms similar to those for the conference and they are shown a movie about what happens (of which one remembers only partly in kind), or talking at length about certain things that will be made for the good of humanity, and often make these speeches are apparently normal human beings. During these meetings, often is mentioned, to Native Americans as the instigators of this new generation of people in training, this nascent Earth Federation or as we call it, because they had understood the importance of vital elements such as love for the land and respect for nature, imbued with the spirit world to live and so on. The dream of the Wave (upper case here is a must for a wave distinguerlla Norlam) is merely the symbolic representation of an event otherwise difficult to imagine.
Distruzioni causate alle isole Hawaiane da alcune onde gigantesche negli anni '60
Apparently some addoti contacted and would be made explicit reference to a space-time anomaly that will soon hit the ground, making change dimensional plane. What does this mean exactly?
While some turn up their nose, thinking of a recycling of ideas, new age, spiritual as well as the speech is damn real and scientifically, and can be fully explained by a concept known as quantum wave function or wave of probability concepts related to quantum physics. In truth, the universe is much more complex than it seems, changes occur every moment of reality around us but do not feel for a function that is called coherence of reality to which we feel around us just a real universe and cohesive. We live every day surrounded by a three-dimensional world with its limitations (apparent) and its physical laws.
But every few thousand years, our planet - which is more than it seems - is through a change in spacetime that travels in the universe (of course not to the extent detectable by our equipment, that is, travel between dimensions) and affects the full land.
Now after a long period, the Earth is about to be hit again by this alteration. This is a very rare phenomenon in the cosmos, a kind of "Nexus" similar to Star Trek: Generations, able to transform all desires into reality. But how does the wave, what is and what it does?

sempre distruzioni nelle Hawaii causate da Tsunami
Wave Hunters
How many people have noticed, it seems that we are now seen by many alien races, of different types and different ways and with different purposes. Some breeds are good and we want to help, others are very warlike and violent and not friends, but they all come here. Why?

for the wave.

The Wave is a quantum turbulence, a strong anomaly that can change quickly in situations that would otherwise require thousands or perhaps even impossible to change.
Like most attentive will have noticed, almost all the alien races that visit us, positive or negative, they have problems. The grays do not know how to play, the Nordic countries are in an evolutionary stasis, the reptilians are losing military power and do not go on a creative level, the eastern of various types are in stasis karmic they, and others - some more than others - have no problems great and small.
They're all here to visit us and interbreed with humans because - audite audite - the Earth is a universal focal point, a kind of miraculous Holy Grail, which, when crossed by the Wave of the cosmos, or makes possible almost any miracle.
Confused? Let's go step by step
should first be explained - in termini piu semplici possibili - la vera natura dell'Universo, cosi come è spiegata dagli antichi e confermata dalle piu ardite teorie della quantistica.
In pratica l'universo avrebbe diverse dimensioni, chi pratica meditazione o yoga o altro le definisce "densità" o "stati vibrazionali della realtà" avvicinandosi di parecchio al concetto. Per la fisica quantistica si tratta di vere e proprie dimensioni spaziotemporali, che procedono dalla 3° alla 4° e via dicendo..alcuni studiosi propongono un modello dell'universo con 12 dimensioni, altri anche di piu, ma questo per ora ci interessa relativamente. Ogni dimensione ha delle caratteristiche piu complesse di quella precedente (per i cui abitanti è virtually invisible, eg. we can not see the 4th dimension or beings that vibrate at frequencies of four-dimensional), and slowly that the souls ripen from reincarnation to another, when to pass in size and begin to experience a series of lives in a more complex highest stage of evolution.

Angels, Demons, holograms
Cutura In our often high-dimensional entities of us are represented as angels or saints.
It must be said, to be perfectly honest, that sometimes entities di dimensioni superiori alla nostra non sono necessariamente piu buone o evolute interiormente, specie se sono natìè di quelle dimensioni, cosi nella 4° dimensione possiamo trovare entità come Grigi, Rettiliani e alcuni nordici deviati non necessariamente gentili nei nostri confronti, ma di certo piu coscienti della reale natura dell'universo. Tale reale natura è basata, come abbiamo visto, da varie dimensioni spaziali.
MA, al di là o al di fuori o sopra o ovunque, su un piano esistenziale assolutamente avulso dallo stesso concetto di spaziotempo, esisterebbe una dimensione assolutamente incredibile, che il fisco Jack Sarfatti chiama Superspazio o Mente universale o dimensione delle idee, da cui ogni realtà verrebbe generata e regolata. In pratica, secondo delle teorie della fisica quantistica assolutamente geniali, ogni realtà dimensionale, per quanto apparentemente reale o fisica o tangibile (pare che anche 4°, 5° e alte dimensioni siano fisiche e tangibili anche se in maniera meno costrittiva della nostra), in realtà sarebbe una illusione, o meglio qualcosa di simile ad un ologramma, in maniera paragonabile al ponte ologrammi di Star Trek. il ponte ologrammi di Star Trek modella dei campi di forza per farli assomigliare a persone o oggetti e poi un proiettore di luce gli conferisce i giusti colori Ciò che farebbe dunque un monaco tibetano quando levita sarebbe di raggiungere con la mente il "piano delle idee", che sarebbe poi l'unico piano realmente esistente dato che tutto è piu o meno illusorio, e cambiare con la sua mente i paradigmi di spazio e tempo che lo avvolgono (in un raggio ristretto è obvious) and then to break the laws of physics. What
hits everything with the Wave?
Simply said: when the wave hit the ground, it seems that our planet will take place on a number of anomalies in quantum nature, or that in different parts of the world, at random, will appear more true: so many abductees have sogato that in the future For example, in the middle of cities like New York or Rome volcanic, Aztec pyramids, Greek temples (with its inhabitants thereof!) Construction and in fact often fiction. In short, it will create "bubbles" of other realities and dimensions that feed into our own in a chaotic manner (as some areas of our reality will end up in other sizes!), creating a confusion absurd. In addition, a three-dimensional level, this wave will bring changes in the sun and geomagnetic positioned in the planet, whose axis will move, with its earthquakes, tsunamis and other such things. It seems that the wave
solicit some meteorites, perhaps a meteor passing suck as he passed some rocks from the asteroid belt from flying part on earth ... well, with regard to the natural aspect of the matter, a true Armageddon. Many people, alien and human, and hybridized, are trained to save as many lives as possible that day, and plans for evacuation or shelter in structures sotterranee sono già in programma.

Come conseguenza del passaggio dell'Onda sulla Terra tridimensionale avverranno molti sconvolgimenti climatici
Il passaggio di dimensione
Richard Sauder nei suoi libri Kundalini Tales e Underground Bases and Tunnels spiega quanti miliardi di dollari siano stati stanziati dagli USA per creare delle strutture sotterranee (i documenti sono agli atti!) per scopi assolutamente ignoti.
Ma la cosa rimarchevole è che l'Onda è in realtà uno strumento potentissimo per cambiare la realtà, anzi, tutte le realtà, e per poter quindi risolvere i problemi di varie razze o pianeti. Di questo però in questa sede non posso parlare.
le distruzioni che avverranno potrebbero ricordare quelle dell'11 settembre Gli esseri umani, nel loro DNA, hanno la capacità di "esistere" any size or vibrate at all levels, very important thing because it means that exist in any dimension that is presented. This capacity, however, is only activated if the person has a soul or ripe old enough to have access to larger than 3 °, if not, then the physical laws would cause a dimensional "spontaneous combustion" of the genetic fabric, too accelerated and is not compensated by a parallel increase in vibration of the soul. In practice, a vibration wave such as that, if hit right in some people (that is, if they suddenly found themselves in those "bubbles" of alternative realities that are to form), would lead to a quantum stress at the submolecular level, accelerating the one hand the atomic structure of the body to make it do the "jump" in the 4th dimension and the energy of the soul continues to cling to the 3rd, it would end a "jerk" or division which would cause the immediate loss of magnetic energy that holds the atoms in the body of the person concerned. This was also wanted (by me) and is not a pretty sight.
This course regarding the stage of "bubbles" of energy that will still be temporary. Some adjustment of this phase will last a few days, others a few months, to be sure but in the end, after a moment of transition in the 4th, the Earth should move to the 5th dimension, more stable. The energy of the planet, to safeguard the people, must maintain a flow rate in the 3rd dimensional size (or so it should be), some people continue to live in a three-dimensional world (very battered), while others will translate to an Earth very similar, but young and new, pentadimensionale, where everything has to be built from scratch and organize.
Those who stay in third, will be as if suddenly millions of people disappear into thin air. Probably not be able to see and understand nothing. For those who will be in the 4th and 5th, however, things will be clearer but still not easy to accept nor will easy to put everything in place, even if someone has been working on this.

il mondo della 4° dimensione sarà pulito e tutto da organizzare a new land with new challenges
Clearly being a planet of the 5th dimension, Earth will become openly visited by many inhabitants of the cosmos, and even for the inhabitants of the new Earth and space-travel concepts such as telepathy and levitation will be easily accessible and understandable to all.
However there are a few 'issues to be addressed: once in the 5th dimension the earth will become a jewel, a planet with enormous potential, which would gorge less noble among the citizens of the universe, which probably would not be too many scruple to take advantage of the initial moments of confusion to grab the best. But also for this purpose are being prepared at the federal level of safeguards.

If you think this is shocking, it is good, especially as the wave is qaulcosa dreamed and heard by thousands of people around the planet, they see too often apocalyptic scenes regarding the future of our planet. And if you are scared from reading a few bytes, know that there is a vast literature on the subject. Strongly suggest re-reading this in the key of what Christ said: "The end will come like a thief in the night .. one will be taken and the other left ... be ready at all times .." the Kingdom of God was talking about, heaven on earth, how the end (obscured the sun, the red moon, falling stars and the fact that some pass and others do not) suggests that in fact maybe he was talking about his arrival Wave. Its various hints that the age of Pisces and Aquarius ( "followed the man with the pitcher" ) suggests that he knew that something would be done exactly to the rise of the Age of Aquarius, that our age . Read also "the prophecies of Monaco basil, that explains very well the effects of alteration seen in the quantum reality of the future in his visions. It can read here an excerpt from an article of mine appeared evinced some time ago on UFO Network:
(CLICK HERE to read the article "The Beginning of the times")
In it also makes mention of the revelations by Barbara Marciniak, who in his book "Bringers of the Dawn" as the Nordic states Pleiadians would have revealed that they intend to implement a "displacement" of the planet of titanic proportions, when the time comes to crisis.
"We are keeping watch on the threat of a pole shift in the course of your generation," said the Pleiadians. "This would lead to a global situation in which nobody could survive. ... It will become necessary to evacuate Our fast rescue ships will be able di avvicinarsi abbastanza da emettere i raggi di levitazione... ovunque si renderà necessario, gli umani verranno sollevati e fatti levitare verso le nostre navette spola, che come dei taxi trasferiranno le persone sulle astronavi madri stazionanti negli strati più alti dell'atmosfera, dove ci sono spazio e vettovagliamenti per ospitare e nutrire milioni di persone".

Anche la Marciniak è un'altra folle o forse se tante persone dicono tutte la stessa cosa forse un po' di verità c'è?
Io credo che valga sempre la pena di investigare in questi casi.
Se invece ritenete che tutta la storia dell'Onda sia una follia, bene, vivrete meglio, nessuno dice che io in fondo - assieme a molti altri - non sia in errore. Se invece siete interessati a saperne di piu mandatemi una e-mail. Nel frattempo vi traduco (con insigne spirito di sacrificio) alcuni estratti di un sito che dovreste visitare, in cui una trentacinquenne americana (qui chiamata Maryann benchè non sia il suo vero nome), addotta californiana, nel corso di alcune sessioni di ipnosi regressiva è diventata involontariamente un "canale" (sempre e solo sotto ipnosi) attraverso cui alcune entità Cassiopeadiane spiegano agli attoniti ricercatori cos'è l'Onda, i principi scientifici su cui si basa e chi la abita!!!
Buona lettura

Le rivelazioni dei Cassiopeadiani
Domanda: Ci stai mostrando tutta una serie di distruzioni. Città di metallo contorto e distrutto…le cose non saranno al sicuro...cosa esattamente non sarà al sicuro?

Risposta: Il pianeta intero non sarà al sicuro.

D: Da cosa?

R: Questa distruzione.

D: Cosa causerà la distruzione?

R: Non so. Vedo solo l'Onda generata.

D: Cosa genera l'Onda?

R: Non vedo nulla…

D: Cosa fa quest'Onda quando è generata?

R: Getta l'asse fuori equilibrio. L'asse magnetico. È di natura magnetica e noi abbiamo un asse magnetico. In qualche modo gli fa qualcosa e lo getta completamente fuori armonia.

D: E qual'è il risultato di questo metterlo fuori asse?

R: Vedo la Terra ruotare: non normalmente, ma fuori equilibrio.

D: Okay. E qual'è il risultato di questo mettere la Terra fuori equilibrio rotatorio?

R: Distruzione.

D: Okay. Ma non riesci a vedere da dove si origina l'Onda?

R: Non riesco a vedere nulla.

D: è un Onda naturale o innaturale?

R: Non so cosa significhi. Forse la causa qualcuno..interrompendo qualcosa. Stanno gettando lo scompiglio, interrompendo qualcosa. Tutte le astronavi che vedo...

D: Le astronavi generano l'Onda?

R: Stanno interrompendo qualcosa. C'è un'interruzione… un disturbo….

D: Le flotte di astronavi che vedi, arriveranno prima della distruzione o dopo?

R: L'unica cosa che vedo è che loro cavalcano l'Onda da dentro.

D: La cavalcano da dentro? E non vedi da dove arriva l'Onda?

R: Tutto ciò che vedo e che dovremo essere pronti.

D: Come possiamo prepararci?

R: Loro ci stanno preparando.

D: Non dobbiamo fare nulla da parte nostra?

R: Noi siamo programmati.

D: Come fa uno a sapere se è programmato?

R: Le cose scatteranno da sole al momento giusto. Voi siete preparati con certe cose… libri, films, diverse cose che fungeranno da interruttore nel vostro subconscio... vedo una chiave, o una ruota... come due ruote che si incastrano a vicenda e fanno click...

D: Okay. Hai l'impressione che l'Onda di cui parli venga dallo spazio esterno o viene da dentro il nostro sistema solare?

R: è sulla sua strada! Noi non lo sappiamo ma qualcuno lo sa…

D: Chi sa? Il governo?

R: Si.

D: Hanno pianificato di dirlo a qualcuno?

R: Stanno mettendo le cose in movimento. Ecco perché molte informazioni si rendono disponibili.

D: Hai altre informazioni importanti?

R: Si vedo una donna molto bella. È tutta bianca. È su una astronave….è una di loro. It is very kind to me, holds my hand ... but it is displeased.

Q: What do you say?

A: He says that not everyone will do it, but umm ... Let us save more children as possible.

Q: We know in advance who will succeed and who is not?

A: They're planning a lot of people. Wake up more people who can, more and more. Is showing me ... the Earth says it's like a playground. We're playing with things and we do not know what we're facendo.Giochiamo with things that do not understand.

Q: The Earth is a spiritual playground. We just have to play?

A: No. School. It is ... umm ... The children are sick. We are the children.

Q: Sick how?

A: The souls are sick.

Q: What else would you say the woman?

R: That we must gather together the children.

Q: What children?

A: The spiritual children.

Q: And then what will we do with them?

A: We will go away with them. They have places for us ...

Q: On Earth or other planets?

A: Some people on Earth, others elsewhere. I do not know what it all means.


Q: Where does the wave?

A: Follow the swarm of comets.

D: Following a cometary swarm? But what exactly is the Wave?

R: Realm of the border size.

Q: This wave / boundary follows the comet size permanently?

A: No.

Q: This dimensional border is always associated with the group of comets that pass every time?

A: No. The boundaries of the following dimensional reality only a change of universal energy, this time happens to coincide with the passing comet but it is not always the case.

Q: This border of the dimensional realm is really a sort of dimensional border?

A: Yes

Q: Okay, this creates the boundaries of the dimensional size?

R: Realms buttons. Fluctuating realms.

Q: Our dimensional realm is fluctuating or pulsating?

A: No.

Q: What floats?

A: The residence. Your planet fluctuates between the realms.

Q: How do these fluctuations occur?

A: About every 309,000 years. [Ie every 12 precessional cycles exactly, ed]

Q: In other words we will be in the 4th dimension for 300,000 years?

A: Yes

Q: Do you mean that the earth Simas in a state of "Eden" for 300,000 years before the "fall"?

A: Yes

Q: So you say that the planets float ...

A: No, realms, realms ... The planets occupy [ie size, ed]

Q: What is the force that generates the wave?

A: Part of the Great Cycle.

Q: This is the Great Cycle, including the Maya?

A: They understood partially.

D: Their calendar ends in 2012 ... is an accurate date on the arrival of the wave and the big change?

A: More or less. Remains undefined how you will measure the time. The Reptilians are hoping to dominate in the 4th dimension. However it will take more or less 18 years. [And in fact 18 years of this session of hypnosis (1994) leads exactly to the date of December 2012]


Q: I recently read an explosion of gamma rays in the stratosphere. What are these gamma ray bursts?

R: Energy that increases with the approach of the Wave.


D: (Can you talk about these recent volcanic eruptions? What causes it?

A: Global warming.

Q: What is causing this warming?

R: The change of vibrational frequencies.

Q: What is the source of this change in vibrational frequencies?

R: The coming wave of which I spoke earlier.

Q: This wave is so large that its effects are feel even many years ahead of his final point of arrival?

A: All the waves have a being "sucked".

Q: This means that it behaves as does a wave before turning on the beach, that mounted on the top and bottom sucks everything out to sea?

A: Yes

Q: So we're sort of in a growing wave, sucked out ...

R: Acute analogy.


Q: Once you told us chec'è a cloud of comets that somehow interacts with our solar system, and that this cluster in the plane dell'ellittica return comet every 3600 years, right?

A: Yes, but this time the comet ride the wave of the border to the 4th dimensional realm, where all the realities are different.

Q: Okay, this means that when the wave will arrive in our solar system, affecting the sun or planets in the system or we will perhaps be mitigated by this transition comet? It is a factor mitigating the effects of the wave?

R: The effects will be mitigated.

[dell'ipnologo note: It seems that Cassiopeadiani want us to understand that somehow the same structure as the Wave makes it possible to use depending on the frequency of the individual.]

Q: You've said before that when the energy will change in a density of 4 th dimension, people will be living a process of rejuvenation, the teeth grow back, etc.. But What will happen to those who do not move towards the 4th dimension, those who are completely ignorant and not ready? Will be wiped out or there will still be another separate reality? In other words, the coming wave of humanity will screen in the 4th dimension?

A: Mankind, the planet and this whole area of \u200b\u200bspace / time.

Q: Are there things that have come in human form, from outside, to anchor the incoming wave frequency, so that when more people come here to be ready as possible, so that the planetary frequency is set and that the change in vibration of the planet takes place as planned and scheduled?

A: Yes

Q: Okay, when people talk about the future changes of the Earth, literally speaks of "survivors" and those who will not make it, and destruction and so on, or destruction of 90% of the human race, in short, really means that people will die or simply disappear because these people will go in the 4th dimension, becoming? Does this mean?

A: Or it means that the physical cataclysm will take place only for those "left behind" Earth in the 3rd dimension.

Q: Okay, so what we're saying is that we are still the frequency, so that when the wave arrivals will move to the 4th dimension people as possible, and in doing so break the grip that some hostile aliens have the 4th against the people of the earth three-dimensional, that will live no longer as conditioning now, and will be free to learn their karmic lessons without interference?

A: In principle yes.

Q: So anchoring the frequency we are creating the conditions for a new Earth that will exist in the 4th dimension, separating from the Earth as an organism of the 3rd mobile phone that splits in two, and then co-exist? We are still the frequency to create a division?

A: It's more a corridor of development.

Q: Who needs this corridor?

R: for you and for those who will follow your way.

Q: ... This corridor is a corridor that will be crossed by the entire planet?

A: You are a few. There are others. Everything is in the developing world. Knowledge is the key to creating the corridors. Crossing the hall, you will land in four-dimensional, as opposed to three-dimensional earth.

Q: That is the land that four-dimensional and three-dimensional co-exist side by side?

A: side by side, but in totally different realms.

D: that these realms interpenetrate each other but in different sizes ...

A: In principle ...

Q: So, an entity of the sixth dimension, for example, can look and see the Earth rotating in space idverse size, that will see different dimensions of the Earth, and that even if the point of space they occupy is the same, that is, simultaneously. They may look down but we can not look up and see them ...

R: Right.

Q: So in other words, when will I cataclysms in the Land of the 3rd dimension we will be already in the 4th, and that kind of disaster they will be there, we will not see the people of the 3rd dimension, or what happens and they will not see us, because they lived in different densities which are not directly related, right?

A: Do you understand the concept, now you see how it applies to the facts.

Q: How do you relate to the Pleiadians?

A: The Pleiadians are communicating with other people while we communicate with you, but we do essentially the same work, and we are little different from a dimensional point of view.

Q: Well, but why all this your business right now?

A: The grand cycle is about to offer us an opportunity to more unique.

Q: You mean an opportunity to change the future?

A: Future, past and present. It is an opportunity that will affect the entire Universe. Think of it as a hymn of hope and glory to the Cosmos.

D: How can a small and insignificant planet like ours, with so different races and nations disagree, given the limits of the Milky Way, have an impact on the entire universe?

A: This is only your perception of the facts.

Q: Well what exactly is the correct perception of the facts? It is perhaps the Earth and people on it, and everything that happens above, much more important than what we have always believed?

A: The Earth is a point of convergence.

D: is designed to be a point of convergence from the beginning?

A: Its natural function is a

Q: Are there other planets / points of convergence, inhabited other beings, in which these things happen?

A: I have existed, exist and will exist.

Q: In other words, there are other planets, perhaps different from the Earth, inhabited by people other than us, which are points of convergence. This means that when the wave arrives affects all of the points of convergence together?

A: No.

Q: That is only one or a few selected time points of convergence? A: In principle.

Q: So, the boundaries of the realm have something to do with the location?

A: The borders of the kingdom ride the waves.

Q: And where are the waves?

R: moving constantly.

Q: The Earth moves toward the wave or wave to the Earth?

A: Both.

Q: Are we a point of convergence so unique also because of the fact that we are living here on Earth?

A: Yes And the fact that you have reached a critical juncture in your development.

Q: Okay. How many times a wave has come here to change the Earth?

A: An infinite number of times.


D: The change in size ... it is somehow related with the atomic or quantum physics or with the movement of atoms?

A: Yes

Q: All right, but an atom is a three-dimensional object. What distinguishes it from an atom in the 4th dimension?

R: Reality.

Q: What distinguishes a realm and other dimensions?

A: The conditions.

Q: Okay, what I presume is what you expect or what you perceive to nuke whichever suits dimensional reality, right?

A: In principle.

Q: What determines your assumptions?

A: Experience.

Q: My experience on the atoms is that they are brought together to form solid matter ...

A: Everything that exists is nothing more than a lesson.

Q: Okay, so when we learned some things and that certain experiences, our assumptions change?

R: Right.

Q: All right, then we can say that the wave is coming that will give us an experience that will change our assumptions?

A: Let's say that first you must change your assumptions in order to get a positive experience from the arrival of the Wave.

Q: What is the Wave in absolute terms?

A: Boundaries of dimensional realm.

Q: This border of the realm is perhaps a point of sharp cut from one reality to another?

R: Right.

Q: The border of the realm is perhaps one dimensional barrier?

A: Yes

Q: So the Earth is about to go through a dimensional barrier?

A: or one of the lands. Everything is just a lesson, and nothing, I repeat, nothing more.

Q: Well, my experience with the "lessons" he tells me that usually they are painful. The arrival of the wave and realm of the border, crossing the barrier, would be perceived as what we call in the 3rd dimension painful?

A: Wait and see.


Q: What effect will the wave on the field of Orion?

A: None. Are already in the 4th dimension.

Q: Well, then you ride the wave in the 6 th dimension, is not it?

R: Si. Noi siamo nella sesta densità.

D: Avete altri voi stessi alternativi che si estendono in altre densità?

R: Secondo il vostro attuale punto di riferimento nello spaziotempo, noi siamo voi nel futuro.

D: Quindi noi stiamo lavorando per diventare voi…voi siete noi?

R: Si.

D: quindi quando ci muoveremo nella 4° dimensione e diverremo tutt'uno coll'Universo, noi vi conosceremo anche se per un breve momento?

R: Non ci conoscerete del tutto nella 4° dimensione, ma di certo ci sarete piu vicini.

D: Prima Maryann sotto ipnosi [ora parlano direttamente con I Cassiopeadiani anche se usando sempre Maryann come through] we had described a fleet of fleet of ships that rode the wave and this has disturbed. Perceived as the danger of an invasion. It was you and your vessels received?

A: The Wave is a means of transport.

D: is a means of transport for many things?

A: Yes

Q: Will you come here to invade us?

A: No, to coincide with you.

Q: Others are riding the wave that is here with the intention to invade us?

A: Yes, the wave is "crowded".

Q: So anyone who wants a piece of the universe what will happen on Earth is this wave?

R: At the intersection with the boundaries of the realm.


A: The last time I gave you some information on how calcolarequando the wave hit the Earth. I can tell you four points needed for triangulation, but two of these points are the constellations. I can not give the exact distance. However calculated, the third most distant star in the constellation of Cassiopeia ee half of the star of Orion's belt, the closest star of Leo.

Q: What is the purpose of these contacts?

A: Help you to understand, to make you gain knowledge, protection and progress.

Q: And what Cassiopeadiani gain from this contact?

A: By helping, we complete il nostro destino di riunirvi con noi e con tutto ciò che esiste, completando cosi il Grande Ciclo.

D: è la vostra unica possibilità di farlo o la migliore possibilità?

R: Entrambe.

D: Siete molto distanti da noi in anni luce?

R: La distanza è un'idea tridimensionale.

D: Gli anni luce sono un'idea tridimensionale?

R: Si.

D: Cosa intendete dire quando parlate di viaggiare sull'Onda?

R: Viaggiare sui pensieri.

D: I nostri pensieri o i vostri?

R: Concetto non corretto.

D: e qual'è il concetto corretto?

R: Tutto è solo una lezione. I pensieri unificano tutte le realtà in esistenza e tutto è condiviso.

D: Voi viaggiate su un'Onda di energia creata da tutti i Pensieri Forma?

R: I Pensieri Forma sono tutto ciò che esiste!

[ndr i pensieri forma sarebbero la concretizzazione, in piano astrale, di un pensiero che li ha generati. Quello di cui parla il Cassiopeadiano è la teoria dell'universo olografico e, appena prima, parlando dei pensieri, del superspazio come concepito dal fisico quantistico Jack Sarfatti, una sorta di "subconscio cosmico" o mente universale che proietterebbe i propri pensieri nelle varie dimensioni, creando le realtà e le persone che le abitano, che sarebbero quindi dei "pensieri form "or dimensional holograms, living thoughts. The matter, as such, would be just a successful counterfeiting well, the illusion of Maya, something that does not exist in reality. The only truly existing reality, according to this theory, is that of superspace or universal mind, and all physical reality is merely a projection created ad hoc for an emotionally engaging.]

Q: Who wants to dominate humanity or exploit it for their own purposes to win this race or kind of conflict?

A: No, absolutely not! In fact, opponents spoke to you, though not conceive the concept of "losing", however, feel increasing pressure on them, and they were shake.

Q: And these races, once you lose, what happens to them? Cycle was starting again will have their evolutionary process of the other polarity?

R: Right.

Q: And then experience the pain you have caused?

A: No, this really only happens in the 5th dimension.

Visit Wave USA, if you know English you'll have to read!

"The world we live in will, burned by the fire of his passions, and will bloom from its ashes a new world, and younger fresh, full of hope, with the morning light in his eyes. "
Bertrand Russell

" He fell into a battle of color, a dash overwhelming, in a vertigo sick of huge objects that Fast forward darted in their destructive, so large that they can not even think or say, a mile and a hundred miles of water, as tall as a house, with a dark back and terrifying. GREAT. As big as the stars. He stood there, screaming with no voice. The world had fallen and the whole ocean, as high as the sky, terrifying, dramatic, huge, fast as lightning and as slow as the galaxies, was coming over him.
(The Witches of Ennor)