Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Hear Combination Lock

2011 - alcuni film del 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sterling Silver And Chlorine

Digital Terrestrial and militarization of the planet

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Digital Terrestrial and militarization of the planet

What do you mean the transition to digital? In this period when the receiver system of analog TVs is, region after region, replaced by digital technology, new channels are released gradually in the VHF (Very high frequencies) and UHF (ultra high frequencies). This range, between 30 and 300 MHz (VHF) and 300 MHz to 3 GHz (UHF), hosts 61 to 69 channels.

from what will be occupied? The WRC-07, or the World Conference of Communications, held in Geneva in 2007, determined that by 2015, must be allocated to mobile telecommunications protocols of the future or IMT (WIMAX and LTE). Until that date, national governments will be used exclusively for telephony services. Have emerged from the symposium of very interesting information: the frequency of 18 GHz has been allocated additional 100 MHz for meteorological applications, the frequency of 9 GHz, 300 MHz to other planetary observations. Lastly, many frequencies for radio astronomy to have been protected.

Now, consider the link between illegal activities of aerosols and meteorology it is fair to say that two areas are interdependent. Not only did the weather is heavily influenced by the spray, but the planes are missing chemical micro-sensors used for weather forecasting, forecasts that in many cases, decisions. E 'thus clear that the management of these interventions, monopolized by the military, is nowadays with tools that work on the nano-range mentioned above. It was necessary for the military occupy a large segment of the electromagnetic spectrum to operate and manage, through a comprehensive coordination, the dynamic weather conditions.

The transition to digital terrestrial shabby, far from being a benefit to local people, cajoled and fooled with the promise of being able to take advantage of numerous channels, it is only aimed at further militarization of the planet and probably the space surrounding the Earth . Nanosensors for monitoring weather and those operating on bands that were dedicated to the retransmission analogue of . The assignment of frequencies for radio astronomy and planetary exploration suggests that the strategic and industrial complex will keep an eye on possible unwanted intrusions into the system. We know that this scenario may seem fanciful, but the formidable deployment of forces in the regions around Gaia, through high-altitude drones, satellites, orbiting stations equipped with devices of war ..., fits well in a secret war for dominance of the planet. The real battle, the final one, perhaps not see opposing superpowers land ...


R. Cavallo, G. Saccomano, switchover, 2010, "Times X", n. 26
Chemtrails, nanosensors and digital terrestrial , 2010

article: C. Penna, Chemtrails: military uses and international cooperation , 2010

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Spoil deliberately time from coast to coast (Article of Dr. Sandra Perlingieri)

Spoil deliberately time from coast to coast (Article of Dr. Sandra Perlingieri)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wooden Chopping Board Wedding

11 - messaggio di Anima

In questi anni mi sono imbattuto in molti per non dire troppi punti di vista su svariati temi certamente non “convenzionali” a dispetto dei media. Ho detto troppi, perché la confusione era tanta, trasformata poi in accrescimento della consapevolezza del Sé, come miliardi di tasselli di un enorme puzzle che lentamente ha preso forma e sostanza. Come già detto in altri miei precedenti articoli scaricati e commentati centinaia di volte, ho ricevuto consensi e critiche com’è normale, infatti, s’impara e si cresce maggiormente dalle esperienze, situazioni o commenti cosiddetti “negativi”. Con questo breve scritto volevo fare una modesta riflessione riguardo alla sincronicità collegata al mio vecchio motto “nulla succede per caso e tutto a suo tempo”. A riguardo vorrei raccontare una mia esperienza di alcuni anni fa: mi trovavo in una biblioteca locale con alcune persone, sarà stata la seconda volta che ci entravo perché ne frequentavo un’altra; in oltre 70.000 titoli presenti colsi da uno scaffale un libro dal titolo “Nulla succede per caso” scritto da uno psicoterapeuta americano; da quell’istante capii che le “coincidenze” furono ormai troppe per definirsi tali; con grande stupore rimisi il libro al suo posto leggendolo solamente verso la fine del 2009, then I realized why. What I did in 2005 was too often seek out someone who could give me an answer to my many questions that revolved around all the "Who am I?". Still unanswered is the question to others simply because I only know him, but I have always known how, only that it was foggy, blurry. In the meantime I had some people who are cleverly trying to impose their will, their prejudices, their established certainties. Other people (can be counted on the fingers of one hand) who have no interest in trying to make me understand that the truths reside only in me, deeper into the unconscious and mysterious essence del Sé. Mi è stata mostrata la soglia ma sono io che l’ho attraversata e a volte il percorso non è indolore: tutti i cambiamenti necessitano di equilibrio che non è sempre semplice e immediato da trovare.
Siamo arrivati nel 2011 e credo che sarà un anno di discesa materiale e contemporanea ascesa della Coscienza. Undici è un numero che mi è particolarmente ricorrente e facendo una veloce ricerca ho visto che esistono alcuni siti dedicati alla numerologia dell’undici, i suoi multipli ventidue, trentatré e così via. Aldilà della new age che sta dietro, tutto richiama all’unicità. La dualità ha da sempre accompagnato l’uomo: bello o brutto, buono o cattivo, destra o sinistra, alto o basso, bianco o nero, ma tutto è Uno e semplicemente “è”. L’importante è avere la consapevolezza di essere Coscienti e non significa detenere ricchezze materiali perché sono transitorie e fasulle, ora più che mai perché ormai la società si regge a malapena e tutti saremo costretti a ritornare ai valori semplici, fondendo la parte animica, mentale e spirituale in una cosa sola. Vale soltanto l’IO SONO e basta.
Buon 2011 con Coscienza :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Garnier Light Face Wash

Cancer and Dr. Tullio Simoncini



RESEARCH OF DR. Tullio Simoncini

Dr. Simoncini: Cancer is Caused by Fungus

The acid pH in CANCER, a prerequisite for new therapeutic line.
The measurement of pH in the tissues showed that the micro-environment is more acidic in tumors than in normal tissues, the production of lactic acid and hydrolysis of ATP in hypoxic regions, are probably in the mechanism of hyperacidity, along with other metabolic pattern. The acid pH then, may influence the development of new and relatively specific anti-cancer therapies, aimed at regulating the intracellular pH.

(Tullio Simoncini / terapia_simoncini.htm ).

Presentation by Dr. Tullio Simoncini up.jpg

Tullio Simoncini is a Roman surgeon specializing in oncology and diabetes and metabolic diseases, is also a doctor of philosophy. His character is the distinctive note of impatience with the falsehood and lies. On a scientific level this translates into strong opposition against any kind of intellectual conformism.
If we consider the total failure of official oncology, we understand his position extremely critical of a planetary system and manufacturer of scientifically dead dead. It's a sportsman who constantly care for his physical state trying to obey the basic rules of Nature: healthy eating, physical activity and moral responsibility. Practice constantly running and, when possible, skiing and football.
Its natural tendency is also due to the synthesis of a sensibility that tends to perceive the harmony of the "whole", as distinct from the value of shares. This instinct is reinforced by his willingness music, cultivated and strengthened by the fact that he played various instruments like piano, guitar, classical and modern. This led him to form, when he was a student at high school and then university, several bands who appeared in central Italy.
His whole personality is also pervaded by a strong humanity, the true spring that led him to wonder, in front of the excruciating pain of the sick, poor and insignificant as were the basics of medicine.
years of the medical profession has also developed a theory about the "evil of the century." He has participated in many conferences and debates, and was, among other things, the speakers' Florence Medicine-2000 "(18-19 September 1999) and" International Congress of Oncology in Treviso (15-16-17 October 1999 ).
invited a number of private TV broadcasting, has discussed the problems of conventional medicine and alternative and has presented his theories on cancer. He has participated in major conferences and in the of March 4, 2000 held in Perugia, was also present as a speaker Prof. Luigi Di Bella.
E 'chairman of the scientific committee of a federation of associations for the freedom of treatment. He has devoted himself for some time to study and treatment of cancer, has a very interesting theory on the etiopathogenesis of the disease cancer. It alleged that the cancer does not depend, as the medical establishment, from genetic causes, etc.. But is the result of disease fungal \u0026lt;>.
According to his theory, supported by the many successful cases, the cancer is in fact responsible for the Candida.

Excerpt from an interview with Dr. Simoncini up.jpg

Dr. Simoncini how long you care to cancer?
For over 15 years.
In your opinion, what is cancer?
is a mushroom, or rather is the sum of a fungal infection and tissue reaction to them.
You speak of common fungi, as we all know, more or less harmless?
Sure, I'm just not as harmless as they paint. An account is the fungus surface, namely the epithelium, such as vagina or oro-pharynx, and another is that the fungus can develop plans and internal organs: there produce cancer.
Explain better.
Fungi are unicellular entity, which they tend to form large aggregates, capable of responding to external stimuli, nutritional or toxic products in a unique and united.
you mean, then, that the fungus has both the invasiveness and diffusibility of the single-cell level and at the same time the power of a biological organism?
Exactly this: think about the devastating effect of a Cockroach that is able to penetrate into the human body, breaking up into individual cells, and to compose himself and hide in some organ.
But there is no immune system that prevents the penetration of cells in the body?
course, and it is here that explains the mechanism of invasion of fungi. Normally they are engulfed by the immune system, when a gin cotton by one, to spread through blood or lymph. One or more chronic noxious stimuli, however (those commonly invoked as causes of cancer) may lead to a malfunction in part or in whole, to enable the regrouping of fungal colonies, prerequisite for further invasions.
She says she is always a fungus, candida, to determine a cancer. It seems impossible, however, that it causes all the infinite histological types.
Not at all, it's all very logical. Think of an inert body, such as a plug inoculated now in this hour in that organ, which produces continuous micro-cracks. The defensive reaction, ie the attempt to encystment, can not be that cells with their tissue invaded or called: the brain will produce more and glia glioblastoma; ol'osso the liver, most hepatocytes or osteocytes, and we HCC ol'osteosarcoma, and so on.
How do you explain then that a cancer cell is formed of more or less mature or differentiated?
The phalanxes of infantry of an army, that the immune system, attacking a tank, that is, the fungal mass, they are destroyed quickly, and before the regular troops, then the reserves, then those formed by the more young and immature . The immaturity ol'anaplasia then, are the sign of the power of the enemy and the stress on defenses.
course, described it, the cancer is frightening. Why the fungi are now so undervalued?
La prima cosa soporifera che svia le menti è la definizione di fungo: patogeno opportunista e occasionale: Non c’è niente di più subdolo e falso. La seconda è l’eccessiva tendenza descrittivista della medicina, che si trova in difficoltà laddove bisogna interpretare i fenomeni biologici in senso vitale e finalistico. Riuscire ad eliminare una colonia fungina, ad esempio, è un po’ come una partita a scacchi tra entità biologiche, cioè vive, che tendono ad utilizzare le proprie forme di intelligenza, più o meno rudimentali, per sopravvivere.
Apparentemente quello che asserisce sembrerebbe logico e coerente; non le sembra, però, Various' simplistic?
do not agree, perhaps better to simply say or simplified, and this, in my view, however, is a guarantee of veracity. Once, a fellow university student who tried to convince the simplicity of my theories, I said, do not hide, the simple theories are complex minds.
But you, millions of students around the world, the billions for research.
Once it was thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth ...
you mean that the assumptions, the key ideas of the oncology, genetics and multifactorial causation are wrong?
right, wrong because illogical after 50 years of failure should be abandoned. The multifactorial in fact is nothing but a way to admit to being in the dark to assert that something is caused by all is how to recognize their ignorance. The screen is a complex genetic rather esoteric, potentially capable of explaining everything and nothing.
better illustrates this concept.
According to the official theories cancer is due to a "madness reproductive cell, which could cause the formation of tumor masses. The basis of this alleged "madness", is recognized as an alteration of genes (hence the genetic theory), favoring or inhibiting cell growth.

is known then, as these genes encode, that is giving the signal for protein production and cell growth factors, including structural and interactional elements as if they know 100 if they are studying 1000, is expected 1,000,000; then counting the hundreds of carcinogenic chemicals, and countless unpredictable influences hormonal and neuro-psychological ... the omelet is complete: the genetic etiology, so infinite, infinity is a bluff, it is obscurantism .

Article by Massimo Mazzucco up.jpg

Mocked, expelled, abused, maligned, discredited and humiliated at home own, Tullio Simoncini had to cross the ocean to receive the deserved applause after 20 years of struggle in favor of a simple but revolutionary idea: Cancer is a fungus.
guest of honor at the 36th Annual Cancer Convention - a celebration of four days on alternative treatments for cancer, which ended yesterday in Los Angeles - Tullio Simoncini has presented a series of detailed and documented evidence that confirm the validity of his theory to an audience of both physicians of ordinary citizens, who came from all over America to listen.
After realizing that the glass ceiling created around him in Italy had become a puncture, Simoncini has gathered its forces and has decided to address directly into the lion den: America, home to one of the greatest powers in absolute the world - the pharmaceutical industry - but also a land of innovation of all kinds, in the name of progress and competition.
Simoncini began with a series of smaller meetings and conferences, which took him from Texas to Florida to Oklahoma, setting in motion a subtle mechanism that has been word of mouth immediately proved positive in Italy picked up where cynicism, in America was enthusiasm. Where in Italy picked derision in America was encouraging. And where in Italy picked up offenses, slander and humiliation, America has found the right recognition of his hard work, sealed by a standing ovation at the final convention in Los Angeles, which is seen very rarely in conferences of this type.
The road Simoncini in reality has just begun, and the obstacles which will meet in the coming months will probably be a thousand times more difficult than those encountered to date. But now
Simoncini has proven to be on the right track, has collected a sufficient number of witnesses in his favor, and has passed the critical threshold below which his innovative theory are likely to remain buried forever in the darkness of obscurantism media, which is the real cancer of our society.
From tomorrow I expect new struggles and new debates, new lies and new successes, new and new humiliations rebounds. But in the meantime, the news spread, the number of patients who recover continue to rise, and eventually they will do justice for those who in the past have succumbed to the disease because of the blindness, ignorance and selfishness of others .

The book of dr. Tullio Simoncini up.jpg

Titolo: "Il cancro è un fungo - La Rivoluzione nella Cura dei Tumori".

Formato 17x24 cm, 256 pagine con foto a colori. Costo 28.00 Euro.

Edizioni Lampis via Veneto 9, 56040.

Casale Marittimo, Pisa tel. 348/4107897.

Se volete acquistare il volume on-line cliccate su:

Pagina Fb:  Tullio Simoncini (5)

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Monday, December 13, 2010

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Moringa Oleifera - The only plant protein complete

MORINGA OLEIFERA - L'unica pianta esistente dal contenuto proteico completo


La Moringa oleifera è un albero ad accrescimento molto rapido: nel primo anno può develop several meters, up to three or even five in ideal conditions of cultivation. Resistant to drought, although with a tendency to lose their leaves during periods of water stress, takes advantage of some sporadic watering. Reaches a height of 10-12 meters. The root system is poderoso.Frutto: It is a legume, but a triangular section, about 30-45 cm in length. The seeds are blackish, rounded and with a fabric in the manner of "wings."

Distribution: Originally from the Indian subcontinent, is currently widely distributed in the tropics where it was introduced as an ornamental plant. Recentemente questo albero sta attirando enormemente l’attenzione e la sua coltivazione si sta generalizzando velocemente.Commestibilità: Tutte le parti della pianta sono commestibili. Il contenuto di proteine, vitamine e minerali è eccellente. Il sapore è gradevole e le diverse parti possono essere consumate crude, specialmente le foglie e i fiori, o cucinate in diversi modi.

Depurazione di Acque:  I semi sono molto utili come uno dei migliori flocculanti naturaliconosciuti e si impiegano ampiamente nella depurazione e purificazione di acque fluviali ed acque torbide.Il seme di Moringa contiene circa il 35% di olio. È un olio di altissima qualità, poco viscoso e dolce, with 73% oleic acid, thus similar quality olive oil. You may also have interesting applications in the lubrication of mechanisms and in the manufacture of soap and cosmetics. This oil burns without producing smoke, it is therefore suitable as a fuel for lamps and for the direct operation of diesel engines or type Elsbett Lister. -products derived from the seed can be used as natural fertilizer with a high content of leaves azoto.Le Moringa is one of the most complete fodder that may exist. They are very rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and excellent taste, and may be eagerly consumed by all types of animals, ruminants, camels, pigs, birds, perfino carpe ed altri pesci erbivori. L'albero in fiore è un'importante fonte di nettare per le api.La Moringa ha applicazioni medicinali molto varie, specialmente nei suoi paesi di origine.  Le foglie sono molto utili nella produzione di biogas.  Dalla corteccia si estraggono fibre adatte per elaborazione di archi, stuoie e zerbini. Le foglie triturate si impiegano come agente di pulizia. Dal legno si estrae una tintura azzurrata di interesse industriale. Dalla corteccia si estrae anche una gomma con varie applicazioni. Da questa gomma e dalla corteccia si estrae anche tannino, impiegato nell'industria della concia delle pelli.

La Moringa come Alimento Umano

Tavola comparativa del contenuto nutritivo delle foglie di Moringa oleifera con altri alimenti per ogni 100 grammi di parte commestibile

Vitamina A (mg) Moringa: 1130 - Carote: 315Vitamina C (mg) Moringa: 220 - Arance: 30Calcio (mg) Moringa: 440 - Latte di vacca: 120Potassio (mg) Moringa: 259 - Banane: 88Proteine (mg) Moringa: 6700 - Latte di vacca: 3200(Fonte: C. Gopalan et al. (1994), Nutritive Value of Indian Foods, Istituto Nazionale di Nutrizione, India.)

La Moringa oleifera possiede qualità nutrizionali ottime ed è considerata come uno dei migliori perennial plants. Moringa leaves have a higher percentage of 25% protein, as eggs, milk or twice, four times the amount of vitamin A in carrots, four times the calcium of milk, seven times the amount of vitamin C of oranges, three times more potassium than bananas, significant amounts of iron, phosphorus and other elements. Can hardly find a more complete food. In addition, the flavor is pleasant and can be eaten fresh or prepared in different ways. The Moringa oleifera is also known as the "Miracle Plant". The green fruits, seeds and roots are also edible.

Edible parts and forms of preparation:

Fruits, Greens or sheaths, immature: We consume boiled. They taste like green beans or beans. seed pods ripe submerge in boiling water with a little 'salt for a few minutes. You open the casing and extract the seeds already ready to eat. The taste is similar to that of chick peas. They can be eaten roasted, and are very nutritious. Tender leaves : Prepare boiled in the same way, are also used for various soups and other dishes. Are eaten raw in salads. The flavor is slightly spicy, a cross between the radish and watercress. Roots: The roots of the trees are very young, almost nursery, a little over an inch in height, are tuberous, with a very large main root, like a small carrot, the taste is spicy, similar to that of radishes.

Flowers: also edible in salads.

is not only important to take into account the value of Moringa as a food, but also that it can be one of the few vegetables available during the dry periods.

is definitely very important that the protein content of plant parts is complete, (Kit balanced throughout the range of amino acids, even those precious) this fact is almost unique among the vegetable of course, even for the amount at stake, we can define the only existing plant (now known) with these features.

extract oils from seeds, the remaining pulp contains 60% protein, high-quality, this is a huge amount considering that the residue in the same treatment of soy (vegetable protein product of reasonable quality) results from 30 35% protein.

Proteins remaining pulp is excellent for food.

If the leaves are used as fodder with pasta, the residual oil extraction, are a powerful tonic food for herbivorous animals, causing a dramatic improvement of living conditions, they are excellent support for post-partum holding up admirably high production cows milk, and the growth of calves. The definition of "herbivores" should be broadly understood as the leaves have a strong appetite for all herbivores, including by herbivorous fish such as carp that are greedy.

Even the roots are edible and, as mentioned, they taste like spicy radish, aroma spicy roots is more pronounced than that of the leaves: The use of the roots is used as a flavoring, (similar to horseradish), but for the presence of an alkaloid, the Spirochina that interfere with nerve transmission, it is not recommended too much, the roots of food, in moderation, it is common in countries of origin.

The flowers are edible, are usually prepared in a salad. The Moringa flower honey is excellent. The plant grows in very dry climate with vegetation in their environment in case of drought is often the only one that can be kept green. It was the fall of the leaves only as a defense to a climate very dry, with moisture from the Reform plant leaves.

Therapeutic Uses

The Moringa oleifera has found therapeutic uses in cultures throughout the intertropical zone of the planet.

the roots of Moringa oleifera as also Moringa stenopetala are acrid and bitter stimulants, such as horseradish, and have virtues

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SPOILER (click to view)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can I Take Pepcid While Breastfeeding

Altre 150 nuove bombe termonucleari ad Aviano ?!?