Saturday, November 22, 2008

Emerald Tree Boa For Sale In Ontario

Asportazione Rene Ectopico Pelvico

I'm An Adult With Chicken Pox And Scared

Chirurgia del futuro

Chirurgia cardiaca endoscopica

Hot Water Trickle From Taps


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Vehicle Cleaning Supplies

Apparato Tegumentario

L'apparato tegumentario è un insieme di organi e di strutture : la cute e la tela sottocutanea . La cute riveste il corpo esternamente; ad essa sono annesse le cosiddette "produzioni cutanee",che sono: i peli, le unghie, le ghiandole sebacee , ghiandole sudoripare e le mammelle. La tela sottocutanea/derma, si estende al di sotto della cute. La cute/pelle è una membrana continua, elastica e distensibile; essa svolge funzioni importanti: di protezione,secrezione ed escrezione e inoltre di termoregolazione , attraverso la presenza di ghiandole sudoripare, grazie alle quali la temperatura corporea riesce a mantenersi costante. La cute presenta colorito diverso in base alle razze, ma in realtà ciò è dovuto a diversi fattori, ossia: la melanina , che determina il colore nero; il sangue , che dona la tonalità rossa, il carotene , che dà la sfumatura giallastra. La superficie esterna della cute, presenta piccoli ma innumerevoli solchi,che sono le fossete hair and outlet openings of the sweat glands. Microscopically distinguish three different layers: the more superficial epidermis, the stratum most abundant "the dermis and the innermost layer" the hypodermis. The skin epithelium is a compound coating, in which the depth to the surface can be distinguished: the germinal layer, the stratum granulosum, the stratum corneum layer and polished. Of these layers, only the first and last points are thick, while the intermediates are very thin. The germinal layer is composed of many cellular plans, the deep layer consists of prismatic cells that make up the basal layer of the germ, while the overlying strata consist polyhedral cells that form the spinous layer of the germ. The germ cells, contain within their cytoplasm the tonofibrille, each of which is formed by a bunch of tonofilamenti. The granular layer is composed of granules of keratin, a phospholipid material, which passes in the intercellular spaces, giving permeability. In the glossy layer, so called because of its bright appearance, the cytoplasm consists of dense filaments and drops eleidina , and sulfur-rich fluids that would have the task of impeding the evaporation process in the epidermis. the stratum corneum, is composed of cells corneificate then formed by keratin. These cells are flattened considerably, they are detached to the surface forming layer separated, then crumble and fall. The dermis layer of connective tissue is a robust, durable and compact. Its outer surface is irregular due to the presence of minute measurements: the dermal papillae, and longitudinal surveys: the dermal ridges. The dermis is also composed of dense connective tissue, composed of a large amount of collagen fibers and elastic fibers.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

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Chirurgia Estetica (Labbro)

Complete Bmx Part Diagrame

Chirugia Occhio (Strabismo)

Beaches Pediatrician Toronto

Parto Naturale

Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Chirurgia Generale

La chirurgia generale, diversamente da quanto suggerisce il nome, è una specializzazione chirurgica che si concentra soprattutto sugli organi della cavità addominale, come per esempio l'intestino, quindi l'esofago, lo stomaco, il colon, il fegato, la cistifellea compresi i dotti biliari, e spesso si occupa anche della tiroide (a seconda delle capacità operative del chirurgo su testa e collo) e delle ernie.
In Australia, Canada, negli USA e nel Regno Unito, i chirurghi generali si occupano anche dei trattamenti a livello della mammella, compresi gli interventi chirurgici per tumori della mammella stessa. In molti paesi invece, questo tipo di trattamenti è compreso nell'ambito della ginecologia e dell'ostetricia, nella specializzazione detta Mastologia.
Negli ultimi anni sono diventate sempre più importanti le tecniche di chirurgia microinvasiva. Un grande entusiasmo si è sviluppato attorno alla robotica medica (o, più precisamente, alla chirurgia assistita da robot) malgrado gli insufficienti successi ottenuti sino ad oggi.

fonte: wikipedia

Friday, September 19, 2008

Dog Cough With Acepromazine


La chimica è la disciplina che studia:

  • la struttura e la composition of matter
  • the changes that matter undergoes
  • 's energy involved in the transformation of matter


The matter is made of atoms, and may be in the form of:

  • mixtures (or mixtures)
  • substances (or substances as well)


mixtures are a physical set of two or more substances, and may be:

  • heterogeneous : not have a uniform composition and components are easily distinguishable.
  • homogeneous : have uniform composition and the components are indistinguishable (eg sea water, wine, air). They are also called solutions.

The material consists mainly of mixtures.


separating a mixture into its component pure substances are obtained.

These are the most widely used methods of separation:

  • Filtration : separates the components of a heterogeneous mixture by exploiting the different particle size, and is accomplished by passing the mixture through a filter paper.
  • Distillation : separating a mixture by exploiting the different boiling temperatures. It can be simple (separation of liquid from solid-liquid solution) or fractional (separation of liquid from liquid-liquid solution).

  • chromatography : Get the speed with which the different components of the mixture migrate through a support material under the pressure of a stream of solvent.

  • Centrifugation : due to the difference in density between the components of the mixture using centrifugal force.

  • solvent extraction: is achieved by exploiting the solubility of one substance of the mixture in a given solvent.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pitching Machine Toronto


In recent years, cardiac surgery and is 'witnessed a double phenomenon: a certain uniformity of results among the different cardiac surgery centers regarding the statistical results of operations more' routine and a push towards the development of minimally invasive surgical techniques by Institutions with more spirit 'innovative and pioneering. This push and 'has been supported by a growing number of patients seeking a less cosmetically disfiguring and painful intervention, both by industry that saw a huge field of development for the production of new surgical instruments and accessories.
The traditional heart surgery is performed through a median longitudinal sternotomy incision call, which results in 'a vertical scar in the middle of the chest. The advantage of this type of incision, and 'that allows you to have a vision and a complete control of the operating field, and allows access to all facilities and surgical cavity' to the heart and great vessels. The main disadvantages are the aesthetic and the risk (small but not zero) or infection (mediastinitis) or complete healing of the sternum. Although in many patients over time the scar thins to almost disappear, in other cases (eg young women) can 'cause discomfort lasting cosmetics. SIDE
thoracotomy and 'another type of surgical incision is often used during some types of heart surgery, such as closing difetti interatriali, interventi sulla valvola tricuspidale o sulla valvola mitralica, o in alcuni casi di bypass aortocoronarico. Viene spesso utilizzata nelle giovani donne perche' lascia una cicatrice nascosta nel solco sottomammario destro. Ha lo svantaggio di non essere adeguata per alcuni tipi di intervento, di rendere piu' difficile il controllo di possibili complicanze intraoperatorie e di essere piu' dolorosa nell'immediato periodo postoperatorio. Ha il vantaggio di infettarsi molto piu' di rado e di causare una minore perdita di sangue durante l'intervento, con conseguente minor rischio di dover ricevere trasfusioni. Viene spesso associata ad una incisione secondaria all'inguine per l'introduzione delle cannule per la circolazione extracorporea nella arteria and femoral vein.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

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Below you can see my settings and those of my friends like me who use the ADA method.


measures Bath: 150x40x60h
filter: internal sponge, sintered glass wool and razor clams.
lighting: 4 t5 54 watt of Askoll from 6700K for 8 hours a day.
equipment: fund feritlizzato ADA, 40 pounds of ground AMAZON always ADA, 20 kg stone rocks sereyu
plants: Rotala rotundifolia, Blix japonica, Hemianthus callitricoides.
fertilization: bryght K, step 1, half the ECA doses than recommended.
maintenance partial changes weekly, 40%, pruning when necessary.
chemical values: temp. 25 ° C, NO2 - NO3 - PO4 undetectable, pH 6.8 to 6.9, CO2 17mg/litro.
COMMENTS: Layout relatively easy to maintain and, if treated by a lot of satisfaction, suitable for anyone facing for the first time in more simple experiences, the world ADA. attnzione particular should be paid to pruning callitricoides.


measures Bath: 150x40x60h
filter: interior with sponge, sintered glass wool and razor clams.
lighting: 4 t5 54 watt of Askoll from 6700K for 8 hours a day.
equipment: fund feritlizzato ADA, 40 pounds of ground always AMAZON ADA, ADA wood 5 kg, 3 kg stone sereyu
plants: Rotala rotundifolia, Hemianthus callitricoides, Rotala wietnam, eusteralis starry cryptocorine different, Microsorum pteropus var. and nana var. normal Pogostemon helfeeri, crhistmass moss, etc. ... elocaris vivipara
fertilization: bryght K, step 1, half the ECA doses than recommended.
maintenance partial changes weekly, 40%, pruning when necessary.
chemical values: temp. 25 ° C, NO2 - NO3 - PO4 undetectable, pH 6.8 to 6.9, CO2 17mg/litro.
COMMENTS: Layout more complex than the previous high for the presence of different plant species, open and less linear, however, follows previous guidance given by the logs, certainly not suitable for a first experience in the aquarium. essential knowledge of the techniques of pruning of all plants and "eye" for fertilization.

Friday, May 9, 2008

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The gallbladder (also known as gall bladder or gall bladder) is an organ located below the bottom surface of the liver , in the upper right abdomen. Its task is to store the bile , produced by hepatocytes , which will be used during the digestive process .
The gallbladder has normally a length of about 10 cm with a capacity of 40 g. Roughly shaped like a pear, with the body located on the underside of the liver (cystic dimple) and the neck that continues dotto cistico ed è in comunicazione con il fegato mediante il dotto epatico .
La cistifellea può essere sede di calcoli (Calcolosi biliare), che si formano a causa di un eccesso di colesterolo e di calcio inorganico; è un problema abbastanza comune (ne viene colpita circa il 15% della popolazione) e la diagnosi attualmente si basa sull'ecografia del fegato e delle vie biliari. Nei casi più gravi si rende necessaria la terapia chirurgica mediante laparoscopia in anestesia generale. Una dieta povera di grassi e ricca di frutta e verdura riduce notevolmente la possibilità di una loro formazione.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

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serous membrane, thin and transparent, which surrounds the lungs independently of one another, enclosing them as in a sack. Each pleura folds back on itself, at the pulmonary hilum, it consists of two layers: the inner, or visceral, is necked inwardly to the surface of the lung, the outer, or parietal, paper instead of the inside walls of the box chest and, according to its relationship with other anatomic formations, is divided into three portions: costosternale, diaphragmatic, mediastinal . Between the two pleural includes a virtual cavity (pleural cavity) containing a small amount of serous fluid (pleural fluid). The pleura is a distinguished layer of endothelium called mesothelium (which is the surface turned to the pleural cavity), and a layer of connective tissue rich fibrous elastic fibers. The function of the pleura, as well as facilitating the flow of the lung on the chest wall, is to cooperate in the realization of breathing: during the expansion of the chest cavity, caused by the action of inspiratory muscles, the parietal pleura, following the movements of the walls themselves, causing a negative pressure nel cavo pleurico, rapidamente compensata dall’espansione del polmone, il quale può in tal modo assumere l’aria dall’esterno.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

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Come l'influenza, il raffreddore è una malattia provocata da virus (una particolare famiglia battezzata rinovirus). Se trova condizioni favorevoli, il rinovirus attacca le cellule delle prime vie respiratorie; l'infiammazione che ne deriva provoca la dilatazione dei vasi sanguigni che irrorano la mucosa nasale, si richiamano così liquidi nella parte, si produce muco e il passaggio dell'aria viene ostacolato. Nel raffreddore il contagio può avvenire sia per via aerea (cioè for the presence of rhinovirus in the air) and for contact. However, as the rhinoviruses rather fragile, the transition from person to person is primarily by contact.


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Fever is not a disease but a symptom that comes in many different occasions where the common element is the inflammation. In fact, inflammation is a natural reaction to an aggression to the tissues conducted by viruses and bacteria but also by a trauma (like a bruise or an injury). The inflammatory processes are characterized by the production of certain substances, prostaglandins, which have the effect of causing pain, which explains why the fever often are accompanied by headache or muscle aches. The most common cause of fever it is the viral and bacterial infections, especially in cold weather. It 's the case of a cold (but rarely gives high fever) and influence, typical diseases caused by viruses, or pharyngitis and bronchitis, which are instead typical diseases caused by bacteria. As long as the temperature increase is small (5 lines, a degree) is a subjective matter: if you tolerate this condition without undue hardship, it is not necessary to take a drug that lowers the temperature. If the fever and pains of various kinds prevent carrying out normal activities, may be used to lower fever (antifebbrili).


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La diarrea è la situazione in cui le feci si presentano piuttosto liquide e l'intestino ha contrazioni più frequenti del normale. Può essere causata di un colpo d'aria fredda, ma anche da un'intossicazione da cibi guasti, un'infezione o dall'assunzione di alcuni farmaci (per esempio gli antibiotici). Normalmente, gli attacchi di diarrea passano da soli: l'unica precauzione da adottare è restare a digiuno e assumere molti liquidi, così da mantenere idratato l'organismo. Se i dolori addominali sono forti si può ricorrere a un antidiarroico. Questo, però, se si è sicuri che il disturbo non sia dovuto a un'infezione o a un'intossicazione. In these cases, diarrhea is a defensive response of the body, trying to expel as soon as possible irritant and toxic.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

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Golden Section

The golden section shows how the very nature follows mathematical rules without "distorting". In order for an object is smooth, each of its parts must be in relation to the others. We react positively to articles so made: they are pleasant to the eyes, because linking the product of man to the natural world. In fact, the golden section, which is considered the universal law of harmony, can be found in nature. The leaves of black locust on the branch, for example, are each separated by spaces that have as the golden section proportion. Or some of the spiral shells (such as the Nautilus) can be fully coalesce into a series of rectangles whose sides are in proportion with this ratio. It was the greek mathematician Euclid in Book VI of the Elements, a mathematical formula that defined this relationship: the golden section is the part of the segment average is proprozionale between the whole segment and the remaining part. The golden section of a segment, in approximate form, is 0.618.
x = ((rad 5)-1)/2)a = 0,618...
Nell'arte figurativa e nell'architettura le leggi numeriche hanno governato fin dalle civiltà arcaiche. Queste proporzioni sono la base delle piramidi egizie. La sezione aurea è anche stata usata ampliamente in pittura, in molti quadri, soprattutto dal Rinascimento, questa proporzione veniva usata moltissime volte all'interno dell'opera. Si dice, ad esempio, che nella rappresentazione di un panorama l'orizzonte deve dividere l'altezza del quadro secondo la sezione aurea per ottenere un risultato più soddisfacente. La sezione aurea si incontra ovunque in modo insistente, in natura, come nella scienza e nell'arte, e contribuisce alla bellezza di tutto ciò che ci circonda. Vari esperimenti suggeriscono che la percezione umana mostra una naturale preferenza per le proporzioni in accordo con la sezione aurea.

In acquario la sezione aurea viene utilizzata per trovare il punto di maggior rilevanza, quel punto dove posizionare l’elemento di maggior importanza che richiama l’attenzione di chi osserva l’acquario. Può essere trovato utilizzando le due dimensioni della base, moltiplichiamo le dimensioni per il numero della sezione aurea, facciamo partire delle direttrici da quei punti verso l’interno della vasca e nel punto in cui si incontrano va inserito o realizzato il richiamo principale. Si può utilizzare anche l’altezza seguendo lo stesso criterio, in questo modo si avranno tutte e tre le dimensioni per determinare il centro esatto, secondo la sezione aurea, all’interno dell’acquario.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ap Lab 5 Cellular Respiration


Ciao a tutti!

Ho creato questo blog per dare sfogo alla mia passione per gli acquari e più in particolare alla passione ADA for aquariums.

For those unfamiliar with this type of aquarium began by giving some more information on what it means to "ADA" as to who introduced this kind of discipline in the "design" of tanks and open only on the fundamental principles that regulate it.

begin with the initials ADA, this is the abbreviation for Water Design Amano where love is going to Takashi Amano, the creator and founder of the leading company in the aquarium known throughout the world.

Takashi Amano was born July 18, 1954 in Niigata, began as a child to become interested in plants and aquatic animals to the point of winning numerous awards. He is also interested in photography, a passion that led him to turn around the world to photograph fish and plants in their natural environment. Amano has started a revolution against the rigid concepts aquarium, making it the undisputed protagonists plants and transforming the work of art lovers in the aquarium where it becomes an art form where the man must re-create a natural ecosystem. The advice I give is love to observe nature as an example and reference point from which to take inspiration.

The company-owned manufactures and markets in the world all products and equipment that are necessary to set up a tank from scratch ADA. The tanks are made of crystal silicon using minimal and not very visible because it is the container that is beginning to clear the concept of simplicity and transparency. The diffuser is made entirely of carbon dioxide in glass do not cause the slightest interference aesthetics.

The principles on which the technique Amano are many, first of all refers to the Zen philosophy of Japanese gardens, are used mosses and ferns, floating plants, is introduced Yamatonuma Ebi shrimp (Caridina japonica) phenomenal algae eater, it uses the golden section for the positioning of the element of greatest importance, using techniques to support the inclusion of wood and rocks. All this will be detailed more carefully later on.

Angelo Leonardi