Monday, January 17, 2011

Hydrogen Prices 2010 Ohio

MORIA BIRD - (Tesla Patents,

MORIA DI UCCELLI - (Brevetti Tesla, Scie Chimiche, Pandemia, Cen


GINEVRA - Gli scienziati hanno trovato prove di un cambiamento "drastico", che è cominciato dal 1970, nelle correnti oceaniche del Nord Atlantico (NAO- North Atlantic Oscillation) che solitamente influenzano il clima nell'emisfero settentrionale. La North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) è la variazione periodica della differenza di pressione atmosferica tra le Azzorre e l'Islanda.
Attraverso il suo indice è possibile avere anche delle informazioni di massima se gli inverni in Europa saranno freddi e secchi, oppure umidi e caldi. Ma la NAO influenza anche le correnti oceaniche sul Nord Atlantic. During positive phases, dominated by a current of relatively warm water at 10 °, salty and rich in nutrients from the Gulf Stream. If the NAO is in a downturn, the Labrador Current is dominant with a mass of relatively cold water at 6 ° C which is relatively low in nutrients coming from the sub-polar regions.

By searching on corals in the deep waters of the North Atlantic, has highlighted a quite radical change in ocean circulation since 1970. Using geochemical methods, the team of scientists was able to demonstrate that a drastic change in water temperature occurred in the western North Atlantic.

This change only in the last 2000 years, the statement said, can be directly related to global resolder. Scientists rule out other causes ecological or organic geochemical and instead suspect there is a direct connection between changes in ocean currents in the North Atlantic and global warming caused mainly by human activities.


AFP (Agence France-Presse) -

The satellite "Fermi" discovers antimatter created by thunderstorms on Earth

time I land, and in general, the rainfall would be able to produce beams of antimatter. This is one of the most important science news of the beginning of this year. Antimatter, something fascinating and always cloaked in a mystery that triggers the imagination of men, and sometimes even generates fear and superstition.

Something that seemed so far linked to the impressive machinery such as CERN, the only tool I have ever put those scientists to create antimatter.

The phenomenon has been recorded by the satellite space for the detection of gamma rays "Stop." Experts say this is a completely unexpected discovery, a discovery of the geoscience of the most important of recent times .

As is well known for some time, the storms can create sparks of gamma rays. What has been observed for the first time since the space telescope satellite "Fermi" is that they are also produced currents of electrons and anti-electrons, antimatter equivalent (also called positrons and positrons).

The satellite itself was affected by these anti-electron beams, and the reaction generatasi, namely the production of gamma rays detected by the same "Fermi", the satellite has noticed their presence.

Steven Cummer, an expert on the subject of atmospheric electricity at Duke University, said: "The idea is that on any planet where rain can occur generate anti-matter, and then expand this antimatter in space in the form of focused beam detected by a spacecraft. This seems like something taken directly dalla fantascienza“. La BBC ha reso noto al grande pubblico l’esito dell’indagine scientifica, dopo che questo è stato annunciato dal team di scienziati, guidati dal ricercatore della NASA Julie McEnery, al meeting annuale dell’American Astronomical Society. I risultati della ricerca a cui sono pervenuti gli scienziati sarà inoltre pubblicato a breve sulla rivista di geofisica e notizie scientifiche: “Geophysical Research Letters”.


fermi rileva l'antimateria nei temporali


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