Friday, February 13, 2009

21st Birthday Religious


Metabolic disease characterized by alteration of the degradation process of ' amino acid phenylalanine, resulting in accumulation of this compound in the body. It is also known as oligophrenia or phenylpyruvic idiocy. The disease is caused by a defect in ' enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase that catalyzes a reaction pathway of acid degradation. The synthesis of this enzyme is encoded by a defective recessive gene on one of the non-sex chromosomes (autosomes). Thus, subjects heterozygous for this gene are carriers of phenylketonuria, while homozygotes show this disease.

The disease manifests itself towards the end of the first year of life, when you highlight the initial clinical manifestations related to mental retardation that causes the disease. At that time, in fact, is observed in children difficulty in the articulation of language and maintaining an upright position. The skin is typically affected by eczema . In subsequent years, there is an abnormal pattern of electroencephalographic trace ; crisis appear seizures and violent behavior.

There is no specific treatment for phenylketonuria, which can restore function already compromised by disease, is possibile però diagnosticarla precocemente, mediante esami prenatali (esame chimico del liquido amniotico) oppure, al momento della nascita, impiegando particolari reagenti che, al contatto con le urine del neonato, assumono una particolare colorazione. Le analisi del sangue rivelano un’elevata concentrazione ematica di fenilalanina. La diagnosi precoce della patologia permette di controllare l’insorgenza della malattia, attraverso la prescrizione di una dieta rigorosa, in cui siano assenti cibi contenenti l’amminoacido. Le confezioni di vendita di alcuni prodotti riportano l’indicazione “non contiene fonti di fenilalanina”, allo scopo di segnalare la loro innocuità against people with phenylketonuria.

"Phenylketonuria," Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2008http: / / © 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Real Western Chikan Forum

Spina Bifida

congenital malformation of spine, because of the lack of welding in the rear edges of intrauterine life. The severity of this disease is variable, ranging from mild (spina bifida), in which there are almost no signs of abnormality, in extreme cases, the column is completely open and serious neurologic impairment, with herniation of the meninges and part of the spinal cord . In Europe and the United States, spina bifida affects about 5% of the cases not treated surgically and usually die or remain severely disabled, even among children operated recovery is not, however, granted. The intake of folic acid by the mother during the first six weeks of pregnancy reduces the risk of spina bifida in the fetus. A fetus with spina bifida is marked by abnormal concentrations of alfafetoproteina, detected by amniocentesis or a simple examination of the maternal blood during pregnancy.

"Spina bifida," Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2008http: / / © 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Antenna Vertical Vhf Construction

Sclerosi Multipla

neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system . It comes in many forms, characterized by different clinical manifestations, such as difficulty walking, the paralysis and blindness . It can occur at any age, but instead affects individuals between 20 and 40. The course of multiple sclerosis, diagnosed for the first time in 1849, is often unpredictable neurological lesions may remain relatively limited or extensive as to damage nerve pathways that connect the brain to other parts of the body.

Multiple sclerosis has its origin in a mistaken immune response body, which is unleashed against the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers, which explains why it is included in the group of autoimmune diseases . Myelin has an insulating function and allows the rapid propagation of nerve impulses. The damage (demyelination) causes the rapid depletion of nerve impulses along the nerve fiber , then the non-propagation of signals to various parts of the body derive from various neurological disorders. The functions of the body affected depends on the group demyelinated nerve fibers, for example, if the visual pathways are damaged, the patient is suffering from poor eyesight. The attack of MS (poussée) is preceded by ' inflammation in some areas (plaques) in the white matter, thus beginning the degenerative process itself.

The incidence of MS in women is twice that of men, also in the temperate zones is five times more frequent than in the tropics. This may indicate a correlation between sclerosis and environmental factors, but there are no reliable data on the subject. Periodically, a record epidemic of this disease, and was famous the Faroe Islands, which was recorded during the second world war in the years following the arrival of British troops. This phenomenon is difficult to interpret, because it seems that there is a specific infectious agent responsible disease. Viral infections may still interfere with the progression of MS, in fact, cause inflammation in the body and the production of a compound, the ' interferon g, which worsens the condition of patients.

The research on multiple sclerosis have shown that there is a genetic component in its onset. Are involved, in particolare, i geni localizzati sul cromosoma 6, che controllano le caratteristiche degli antigeni HLA che formano il complesso maggiore di istocompatibilità. Tre delle proteine HLA nei malati risultano differenti da quelle dei soggetti sani; vi è una correlazione tra la gravità dei sintomi e la presenza di una sola o di tutte e tre le proteine indagate. Nella genesi della patologia vi sarebbero coinvolte anche altri loci genici, presenti sui cromosomi 2, 3, 7, 11, e sul cromosoma sessuale X. La progressione della sclerosi multipla sarebbe dunque di tipo multifattoriale, coinvolgendo probabilmente fattori ambientali e l’interazione di numerosi geni.

Una recente ipotesi prospetta l’interessamento dell’ herpesvirus della mononucleosi (EBV o virus di Epstein-Barr), nell’insorgenza dei fenomeni autoimmunitari che demielinizzano le fibre nervose. Come emerge dai risultati di uno studio pubblicato nel 2002 e compiuto dalla Harvard Medical School di Boston nell’arco del decennio 1990-2000, il virus produce sostanze antigeniche sia durante la fase attiva e replicativa sia durante la fase latente in cui il virus si insedia nei linfociti (vedi Globuli bianchi ), ove può permanere anche per molti anni; contro tali antigeni l’organismo secerne anticorpi che vengono rilevati dall’esame del siero . Un significativo innalzamento degli anticorpi diretti contro gli antigeni della forma latente, prima dell’esordio della malattia, caratterizza il profilo sierologico dei soggetti osservati: l’interazione tra linfociti e virus EBV potrebbe determinare i processi autoimmunitari a carico delle fibre nervose. Non è però stata dimostrata la presenza del virus nelle placche in soggetti già malati, e pertanto la teoria richiede ulteriori conferme.

Nella maggior parte dei casi, la sclerosi multipla si manifesta inizialmente con sintomi episodici e transitori, della durata di qualche ora o al massimo di qualche giorno. Tra un attacco e l'altro possono passare anche anni, in cui il soggetto è completamente asintomatico. Tuttavia, anche se in modo parzialmente silent, the disease progresses, usually very slowly, usually causing permanent functional deficits that occur with motor weakness and incoordination.

The diagnosis usually requires numerous tests, such as nuclear magnetic resonance and lumbar puncture for CSF examination.

A definitive treatment for multiple sclerosis is not available. The therapeutic action is aimed at slowing the progression of neurologic damage, in order to improve the quality of life of the patient. You can act on individual complaints, such as muscle spasms or abnormal functioning of the bladder also si impiegano farmaci immunosoppressori per ridurre l’azione autoimmunitaria dell’organismo, e antinfiammatori a base di cortisone e ACTH per limitare i danni alle fibre nervose. Una speranza è riposta nei composti immunomodulatori che, rispetto agli immunosoppressori, esercitano un’azione più mirata nei confronti del sistema immunitario; in pazienti che non hanno raggiunto fasi della malattia invalidanti, una di queste sostanze, l’interferone β, sembra ridurre la frequenza degli attacchi. La fisioterapia e la terapia occupazionale risultano importanti strumenti di sostegno del malato, per il quale è fondamentale il mantenimento di una vita attiva malgrado limitations caused by the progression of MS.

"Multiple Sclerosis," Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2008http: / / © 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Fibrosi Cistica

inherited disorder that affects exocrine glands, characterized by excessive production of mucus by very often, especially in the glands' respiratory and intestinal epithelium . This disease is also known as cystic fibrosis, and is caused by a mutation against a gene that is was located in 1989, it was until recently the fatal within 5 years of life. The life expectancy of patients is now much increased, as well as their quality of life. It is however not yet identified a cure for this disease.

Excessive production of mucus in patients causes severe respiratory crisis, other problems occur at the expense of all the organs in which there is a glandular secretion. There is in fact very dense also saliva, tear fluid the the sweat, and this aspect leads to the possibility of obstruction of glandular ducts with the onset of inflammation were degli organi interessati. Il pancreas risulta poco funzionale, e ciò comporta anche gravi disfunzioni nella digestione. Nel sudore si riscontra una salinità particolarmente elevata, e nelle feci si trovano residui di alimenti grassi non assorbiti: queste due caratteristiche possono essere utilizzate per la diagnosi della fibrosi cistica. All’esame radiografico , inoltre, le vie respiratorie, e in particolare i bronchi, risultano ispessiti.

I pazienti con insufficienza pancreatica possono assumere enzimi pancreatici ai pasti, mentre quelli che presentano infezioni respiratorie vengono trattati con antibiotici e con aerosol, in modo da alleviare la costrizione delle vie aeree e da rendere il muco più fluido. L’ostruzione intestinale, frequente nei neonati, può richiedere intervento chirurgico. Un’alimentazione abbondante di proteine e povera di grassi , accompagnata da somministrazione di vitamine , può notevolmente migliorare la sintomatologia del paziente. Anche un farmaco messo a punto di recente, a base di enzima DNAasi, consente una fluidificazione del muco e, quindi, il miglioramento dello stato di salute. Risulta importante un consulto genetico nei soggetti portatori di fibrosi cistica; infatti, se entrambi i genitori sono portatori del gene responsabile della malattia, vi è una probabilità four who have a sick child. The gene, identified in 1989 on chromosome 7, may be mutated in more than 300 different locations. Today there are tests that can detect changes and identify the most common carriers. There are also several ongoing clinical studies aimed at defining an effective therapy for this disease, which affects one baby in Italy in 2000.

"Cystic Fibrosis," Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2008http: / / © 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Blood In 13 Year Old Daughter Stool

Apparato Muscolare

The muscular system comprende i muscoli striati, i muscoli lisci e il muscolo cardiaco. I muscoli striati permettono i movimenti volontari; sono anche detti scheletrici, perché si collegano alle ossa dello scheletro. L'inserzione avviene mediante robusti cordoni connettivali, i tendini, oppure attraverso fasce dette aponeurosi, o direttamente a livello del tessuto sottocutaneo. La contrazione dei muscoli scheletrici permette il movimento reciproco delle ossa; spesso si verifica un'azione congiunta di coppie di muscoli, in cui uno funge da flessore, avvicinando due ossa adiacenti, e l'altro da estensore, allontanandole.

I muscoli lisci sono localizzati nelle pareti degli organi interni, come intestine, stomach, blood vessels, and contract in response to stimuli from the involuntary autonomic nervous system, allowing the performance of physiological functions such as peristalsis during digestion or the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. Also plays an involuntary cardiac muscle, characterized by striated fibers that, by contracting in a synchronous manner, determine the cardiac function of pumping blood.

muscle size depends on their function: if the essential characteristic is agility, as in the fingers, the muscles are quite small. The muscles are able to perform powerful movements, such as of the round, are larger.

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