On unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life not only the scientists argue. The studies and the books of Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Danichen arouse uproar for years, but even some members of the Church have, in recent times, given space openings completely unexpected about the possibility of life in space.
Don Luciano Viti , also known as Samuel father, had achieved a certain reputation for being UFO interpretations of Scripture . It appears, for example, that he said: "The angels ? are extraterrestrials. " Now, if you take the statement literally, that is, translating the word "angel" with its corresponding greek of "messenger" and the term "alien" as a synonym for "outside the earth," as alleged by Don Luciano Viti is unassailable : the angels are, in fact, entities that carry messages and, as regards their strangeness to the ground, there is certainly nothing to argue. You can believe or not the existence of angels, but surely ranks as a separate "non-terrestrial," other than humans, dogs and birch, for example, that are terrestrial.
UFO. The Church also pose questions on Alien Life According to Don And Screws The Angels are aliens
-Luciano Viti, born in Viterbo in 1962, however, went further and the Church, at some point, it no longer acceptable , so as to take the bishop of the Diocese of Pistoia, Bishop Mansueto Bianchi, with a formal warning letter. In addition to
interpretations "pro ufo" of the Bible, in fact, "father Samuel" was giving prayers of blessing the sick with music and dance a bit 'too similar to those US-made show of : a method of teaching is not really Catholic and certainly not in line with the discipline of the Holy See to remain faithful to the priest who preferred to resign. Last October, what had been dubbed by the media as "UFO priest" has been suspended divinis.
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