Sunday, January 9, 2011

Herpes Simplex Going Crazy

first reported UFO UFO, when Mexico becomes the gatekeeper of the world

The vigilantes are a research group founded by the famous Jaime Maussan (pictured) , ufologist journalist and one of the most famous in the world.

The Mexico is a model for the whole world
, at least As for the UFO
. In fact, a sort of sentinel ufologo messicano jaime maussan the planet. In addition to the great cultural traditions, myths and legends that trace the roots of Mesoamerican populations, it is fact that even among the local public opinion there is a thorough knowledge. A phenomenon experienced with more emotion than other countries of the hemisphere and around the globe. Even the media, newspapers and television networks deal with issues
with UFO investigations, surveys and a wealth of journalistic hard to find in European media. No shortage of original ideas and an organizational basis for very efficient. Such as " Vigilantes. " What do
Mexican vigilantes in detail? Their approach to the phenomenon Varig dealing with extreme expertise. With a professional style and complete. They are almost always provided with technological tools that can, at any time, to be able to document and return with photos or video. Great attention is paid to the sightings with photographic and filmed evidence. Everything related to the UFO phenomenon is analyzed and discussed. It is no coincidence that a huge amount, both of which
video images
, sightings in recent years comes from the village Highlands. Considerable interest from the public and the media, is addressed also to the archaeological finds dating back to pre-Columbian period. The English conquest, and in particular
the destruction wrought by Cortés could have erased many traces and evidence of the UFO phenomenon in Mexico , centuries before the discovery of the new world.
UFO, The Secret of the Aztecs lost Exactly 490 years ago in December of the city of Tenochtitlan no longer existed in its place would be born today Mexico City. The genocide of the Aztecs , the destruction of temples, remains of pre-Columbian civilization, are often the subject of debate for many streams of
ufologists. The specialization of some is to revisit historical events and documents, looking for clues that might make sense a presence
extraterrestrial and UFO
even in ancient times.
A monk from the Indians. The key man of this story is not known conqueror Hernan Cortes but

Geronimo de Aguilar. He was the interpreter di Cortés, meglio ancora un “analista”. Era l’unico spagnolo a conoscere, piuttosto bene, la realtà dei Maya

e indirettamente quella degli Aztechi. Era un frate francescano, naufragato in una delle prime spedizioni spagnole sulla costa messicana. Salvatosi rimase dieci anni, come schiavo, con i Maya. Aggregatosi alla spedizione di Cortés, possedeva ormai un bagaglio di conoscenze notevole degli usi, costumi e soprattutto delle leggende locali. Sarà su questi racconti mitologici che Cortés, consigliato da de Aguilar, fonderà la conquista del
Messico , pur disponendo di forze militari esigue. ufo-atzechi-foto
La divinità che scomparve all’orizzonte
. In particular scholars and researchers focus on one aspect: the figure of the god Quetzalcoatl, a leading local deities. According to the legends , but tended to differ according to peoples and areas, he would donate the grain to the Indians, taught to use the fire and provided the basis for all their knowledge. At the time of taking leave and disappear into the sea, some tribes were talking about heaven, he promised to return to govern those lands. Immediately

the Aztecs, and in particular their emperor Montezuma, Cortés landed associated with the return of Quetzalcoatl. Many researchers have studied such laws, finds incredibly fit together with some aspects of UFO theories moderne, seppur anche delle contraddizioni. D’altronde gli Aztechi ed i Maya sono universalmente riconosciuti come tra i popoli più misteriosi dell’ era precolombiana, con un grado di conoscenze nell’astronomia stupefacenti se rapportate ad altri aspetti della loro vita quotidiana. La strana ossessione di Cortès . Egli forse sottovalutò tali elementi o semplicemente non volle approfondirli. Molti studiosi tradizionali hanno rilevato alcuni strani atteggiamenti del conquistatore spagnolo. La distruzione, anche dopo la fine delle ostilità, di alcuni dei templi di Tenichtitlàn con il resto della città. Un gesto superfluo, non necessario, non in linea con la mentalità pragmatica del personaggio. Oltre la sete di conquista e saccheggio di oro, sembrava essere divenuta un’ ossessione per Cortés: distruggere gli idoli pagani e convertire gli indios. Atteggiamento che contraddiceva l’indole del personaggio, non certamente un fanatico religioso. Qualunque cosa avesse ipoteticamente scoperto, o Geronimo de Aguilar gli avesse rivelato, non ne fece mai menzione. Erano tempi in cui, nella cattolicissima Spagna, si moriva tacciati di eresia per molto meno. L’ultimo segreto

di Cortès bruciò forse tra le rovine di Tenochtitlán, sepolto dalla storia.

UFO cancellati dalla storia: la censura nei secoli

The widespread distrust of the community fed

ufologists, to the Government of the United States

sinking in deep roots. However, the lack of openness of the U.S.

UFO phenomenon, regardless of whether the result of a specific political or dictated by random elements, it is a fact unprecedented in history. In practice, in every age, the hegemonic powers of the moment, have always shown a certain mistrust of all those mysterious or unusual phenomena. Other than ostracism, hundreds of years ago we witnessed a UFO censorship

full-blown. It can be very explain the risk, direct or indirect, which could incur. The fear, not so hidden, to see challenged their power and geopolitical dominance. The

Romans did not behave differently in this respect. Still mysterious,

appearances of alleged UFO and still unexplained phenomena, the chronicles of the first great empire in history are full. Of course the Romans did not have the means and knowledge we have today, and it is only a partial excuse. Several episodes mysterious, even famous, the epic of the Roman Empire, would have deserved much more depth.

It was less than the catholic
Spain, especially after the discovery of the new world. The strange behavior of Cortes, who came into contact with cultures based on myths and ancestral legends, is symptomatic. Preferred erase the traces and evidence of

Aztecs and Maya
. The times were what they were, the Inquisition as well. It ended at the stake for a lot less, let alone to fear the existence of gods came from heaven. Then there was the period of the Cold War
. In that half-century communist regimes, suffering from a chronic paranoia,

ignored and hid traces and clues from the scientific value potentially immeasurable. Per la dottrina Marxista l’acronimo “ UFO ” era un tabù. Un discorso valido sia per la Cina maoista che per l’ Urss .


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