Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chevelle Was The Best Car

UFOs and Area 51: sensational revelations coming?

A television producer for National Geographic, Peter Yost, recently presented to the American press for the upcoming planning a spectacular documentary about the famous Area 51, who remembers being a vast military zone located south of the U.S. state of Nevada, whose high level of secrecy surrounding the military base itself and the fact that its existence is only vaguely acknowledged by the U.S. government has made Area 51 the subject of various theories of conspiracies and conspirators, and ufologists.
The producer said he had access to unprecedented access to documents declassified by the super-secret military base. "The television program - adds Yost - will post pictures and movies exclusively within the military structure, with interviews with former employees of the same area. Some of the things that have been hidden are quite remarkable."
Yost concludes: "It is done! We have thousands of unique documents and videos. It 's all real, tangible, verifiable. And we have some surprises."
's documentary Yost should go on the air this spring, along with another television project called "Alien Invasion", which will affect how it might be managed on a "first contact". A TV critic has asked, however, Yost because, after all these years, he was allowed di accedere all'Area 51 ed acquisire la documentazione segreta. Ha risposto senza mezzi termini: "Alcuni dipendenti hanno ormai un piede nella fossa, hanno dai 70 ai 90 anni, diciamo che è giunto il momento per raccontare la loro storia, ora o mai più".
Clamorose, imminenti verità o ennesima speculazione? WikiLeaks non ha dato, al momento, alcuna "illuminazione" al noto tema, in tanti si aspettano chissà quali rivelazioni. Nel frattempo c'è chi assapora lauti tornaconti propinando all'opinione pubblica questioni di apparente rilievo ufologico, ma che nella sostanza non hanno mai aggiunto nulla a quanto è già noto (o non noto) da decenni. Pasquale Gallano
Fonte: EW.com


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