It is located near Gakona, Alaska (lat. 62.39 ° N, long. 145.15 ° W), west of Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park. Similar systems exist in
Norway: EISCAT European project (1000 MW power ERP)
United States: HIPAS near Fairbanks (Alaska)
Puerto Rico: Arecibo
Russia: Draft SURA, near Novgorod Nižné (power 190 MW ERP )
The HAARP system consists of a transmitter capable of transmitting electromagnetic waves court from 2.8 to 10 MHz with a power of 960 KW. The radiated power (ERP) is 84 dBW (corresponding to 500 MW), but this applies only to the frequency of 10 MHz Two frequencies often used are 3.39 and 6.99 MHz
The HAARP facility was built in three distinct phases: DP
The prototype had 18 antennas arranged in three columns by six rows, with a transmitter power of 360 kw. The plant next
FDP currently has 48 antennas, arranged in six columns by eight rows. The plant will be the final
FIRI since 2007 is composed of 180 antennas, arranged in 15 columns by 12 rows, with a transmitter power of 3,600 kw.
Each corresponds to a dipole antenna that can be cross-polarized in modo lineare o circolare per la trasmissione e la ricezione.
La struttura è stata costruita modificando una precedente installazione radar esistente in zona.
Minacce invisibili
Ebbene il 15 gennaio 2003, il sito della «Prava» ha ospitato un inquietante articolo, scritto dal deputato ucraino Yuri Solomatin, in cui si esprime preoccupazione per gli esperimenti condotti dagli americani in Alaska, dove dal 1994 si sta portando avanti il programma HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, cioè «programma di ricerca attiva aurorale con alta frequenza». In pratica, una selva di enormi antenne eretta nel bel mezzo della foresta boreale nordamericana. Solomatin ha voluto richiamare l’attenzione Ukraine on an issue already raised by the Russians. Those antennas are perhaps the prototype of a weapon "geophysics" American, able to influence the climate of continents with microwave altering the temperature or humidity? The Ukrainian deputy gives credence to the suspicion that natural disasters which have intensified recently are to be attributed to more frequent testing of the HAARP system. Even in Germany, last year's floods have seemed to someone too disastrous. Thus, two German journalists, Grazyna Fosar Bludorf and Franz, they envisioned in their article, published in issue 120 of the bimonthly "Raum und Zeif," that the cyclones and flooding that have bent Central Europe can essere legati all’HAARP. La Russia aveva dato l’allarme quasi un anno fa. Come riporta l’agenzia Interfax dell’8 agosto 2002, ben 90 parlamentari della Duma di Mosca avevano firmato un appello indirizzato all’ONU in cui si chiedeva la messa al bando di questi esperimenti elettromagnetici. Un mese più tardi erano saliti a 220 i deputati russi a favore dell’appello. D’altronde vi era stato un rapporto della Duma che accusava esplicitamente l’America. Parole schiette e scomode: «Sotto il programma HAARP, gli USA stanno creando nuove armi geofisiche integrali, che possono influenzare gli elementi naturali con onde radio ad alta frequenza. Il significato di questo salto qualitativo è comparabile al passaggio white from the gun to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear ones. "
Norway: EISCAT European project (1000 MW power ERP)
United States: HIPAS near Fairbanks (Alaska)
Puerto Rico: Arecibo
Russia: Draft SURA, near Novgorod Nižné (power 190 MW ERP )
The HAARP system consists of a transmitter capable of transmitting electromagnetic waves court from 2.8 to 10 MHz with a power of 960 KW. The radiated power (ERP) is 84 dBW (corresponding to 500 MW), but this applies only to the frequency of 10 MHz Two frequencies often used are 3.39 and 6.99 MHz
The HAARP facility was built in three distinct phases: DP
The prototype had 18 antennas arranged in three columns by six rows, with a transmitter power of 360 kw. The plant next
FDP currently has 48 antennas, arranged in six columns by eight rows. The plant will be the final
FIRI since 2007 is composed of 180 antennas, arranged in 15 columns by 12 rows, with a transmitter power of 3,600 kw.
Each corresponds to a dipole antenna that can be cross-polarized in modo lineare o circolare per la trasmissione e la ricezione.
La struttura è stata costruita modificando una precedente installazione radar esistente in zona.
Minacce invisibili
Ebbene il 15 gennaio 2003, il sito della «Prava» ha ospitato un inquietante articolo, scritto dal deputato ucraino Yuri Solomatin, in cui si esprime preoccupazione per gli esperimenti condotti dagli americani in Alaska, dove dal 1994 si sta portando avanti il programma HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, cioè «programma di ricerca attiva aurorale con alta frequenza». In pratica, una selva di enormi antenne eretta nel bel mezzo della foresta boreale nordamericana. Solomatin ha voluto richiamare l’attenzione Ukraine on an issue already raised by the Russians. Those antennas are perhaps the prototype of a weapon "geophysics" American, able to influence the climate of continents with microwave altering the temperature or humidity? The Ukrainian deputy gives credence to the suspicion that natural disasters which have intensified recently are to be attributed to more frequent testing of the HAARP system. Even in Germany, last year's floods have seemed to someone too disastrous. Thus, two German journalists, Grazyna Fosar Bludorf and Franz, they envisioned in their article, published in issue 120 of the bimonthly "Raum und Zeif," that the cyclones and flooding that have bent Central Europe can essere legati all’HAARP. La Russia aveva dato l’allarme quasi un anno fa. Come riporta l’agenzia Interfax dell’8 agosto 2002, ben 90 parlamentari della Duma di Mosca avevano firmato un appello indirizzato all’ONU in cui si chiedeva la messa al bando di questi esperimenti elettromagnetici. Un mese più tardi erano saliti a 220 i deputati russi a favore dell’appello. D’altronde vi era stato un rapporto della Duma che accusava esplicitamente l’America. Parole schiette e scomode: «Sotto il programma HAARP, gli USA stanno creando nuove armi geofisiche integrali, che possono influenzare gli elementi naturali con onde radio ad alta frequenza. Il significato di questo salto qualitativo è comparabile al passaggio white from the gun to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear ones. "
The word to the Americans The official site presents us with an innocent science station where scientists probing radio regions of the upper atmosphere preannuncianti outer space, namely the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The titles of the explanatory paragraphs of the site are also written to mo 'questions ("What is HAARP?," What is involved with the Department of Defense? ", Etc..) In the paragraph titled" HAARP is unique? "We are quick to point out that other nations are studying the ionosphere, come la stessa Russia o i Paesi europei (più il Giappone) del consorzio EISCAT, anche se le loro apparecchiature, site a Tromsoe in Norvegia, sono dei radar «incoerenti». Ma veniamo ai dettagli. Presso Gakona, circa 200 km a Nord-Est del Golfo del Principe Guglielmo, un terreno di proprietà del Dipartimento della Difesa USA fu scelto il 18 ottobre 1993 da funzionari dell’Air Force e a partire dall’anno seguente venne disseminato di piloni d’alluminio alti 22 metri, il cui numero è cresciuto di anno in anno fino ad arrivare a 180. Ognuno di questi piloni porta doppie antenne a dipoli incrociati, una coppia per la «banda bassa» da 2.8 a 7 MegaHerz e l’altra per la «banda alta» da 7 fino 10 MegaHerz. These antennas are capable of transmitting high-frequency waves to a height of 350km, due to their great power. When fully operational, the plant requires 3.6 megawatts (the capacity of 100 cars), secured by six generators powered by diesel engines by 3600 as many horses each. Official purpose of these facilities is to study the ionosphere to improve telecommunications. As we know, this layer is composed of thin material in the plasma state, that is, charged particles (ions), and has the ability to reflect radio waves toward the ground, especially at night. 'S why, for example, that at night we can hear AM radio stations in many foreign countries, as che la riflessione ionosferica permette ai segnali di scavalcare la curvatura terrestre.
Guerre di radioonde
Secondo lo stesso principio è plausibile che le irradiazioni delle antenne HAARP possano rimbalzare fino a colpire gli strati bassi dell’atmosfera sopra un Paese distante migliaia di chilometri. Ed interferire quindi con i fenomeni meteorologici. Certamente si tratta di mere ipotesi. Comunque, un uso militare dell’HAARP è ammesso dalla Federazione Scienziati Americani. Un uso, tuttavia, non distruttivo, ma solo di ricognizione. Modulando i segnali in frequenze bassissime, cioè onde ELF o VLF, si potrebbe «vedere ciò che succede nel sottosuolo, individuando bunker, silos di missili, e altre installazioni sotterranee di Stati avversi. Al di là di ciò, la «guerra ecologica» appare terribilmente possibile da oltre vent’anni. Già nel 1976 l’Enciclopedia Militare Sovietica ventilava il rischio che gli Stati Uniti, per via elettromagnetica o per via astronautica, potessero modificare il clima dell’Eurasia lacerando lo strato di ozono sopra l’URSS. L’Unione Sovietica si accordò così con gli USA perché fosse proibito l’uso dei cambiamenti climatici ambientali. A livello ONU, ciò fu ribadito con la convenzione ENMOD (Environmental Medifications), entrata in vigore il 5 ottobre 1978. Ma pochi anni dopo, negli Stati Uniti, lo dell'HAARP scientist considered the father openly trying out a system to monitor the weather phenomena. The August 11, 1897 Dr. Bernard Eastlund Patented number of "driving" his 4,686,605 "Method and apparatus for altering a region of the atmosphere, the ionosphere or magnetosphere.
Tesla's ghost is said to
Eastlund, a physicist at MIT was inspired by the work of the genius Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Yugoslav scientist who emigrated to America in 1884. At Tesla we found many that made possible the expansion of electricity, especially the current Three-phase AC (while Edison was still perched on the current). He had also attempted to develop a system of energy transmission over the air, which would have rendered unnecessary cables, and a device to get free electricity for all derived from the natural oscillation of the electric field of the Earth. When Tesla died on January 8, 1943, FBI agents hunted all his projects, on which the fabled long. On the other hand the same Tesla had even spoken of death rays, effective up to 320 km away.
do not know exactly what is going on in the projects of Dr. Tesla. Eastlund and nell'HAARP. The fact is that in the nineties Eastlund founded his own company, Eastlund Scientific Enterprise, that among the activities mentioned on its website includes both participation in the HAARP program, as an explicit research into weather modification. What can I say? Returning to the book by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui, it is to shudder their sentences: "Using methods that cause earthquakes and changing rainfall, temperature and atmospheric composition, sea level and the characteristics of sunlight, it damage the physical environment of the earth or create alternative local ecology. Perhaps, soon, a man-made El Nino effect will become a superweapon in the hands of certain nations and / or organizzazioni non-statali».
di Mirko Molteni - tratto da "La Padania" 15 e 16 giugno 2003
Guerre climatiche
- di Michel Chossudovsky -
professore di Economia dell'università di Ottawa
L'importante dibattito sul riscaldamento globale patrocinato dalle Nazioni Unite fornisce solo una immagine parziale del cambiamento climatico; oltre al devastante impatto delle emissioni di gas-serra nello strato d'ozono, il clima mondiale può ora essere modificato come parte di una nuova generazione di sofisticate "armi non letali" (non-lethal-weapons). Sia gli americani che i russi hanno sviluppato le capacità di manipolare il clima del mondo.
Negli Stati Uniti, la tecnologia has been developed within the program "High-frequency Active Aural Research" (HAARP) as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the potential to cause floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.
From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.
Although there is no evidence that this deadly technology has been used, surely the United Nations should address la questione della "guerra ambientale" a fianco del dibattito sugli impatti climatici dei gas-serra.
Nonostante esista un ampio corpo di conoscenze scientifiche, la questione della deliberata manipolazione climatica per uso militare non è mai diventata esplicitamente parte della agenda delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici.
Né le delegazioni ufficiali né i gruppi ambientalisti partecipanti alla Conferenza sul Cambiamento Climatico all'Aia (novembre 2000) hanno sollevato la questione generale della "guerra climatica" o delle "tecniche di modificazione ambientali (ENMOD) come rilevanti per una comprensione del cambiamento climatico.
Lo scontro tra negoziatori ufficiali, ambientalisti e lobbies del business americano si è concentrated on the open refusal to submit to Washington's commitments to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide taken on with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The impacts of military technologies on global climate are not the subject of discussion or 'reason for concern.
Narrowly confined to greenhouse gases, the ongoing debate on climate change serves the strategic objectives and defense of Washington.
"weather warfare"
The renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms that "U.S. military scientists are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the growth of storms and the diversion of rivers of the Earth's atmosphere to produce steam drought or flooding targeted
Back in the 70s the old National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book "Between Two Ages" that:
"... The technology will make available to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting A secret war, for which you will need to consider only a small part of the special forces (...) Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm ... "
Filterman Marc, a former French military officer, describes several types of "unconventional weapons" using radio frequencies. He refers to "weather war," indicating that the United States and the Soviet Union already "mastered ... il know-how necessario per scatenare improvvisi cambiamenti climatici (uragani, siccità) nei primi anni '80..." . Queste tecnologie rendono "...possibile provocare disturbi atmosferici usando onde radar a frequenza estremamente bassa...".
Una simulazione sui futuri scenari di difesa commissionata per l'U.S Air Force (aeronautica militare, ndt) indica la necessità per "...Le forze aerospaziali degli Stati Uniti di `possedere il clima' capitalizzando le emergenti tecnologie e concentrandosi sullo sviluppo di quelle tecnologie per le applicazioni di guerra...". Per mezzo dello sviluppo delle operazioni amiche, di quelle per disturbare le azioni nemiche per mezzo di modificazioni su piccola scala dei modelli climatici e di quelle per completare the dominance of global communications and space control, weather modification offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. In the U.S., weather modification is likely to become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue this policy, according to its interests, at various levels.
based in Gokoma (Alaska) - jointly managed by Air Force and Navy - is part of a new generation of weapons under the control of the Strategic Defense Initiative United States.
Operated from the Air Force Research Laboratory - Space Vehicles Directorate, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating "controlled local modifications of the ionosphere."
scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich - actively involved in the campaign against HAARP - describes the program as "... a technology-ray super-powerful radio waves that reach areas of the ionosphere (the upper atmosphere) are concentrated on it and heating purposes. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything - living and dead ... " Dr. Rosalie Bertell
describes HAARP "... a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet ...".
deceive public opinion
HAARP has been presented to public opinion as a program of scientific and academic research. However, military documents U.S. seem to suggest that the main goal of HAARP is to exploit the ionosphere for the purposes of the Department of Defense [8]. Without explicitly referring to the HAARP, an Air Force study points to the use of "induced ionospheric modifications" as a means of altering weather patterns as well as disrupting enemy communications and radar [9]
According to Dr. Rosalie Bertell, HAARP is part of an integrated weapons system that has potentially devastating environmental consequences: it is continuous with fifty years of intensive and increasingly destructive programs to understand and control the upper atmosphere. It would be rash not to associate HAARP the space laboratory construction which was designed by the United States.
HAARP is part of a long history of space research of a deliberate military nature.
The implications of combining these projects is alarming. AND 'frightening capacity resulting from the combination of the HAARP / Spacelab / rocket ship anywhere on earth of an enormous amount of energy, comparable to a nuclear bomb, or by laser beams particles.
The project is sold to the public as a space shield against incoming weapons, or, to the most naive, as a way to repair the ozone layer.
addition to weather manipulation, HAARP may have other functions may contribute to climate change by intensively bombarding the atmosphere with high-frequency rays. But the waves back to low frequency and high intensity possino affect people's brains, and also not be ruled out effects on tectonic movements.
More generally, HAARP is capable of changing the electromagnetic field of the earth. It is part of an arsenal of electronic weapons that the U.S. military researchers consider to be "polite war e delicata".
HAARP fa parte dell'arsenale d'armi del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale controllato dalla Iniziativa di Difesa Strategica (S.D.I.). Intere economie nazionali potrebbero essere potenzialmente destabilizzate attraverso manipolazioni climatiche attuate dai punti di comando negli Stati Uniti.
Ancora più importante è il fatto che tali operazioni possono essere effettuate senza conoscere il nemico, ad un costo minimo e senza impiegare personale ed equipaggiamento come in una guerra convenzionale.
Appagando gli interessi economici e strategici degli Stati Uniti HAARP potrebbe essere utilizzato per modificare selettivamente il clima in differenti parti del mondo col risultato di destabilizzare agricultural and ecological systems. What is worse is that the Department of Defense has allocated substantial resources for the development of intelligence systems and monitoring on climate change. NASA and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) of the Dept. of Defense
They are working on the images provided by satellites for the study of flooding, erosion, landslides, earthquakes, ecological zones, weather forecasts and climate change
Under the Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro:
"... In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, states have a responsibility to ensure that activities under their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond national jurisdiction ... "
There is also an international convention ratified by the UN General Assembly in 1977 which prohibits "... the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting, severe ...". Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union signed the Convention. This defines "environmental modification techniques" any technology "... to change - through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and space
...". Why the UN - disregarding the ENMOD Convention of 1977 as well as its own charter - decide to exclude from its agenda climatic changes resulting from military programs?
In February 1998, in response to a report of Mrs. Theorin - European parliamentary lawyer and pacifist - the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense held hearings public in Brussels on the HAARP program
The "Motion for Resolution" submitted to the Committee of the European Parliament "... By virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment considers a problem HAARP global implications and requires that its legal, ecological and ethical issues should be examined by an international independent body, the Committee regrets the repeated refusal of the United States to provide public information on public and environmental risks of the HAARP program .. ".
the Committee's request to establish a "Green Paper" on "the environmental impacts of military activities" was accidentally dropped into the void on the grounds that the European Parliament lacks the necessary jurisdiction to investigate "the relationship between environment and defense."
Brussels was anxious to avoid a confrontation with Washington.
While not fully operational There is no evidence that HAARP has been used, scientific findings suggest that when it is fully operational. This means that HAARP could be used by the U.S. military to selectively modify the climate of an "unfriendly nation" or a "rogue state" with a view to destabilizing its national economy. Agricultural systems in both developed countries and those in the developing world are already in crisis because of policies of the New World Order as the deregulation of the market.
E 'well documented that the "economic medicine" that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank have imposed on the Third World and former Soviet bloc has largely contributed to the destabilization of domestic agriculture. In turn, the measures of 'World Trade Organization have supported the interests of a handful of Western multinational bio-tech in their quest to impose genetically modified seeds to farmers throughout the world.
It 'important to understand the relationship between the economic, strategic and military of the New World Order. The climatic manipulations were made via the HAARP program (whether accidental or deliberate) inevitably worsen these changes affecting national economies, destroying infrastructure and potentially causing the bankruptcy of farmers over vast areas. Surely national governments and the United Nations should address the possible consequences HAARP and other "non-lethal weapons" on climate change.
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