Monday, December 13, 2010

What Are Capilaries In The Penis

Moringa Oleifera - The only plant protein complete

MORINGA OLEIFERA - L'unica pianta esistente dal contenuto proteico completo


La Moringa oleifera è un albero ad accrescimento molto rapido: nel primo anno può develop several meters, up to three or even five in ideal conditions of cultivation. Resistant to drought, although with a tendency to lose their leaves during periods of water stress, takes advantage of some sporadic watering. Reaches a height of 10-12 meters. The root system is poderoso.Frutto: It is a legume, but a triangular section, about 30-45 cm in length. The seeds are blackish, rounded and with a fabric in the manner of "wings."

Distribution: Originally from the Indian subcontinent, is currently widely distributed in the tropics where it was introduced as an ornamental plant. Recentemente questo albero sta attirando enormemente l’attenzione e la sua coltivazione si sta generalizzando velocemente.Commestibilità: Tutte le parti della pianta sono commestibili. Il contenuto di proteine, vitamine e minerali è eccellente. Il sapore è gradevole e le diverse parti possono essere consumate crude, specialmente le foglie e i fiori, o cucinate in diversi modi.

Depurazione di Acque:  I semi sono molto utili come uno dei migliori flocculanti naturaliconosciuti e si impiegano ampiamente nella depurazione e purificazione di acque fluviali ed acque torbide.Il seme di Moringa contiene circa il 35% di olio. È un olio di altissima qualità, poco viscoso e dolce, with 73% oleic acid, thus similar quality olive oil. You may also have interesting applications in the lubrication of mechanisms and in the manufacture of soap and cosmetics. This oil burns without producing smoke, it is therefore suitable as a fuel for lamps and for the direct operation of diesel engines or type Elsbett Lister. -products derived from the seed can be used as natural fertilizer with a high content of leaves azoto.Le Moringa is one of the most complete fodder that may exist. They are very rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and excellent taste, and may be eagerly consumed by all types of animals, ruminants, camels, pigs, birds, perfino carpe ed altri pesci erbivori. L'albero in fiore è un'importante fonte di nettare per le api.La Moringa ha applicazioni medicinali molto varie, specialmente nei suoi paesi di origine.  Le foglie sono molto utili nella produzione di biogas.  Dalla corteccia si estraggono fibre adatte per elaborazione di archi, stuoie e zerbini. Le foglie triturate si impiegano come agente di pulizia. Dal legno si estrae una tintura azzurrata di interesse industriale. Dalla corteccia si estrae anche una gomma con varie applicazioni. Da questa gomma e dalla corteccia si estrae anche tannino, impiegato nell'industria della concia delle pelli.

La Moringa come Alimento Umano

Tavola comparativa del contenuto nutritivo delle foglie di Moringa oleifera con altri alimenti per ogni 100 grammi di parte commestibile

Vitamina A (mg) Moringa: 1130 - Carote: 315Vitamina C (mg) Moringa: 220 - Arance: 30Calcio (mg) Moringa: 440 - Latte di vacca: 120Potassio (mg) Moringa: 259 - Banane: 88Proteine (mg) Moringa: 6700 - Latte di vacca: 3200(Fonte: C. Gopalan et al. (1994), Nutritive Value of Indian Foods, Istituto Nazionale di Nutrizione, India.)

La Moringa oleifera possiede qualità nutrizionali ottime ed è considerata come uno dei migliori perennial plants. Moringa leaves have a higher percentage of 25% protein, as eggs, milk or twice, four times the amount of vitamin A in carrots, four times the calcium of milk, seven times the amount of vitamin C of oranges, three times more potassium than bananas, significant amounts of iron, phosphorus and other elements. Can hardly find a more complete food. In addition, the flavor is pleasant and can be eaten fresh or prepared in different ways. The Moringa oleifera is also known as the "Miracle Plant". The green fruits, seeds and roots are also edible.

Edible parts and forms of preparation:

Fruits, Greens or sheaths, immature: We consume boiled. They taste like green beans or beans. seed pods ripe submerge in boiling water with a little 'salt for a few minutes. You open the casing and extract the seeds already ready to eat. The taste is similar to that of chick peas. They can be eaten roasted, and are very nutritious. Tender leaves : Prepare boiled in the same way, are also used for various soups and other dishes. Are eaten raw in salads. The flavor is slightly spicy, a cross between the radish and watercress. Roots: The roots of the trees are very young, almost nursery, a little over an inch in height, are tuberous, with a very large main root, like a small carrot, the taste is spicy, similar to that of radishes.

Flowers: also edible in salads.

is not only important to take into account the value of Moringa as a food, but also that it can be one of the few vegetables available during the dry periods.

is definitely very important that the protein content of plant parts is complete, (Kit balanced throughout the range of amino acids, even those precious) this fact is almost unique among the vegetable of course, even for the amount at stake, we can define the only existing plant (now known) with these features.

extract oils from seeds, the remaining pulp contains 60% protein, high-quality, this is a huge amount considering that the residue in the same treatment of soy (vegetable protein product of reasonable quality) results from 30 35% protein.

Proteins remaining pulp is excellent for food.

If the leaves are used as fodder with pasta, the residual oil extraction, are a powerful tonic food for herbivorous animals, causing a dramatic improvement of living conditions, they are excellent support for post-partum holding up admirably high production cows milk, and the growth of calves. The definition of "herbivores" should be broadly understood as the leaves have a strong appetite for all herbivores, including by herbivorous fish such as carp that are greedy.

Even the roots are edible and, as mentioned, they taste like spicy radish, aroma spicy roots is more pronounced than that of the leaves: The use of the roots is used as a flavoring, (similar to horseradish), but for the presence of an alkaloid, the Spirochina that interfere with nerve transmission, it is not recommended too much, the roots of food, in moderation, it is common in countries of origin.

The flowers are edible, are usually prepared in a salad. The Moringa flower honey is excellent. The plant grows in very dry climate with vegetation in their environment in case of drought is often the only one that can be kept green. It was the fall of the leaves only as a defense to a climate very dry, with moisture from the Reform plant leaves.

Therapeutic Uses

The Moringa oleifera has found therapeutic uses in cultures throughout the intertropical zone of the planet.

the roots of Moringa oleifera as also Moringa stenopetala are acrid and bitter stimulants, such as horseradish, and have virtues

digestiveantiemetichevescicante.infiammazionifebbretosseraffreddorebronchitemalattie pettoraliepilessiaisterismo.stabilizzano pressure sangueanti infiammatoripurgativiutili in nevralgieutili in inflammation and intermittent fevers.

SPOILER (click to view)


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