Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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Cancer and Dr. Tullio Simoncini



RESEARCH OF DR. Tullio Simoncini


Dr. Simoncini: Cancer is Caused by Fungus

The acid pH in CANCER, a prerequisite for new therapeutic line.
The measurement of pH in the tissues showed that the micro-environment is more acidic in tumors than in normal tissues, the production of lactic acid and hydrolysis of ATP in hypoxic regions, are probably in the mechanism of hyperacidity, along with other metabolic pattern. The acid pH then, may influence the development of new and relatively specific anti-cancer therapies, aimed at regulating the intracellular pH.

(Tullio Simoncini www.curenaturalicancro.org / terapia_simoncini.htm ).

Presentation by Dr. Tullio Simoncini up.jpg

Tullio Simoncini is a Roman surgeon specializing in oncology and diabetes and metabolic diseases, is also a doctor of philosophy. His character is the distinctive note of impatience with the falsehood and lies. On a scientific level this translates into strong opposition against any kind of intellectual conformism.
If we consider the total failure of official oncology, we understand his position extremely critical of a planetary system and manufacturer of scientifically dead dead. It's a sportsman who constantly care for his physical state trying to obey the basic rules of Nature: healthy eating, physical activity and moral responsibility. Practice constantly running and, when possible, skiing and football.
Its natural tendency is also due to the synthesis of a sensibility that tends to perceive the harmony of the "whole", as distinct from the value of shares. This instinct is reinforced by his willingness music, cultivated and strengthened by the fact that he played various instruments like piano, guitar, classical and modern. This led him to form, when he was a student at high school and then university, several bands who appeared in central Italy.
His whole personality is also pervaded by a strong humanity, the true spring that led him to wonder, in front of the excruciating pain of the sick, poor and insignificant as were the basics of medicine.
years of the medical profession has also developed a theory about the "evil of the century." He has participated in many conferences and debates, and was, among other things, the speakers' Florence Medicine-2000 "(18-19 September 1999) and" International Congress of Oncology in Treviso (15-16-17 October 1999 ).
invited a number of private TV broadcasting, has discussed the problems of conventional medicine and alternative and has presented his theories on cancer. He has participated in major conferences and in the of March 4, 2000 held in Perugia, was also present as a speaker Prof. Luigi Di Bella.
E 'chairman of the scientific committee of a federation of associations for the freedom of treatment. He has devoted himself for some time to study and treatment of cancer, has a very interesting theory on the etiopathogenesis of the disease cancer. It alleged that the cancer does not depend, as the medical establishment, from genetic causes, etc.. But is the result of disease fungal \u0026lt;>.
According to his theory, supported by the many successful cases, the cancer is in fact responsible for the Candida.

Excerpt from an interview with Dr. Simoncini up.jpg

Dr. Simoncini how long you care to cancer?
For over 15 years.
In your opinion, what is cancer?
is a mushroom, or rather is the sum of a fungal infection and tissue reaction to them.
You speak of common fungi, as we all know, more or less harmless?
Sure, I'm just not as harmless as they paint. An account is the fungus surface, namely the epithelium, such as vagina or oro-pharynx, and another is that the fungus can develop plans and internal organs: there produce cancer.
Explain better.
Fungi are unicellular entity, which they tend to form large aggregates, capable of responding to external stimuli, nutritional or toxic products in a unique and united.
you mean, then, that the fungus has both the invasiveness and diffusibility of the single-cell level and at the same time the power of a biological organism?
Exactly this: think about the devastating effect of a Cockroach that is able to penetrate into the human body, breaking up into individual cells, and to compose himself and hide in some organ.
But there is no immune system that prevents the penetration of cells in the body?
course, and it is here that explains the mechanism of invasion of fungi. Normally they are engulfed by the immune system, when a gin cotton by one, to spread through blood or lymph. One or more chronic noxious stimuli, however (those commonly invoked as causes of cancer) may lead to a malfunction in part or in whole, to enable the regrouping of fungal colonies, prerequisite for further invasions.
She says she is always a fungus, candida, to determine a cancer. It seems impossible, however, that it causes all the infinite histological types.
Not at all, it's all very logical. Think of an inert body, such as a plug inoculated now in this hour in that organ, which produces continuous micro-cracks. The defensive reaction, ie the attempt to encystment, can not be that cells with their tissue invaded or called: the brain will produce more and glia glioblastoma; ol'osso the liver, most hepatocytes or osteocytes, and we HCC ol'osteosarcoma, and so on.
How do you explain then that a cancer cell is formed of more or less mature or differentiated?
The phalanxes of infantry of an army, that the immune system, attacking a tank, that is, the fungal mass, they are destroyed quickly, and before the regular troops, then the reserves, then those formed by the more young and immature . The immaturity ol'anaplasia then, are the sign of the power of the enemy and the stress on defenses.
course, described it, the cancer is frightening. Why the fungi are now so undervalued?
La prima cosa soporifera che svia le menti è la definizione di fungo: patogeno opportunista e occasionale: Non c’è niente di più subdolo e falso. La seconda è l’eccessiva tendenza descrittivista della medicina, che si trova in difficoltà laddove bisogna interpretare i fenomeni biologici in senso vitale e finalistico. Riuscire ad eliminare una colonia fungina, ad esempio, è un po’ come una partita a scacchi tra entità biologiche, cioè vive, che tendono ad utilizzare le proprie forme di intelligenza, più o meno rudimentali, per sopravvivere.
Apparentemente quello che asserisce sembrerebbe logico e coerente; non le sembra, però, Various' simplistic?
do not agree, perhaps better to simply say or simplified, and this, in my view, however, is a guarantee of veracity. Once, a fellow university student who tried to convince the simplicity of my theories, I said, do not hide, the simple theories are complex minds.
But you, millions of students around the world, the billions for research.
Once it was thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth ...
you mean that the assumptions, the key ideas of the oncology, genetics and multifactorial causation are wrong?
right, wrong because illogical after 50 years of failure should be abandoned. The multifactorial in fact is nothing but a way to admit to being in the dark to assert that something is caused by all is how to recognize their ignorance. The screen is a complex genetic rather esoteric, potentially capable of explaining everything and nothing.
better illustrates this concept.
According to the official theories cancer is due to a "madness reproductive cell, which could cause the formation of tumor masses. The basis of this alleged "madness", is recognized as an alteration of genes (hence the genetic theory), favoring or inhibiting cell growth.

is known then, as these genes encode, that is giving the signal for protein production and cell growth factors, including structural and interactional elements as if they know 100 if they are studying 1000, is expected 1,000,000; then counting the hundreds of carcinogenic chemicals, and countless unpredictable influences hormonal and neuro-psychological ... the omelet is complete: the genetic etiology, so infinite, infinity is a bluff, it is obscurantism .

Article by Massimo Mazzucco up.jpg

Mocked, expelled, abused, maligned, discredited and humiliated at home own, Tullio Simoncini had to cross the ocean to receive the deserved applause after 20 years of struggle in favor of a simple but revolutionary idea: Cancer is a fungus.
guest of honor at the 36th Annual Cancer Convention - a celebration of four days on alternative treatments for cancer, which ended yesterday in Los Angeles - Tullio Simoncini has presented a series of detailed and documented evidence that confirm the validity of his theory to an audience of both physicians of ordinary citizens, who came from all over America to listen.
After realizing that the glass ceiling created around him in Italy had become a puncture, Simoncini has gathered its forces and has decided to address directly into the lion den: America, home to one of the greatest powers in absolute the world - the pharmaceutical industry - but also a land of innovation of all kinds, in the name of progress and competition.
Simoncini began with a series of smaller meetings and conferences, which took him from Texas to Florida to Oklahoma, setting in motion a subtle mechanism that has been word of mouth immediately proved positive in Italy picked up where cynicism, in America was enthusiasm. Where in Italy picked derision in America was encouraging. And where in Italy picked up offenses, slander and humiliation, America has found the right recognition of his hard work, sealed by a standing ovation at the final convention in Los Angeles, which is seen very rarely in conferences of this type.
The road Simoncini in reality has just begun, and the obstacles which will meet in the coming months will probably be a thousand times more difficult than those encountered to date. But now
Simoncini has proven to be on the right track, has collected a sufficient number of witnesses in his favor, and has passed the critical threshold below which his innovative theory are likely to remain buried forever in the darkness of obscurantism media, which is the real cancer of our society.
From tomorrow I expect new struggles and new debates, new lies and new successes, new and new humiliations rebounds. But in the meantime, the news spread, the number of patients who recover continue to rise, and eventually they will do justice for those who in the past have succumbed to the disease because of the blindness, ignorance and selfishness of others .

The book of dr. Tullio Simoncini up.jpg

Titolo: "Il cancro è un fungo - La Rivoluzione nella Cura dei Tumori".

Formato 17x24 cm, 256 pagine con foto a colori. Costo 28.00 Euro.

Edizioni Lampis via Veneto 9, 56040.

Casale Marittimo, Pisa tel. 348/4107897.

e-mail: rilampis@tin.it
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