In recent years, cardiac surgery and is 'witnessed a double phenomenon: a certain uniformity of results among the different cardiac surgery centers regarding the statistical results of operations more' routine and a push towards the development of minimally invasive surgical techniques by Institutions with more spirit 'innovative and pioneering. This push and 'has been supported by a growing number of patients seeking a less cosmetically disfiguring and painful intervention, both by industry that saw a huge field of development for the production of new surgical instruments and accessories.
The traditional heart surgery is performed through a median longitudinal sternotomy incision call, which results in 'a vertical scar in the middle of the chest. The advantage of this type of incision, and 'that allows you to have a vision and a complete control of the operating field, and allows access to all facilities and surgical cavity' to the heart and great vessels. The main disadvantages are the aesthetic and the risk (small but not zero) or infection (mediastinitis) or complete healing of the sternum. Although in many patients over time the scar thins to almost disappear, in other cases (eg young women) can 'cause discomfort lasting cosmetics. SIDE
thoracotomy and 'another type of surgical incision is often used during some types of heart surgery, such as closing difetti interatriali, interventi sulla valvola tricuspidale o sulla valvola mitralica, o in alcuni casi di bypass aortocoronarico. Viene spesso utilizzata nelle giovani donne perche' lascia una cicatrice nascosta nel solco sottomammario destro. Ha lo svantaggio di non essere adeguata per alcuni tipi di intervento, di rendere piu' difficile il controllo di possibili complicanze intraoperatorie e di essere piu' dolorosa nell'immediato periodo postoperatorio. Ha il vantaggio di infettarsi molto piu' di rado e di causare una minore perdita di sangue durante l'intervento, con conseguente minor rischio di dover ricevere trasfusioni. Viene spesso associata ad una incisione secondaria all'inguine per l'introduzione delle cannule per la circolazione extracorporea nella arteria and femoral vein.
source: www.cardiochirurgia.org
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