Monday, February 28, 2011

Hatchet Vs Genitals Watch

Ufo on Florida: Key West has a webcam to film something very unusual.

One of the most talked about movies online, the last day is this: captured on February 16 to one and a half from a webcam on one of the towers of Key West, Florida, on a day of sun and clear sky.

Here is this object hurtling through and across the frame. In the video, you can see the sequence through the filters, which show the object.

the sighting, saying they are leading international experts, including the Italian Roberto Paglia contacted by The News website Fresche .

fonte ANSA

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Club Anniversary Speech

UFO in Verona, the witness: "I was kidnapped by aliens"

VERONA - Lavora al Tribunale di Verona come perita grafologa, è una persona equilibrata, eppure racconta di esser stata rapita dagli alieni. Questa è la storia della dottoressa Marina Tonini, che vive nelle campagne di Verona. La sua storia di Ufo , extraterresti, abduction, Marina Tonini l'ha raccontata alla trasmissione Mistero su Italia Uno . La dottoressa Tonini non parla di brutte sensazioni, tutt'altro. Racconta: "Ero nella mia camera e mi apprestavo a dormire, when I perceive a sound, like a hum, and I see a white light that illuminates the bed . I feel transported upward with a feeling of suspension, such as lack of time. I find myself inside a spaceship, an environment essential, almost antiseptic, very clearly, where I see three people and behind them the door and screens ...".

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's The Best Sport Atv

The largest solar flare of the last four years: the Chinese systems haywire! The Universe

The largest solar flare in the last 4 years!

LONDON - A powerful solar flare triggered a huge electrical storm, which has already disrupted radio communications in China could disrupt communications and electrical, radio and satellite in the coming hours. Astronomers from around the world are following with great attention to the phenomenon, the most powerful seen in the last four years, which has already been suspended on shortwave radio communications in China.

THE STORM - The explosion on the surface of the sun occurred at 2:56 Tuesday morning, according to NASA and caused distortions in the Earth's ionosphere over China. Geomagnetic storms usually last 24-48 hours, but some last longer. The solar flares are violent explosions in the photosphere of the sun, the equivalent of millions of hydrogen bombs together, caused by strong magnetic activity and emitting large amounts of radiation, perhaps by investing the Earth. According to experts, could vary the ground-air-, sea-land, short-wave transmissions and those of amateur radio. Also according to the experts the sun is awakening from the point of view of the flare after a period of low activity lasted several years, and this could be the first in a series of eruptions.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Preemie Hole In Heart

color - Corrado Malanga

TCT (triad color test)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Samsung Soundbar Hookup

The mysterious Skull Olstykke

An alien survivor of a UFO-crash "prehistoric? An unfortunate time traveler from the future? A merchant from a parallel universe? A previously unknown species? Or just a deformity of a human being? No one yet knows for sure, but no matter the explanation, the Skull Sealand has the potential to change the world view in which we live. In July 2007 the discovery of the skull in Olstykke on the Danish island Sealand, however, has made headlines and has remained largely ignored by science until 2010. Researchers who examined the skull in 2008 at the Veterinary High School in Copenhagen, have simply concluded that although similar to a mammal, some features make it impossible to fit the taxonomy of the animals so far known. dug during the replacement of the old exhaust pipe, it was thought at first it was some horse bone, as the house formerly belonged to a butcher's horse, and the garden was full of ruins. Until the filling of the trench has anyone noticed his humanoid form. Later excavations at the site have unearthed the remains further with some connection to the creature, only easily identifiable animal bones, stone axes and other tools that are common in the Neolithic. The fact that the skull was found among the remains of Neolithic did not reveal her age. A carbon-14 dating at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen showed that the creature lived between 1200 and 1280 AD. In addition, the skull was found on the tubes not so old, whose age suggests that it was not buried until after 1900. The absence of parts of the skeleton, along with the state of preservation of the skull, has led scientists to suspect that it was not buried for a long time, probably only a couple of decades. Maybe to hide the secret behind her existence someone has preserved for centuries and then deliberately buried. It 's interesting to note that residents of nearby villages have Olstykke and from ancient times has spoken of a local member of l'Ordre Lux Pegasos (The Order of Light Pegasus), which, therefore, on behalf of the Order run various items between that of a mysterious skull and other devices, made of light overtime, even se in metallo o ceramica infrangibile. Il cranio si dice abbia avuto origine dai Balcani, ma è anche stato conservato a Parigi, Francia e Monaco di Baviera, in Germania, prima di arrivare in Danimarca. Se la storia è vero, è possibile che ulteriori ricerche possono portare alla ubicazione dei manufatti alieni. E 'plausibile che l'ordine Lux Pegasos conserva ancora oggetti che ci permettano una migliore comprensione della propria origine e scopo. Poco si sa circa l'ordine però, solo che è stato costituito intorno al 1350 e in tutta la sua esistenza ha contato influenti poeti e scrittori tra i suoi membri. Il Teschio di Sealand è circa una volta e mezzo più grande di un cranio maschile Homo sapiens. Soprattutto orbits contribute to its size. Its smooth surface reveals that the creature was adapted to cold climate, and its relative size eye that it was a nocturnal creature, lived in the basement or on a planet orbiting a star-up or weak, probably a red dwarf or orange. It is noted that the star 51 Pegasi in the constellation of Pegasus was the first Sun-like star known to have a planet. Planets in orbit around the star HR 8799 Pegasus were the first to be discovered, and spectroscopic analysis of HD 209458 b, another planet in the constellation, has provided the first evidence of atmospheric water vapor beyond our solar system.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sirloin Tip Roast How To Cook

NASA: UFO captured on video the International Space Station

Un ufo luminescente è stato filmato sul lato oscuro della terra il giorno 26 dicembre 2010 alle 12:15 AM circa (USA easter time) dalle camere della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale in orbita attorno al pianeta.Lo stesso fenomeno si è ripetuto a detta dei testimoni anche il giorno prima 25 dicembre 2010,alla medesima ora.Secondo alcuni documenti trapelati,che rilascerà ufficialmente a breve Wikileaks, il governo degli Stati Uniti è in una sorta di allerta ufo dal 10 giugno 2004,cioè da quando una massiccia flotta ufos è “emersa suddenly "Southern Ocean and is close to the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, just 1600 km from the border americano.L 'alarm is then returned as this ufo training has returned from the depths of the ocean in which it appeared, performing a sort of "return dimensional" toward the base.


Source: evidenzaliena

Cute Sayings You Can Put On Wedding Bubbles

The Fermi paradox

Written by Sirius_Cily
The paradox Fermi paradox is said to have been proposed by the physicist Enrico Fermi in the context of the probability of contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life forms.

The paradox is summed up usually in the question "Where is everybody?" If there are so many advanced civilizations, we have not yet received evidence of extraterrestrial life as the transmission of radio signals, probe or spacecraft? ". An extreme issue, the question becomes whether we humans are the only technologically advanced civilization of the universe. This problem is usually placed as a warning to the most optimistic estimates of the Drake equation (see below), which would pose a universe full of planets with civilizations advanced, able to establish radio communications, send probes or colonize other worlds.

The paradoxical situation is due to the contrast between the feeling, shared by many and supported by estimates of the kind to Drake, that we are not alone in the universe and the fact that the conflict with observational data this feeling. It follows that our observation or understanding of the data must be wrong or incomplete.

In 1950, while working in the laboratories of Los Alamos, Enrico Fermi took part in a conversation with some colleagues, including Edward Teller, while he went to lunch. The talk was about a recent UFO sighting reported by print, which satirized a satirical cartoon. The conversation lasted about various related topics, until suddenly, during lunch, Fermi exclaimed, "Where are they?" (Trans. "Where am I?").

Possible solutions (here we list a few, for other cases refer to the reading of "If the Universe is teeming with Aliens ... Where is everybody?" By Stephen Webb)

We just

The simplest solution is that the probability that life evolves in the universe and evolve spontaneously to produce a highly developed civilization is extremely low.

There are many items at once necessary for life as we know it noi, basata sul carbonio, possa evolversi su un pianeta. Fattori astronomici, come la posizione all'interno della galassia, l'orbita percorsa dal pianeta intorno alla sua stella centrale e la tipologia di quest'ultima, la sua ellitticità e l'inclinazione dell'orbita, nonché la presenza di satelliti naturali delle caratteristiche della Luna, sono tutti fattori determinanti alla predisposizione alla vita. L'attuale nascita della vita, lo sviluppo di forme di vita intelligente e quindi di civiltà richiede che molte altre coincidenze siano verificate. Gli studi sul nostro Sistema Solare sembrano confermare l'eccezionalità della vita sulla Terra.

Questa tesi può essere contestata sostenendo che la vita non debba necessariamente be as we observe on Earth, but can evolve under different conditions, and should not be based on carbon. Much of the uncertainty stems from the fact that the mechanisms leading to the emergence of life are unknown and therefore it is very difficult if not impossible, to estimate its probability. However, the occurrence of life is considered an unlikely event, even by some supporters of the existence of alien civilizations, to overcome this problem they have formulated the hypothesis of panspermia, which claims that life could spread easily through ' universe, or even, in the form supported by Francis Crick, which could be deliberately spread by technologically advanced civilizations.

civilizations have evolved short

A parameter in the Drake equation is the average length of technologically advanced civilizations. Drake estimated a period of 10,000 years (when he started to communicate with radio waves).

The causes of the disappearance of a civilization can be both natural and cultural. If a natural tendency to annihilate a civilization, it's just a matter of time invent the necessary means. The only observational data available is that our civilization has the necessary resources for decades, but so far has survived. Again it is difficult to say how the hierarchical struggle, aggression and authoritarianism, elementi del militarismo, siano prerogative della razza umana o siano costanti universali intrinsecamente legate all'evoluzione o all'organizzazione politica degli individui intelligenti. Si consideri che non è necessaria una distruzione totale della specie, ma è sufficiente una involuzione a livelli primitivi dei sopravvissuti per sottrarre la civiltà alla lista di quelle in grado di comunicare. Anche eventi catastrofici di tipo naturale possono considerarsi come gravi pericoli per un pianeta vivo: l'impatto di una cometa, di un asteroide, l'eruzione di un supervulcano o l'alterazione delle condizioni climatiche sono tutte minacce alla vita sulla Terra. Sappiamo che la Terra è stata più volte bersaglio di eventi catastrofici, che hanno causato several mass extinctions (the best known among the public is that of dinosaurs). Events of this kind would be expected from a more backward of our civilization, but hardly preventable or remediable.

The problem with this argument is that there is a statistically valid sample with which to estimate the parameter of average length of a technologically advanced civilization. In fact, extrapolating the value of the information related to our existence, in addition to not be statistically meaningful, spoils the result with a selection effect.
Small brackets for fumettologi: This thesis was also supported in the Ultimate Marvel comic book series, in which Reed Richards, a member of the Fantastic 4, claims that alien civilizations are terminated due to the arrival of Galactus (Gah Lak Tus), I believe in the saga or Ultimate Nightmare Ultimate Secret.

exist but are too far

The universe is extremely vast. Taking as reference the speed of light, it takes more than 2 million years just to reach the nearest galaxy. It is therefore possible that there are many advanced civilizations and willing to communicate, but isolated from the huge intergalactic distances. This solution, however, implies that we are probably alone in our galaxy, in contrast to the less pessimistic estimates of the Drake equation, which assumes the existence of 600 advanced civilizations. A correct form of this argument claims that alien civilizations are currently too far, or that are relatively close to civilization, but which have not yet started or have recently embarked on exploration or space communications.

But this hypothesis is not entirely satisfactory, for if the principle of mediocrity is to be applied to postulate the existence of other alien races, should also be applied to rule out special time position in the history of the galaxy, as is that of ' onset of galactic colonization.

there but do not communicate or do not want to communicate

Even more complex is to guess which is the probability that an early form of biological life can evolve to create a kind of self-conscious and willing to communicate. It is possible that the universe there are many celestial host a form of life, but very few on this has evolved into a technological civilization. Moreover, even if a civilization develops appropriate means, do not necessarily have the idea or desire to try to communicate with other worlds, or maybe because they do not consider us worthy (they could consider our civilization too bad that would react to a war- contact with them) or are afraid of us or maybe they think that anyway because a direct contact could be detrimental to us or to them or simply have never sviluppato l'idea dell'esistenza di altre civiltà con cui comunicare.

Tuttavia concepire una razza aliena come un'unica entità non è soddisfacente: se pure la civiltà o razza aliena nel suo complesso fosse disinteressata, timorosa o non desiderosa di comunicare con altre civiltà, ciò non preclude che al suo interno debbano esistere individui o gruppi di individui che siano desiderosi o interessati a comunicare.

Non siamo in grado di ricevere le loro comunicazioni

Tutti i nostri attuali tentativi di inviare o ricevere comunicazioni con altri mondi si sono basati sull'utilizzo di onde elettromagnetiche. Così come prima dell'epoca di Guglielmo Marconi non avremmo neppure immaginato using this medium, so we might not even be able to imagine the techniques used by civilizations radically different from ours. Some technologies may be theorized based on neutrinos, gravity waves or the quantum correlation. We must add that these communications technologies are very questionable theorized on the basis of current scientific knowledge, in particular use the link to transmit quantum information contrasts with a well-established theorem of quantum mechanics. Transmission by gravity waves or neutrinos, does not pose any theoretical objections, but would require the civilization with an important amount of energy comparable to that in large parte dell'Universo. Attualmente vi sono in funzione in alcuni laboratori rivelatori di neutrini e di onde gravitazionali in grado di misurare tali ipotetici segnali se particolarmente intensi. Si può comunque ipotizzare che una civiltà attraversi diverse fasi di evoluzione tecnologica, passando anche per le relativamente facili onde elettromagnetiche. È ragionevole ritenere che scienziati di questa civiltà siano in grado comunque di ricevere e decodificare segnali radio, anche se per loro ormai obsoleti.

Rimanendo nel campo delle onde radio dobbiamo tenere in considerazione il problema della velocità della luce. Le microonde da noi emesse da quando si è sviluppata la televisione, si stanno ancora allontanando da noi alla velocità of light in all directions. The radius in light years of the sphere within which this information is admissible numerically coincides with the period in years from which the broadcasts are started. In the case of the Earth then this value is about 50 light years. The tendency to optimize programs for economic reasons, such as digital TV or mobile phones, microwave beams and focusing them in suppressing the carrier, means that the signals are less distinguishable from space.

Critics of this solution note that if an alien civilization would communicate, use of easily recognizable as such signals, such as a modulation carrier. If such a civilization intended to use to avoid receiving signals difficult to communicate with other civilizations that are lagging behind or different, it would fall in the previous case. In addition, some of the media proposed alternative to electromagnetic waves, or are of theoretical or are already detectable by terrestrial technology.
Equation of Drake

Drake's equation is the result of a speculative reasoning on the possible existence and number of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

The equation was proposed in 1961 by astronomer Frank Drake as an attempt to estimate the number of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy with which we could think of to get in touch. The most challenging problem for research is now to determine the factors that appear in the equation.

The formula is as follows:


N is the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy evolved here today
R * is the average rate of star formation in the Milky Way is
fp the fraction of stars that have planets
it is the number of planets to the solar system in a position to host life forms
fl is the fraction of planets that it has actually developed life
fi fl is the fraction of planets on which intelligent beings have evolved
fc is the fraction of extraterrestrial civilizations that can (and will) to communicate
fm is the fraction of civilizations that can reach and colonize more planets (not always considered)
L is the estimated duration of such advanced civilizations

The determination of the parameters is very difficult and usually lack a lot of information needed to estimate even approximately.

values \u200b\u200binitially chosen by Drake and associates are:

* R * = 10 per year
* fp = 0.5
* I = 2 * fl = 1

* fi = fc = 0.01
* L = 10,000 years.

The value R * (star formation rate) is less uncertain. Even fp (stars with planets) is relatively less discussed and you can start to value thanks to the first observations of extrasolar planets since the early eighties. The exobiology groped can provide a value for it and fl but there are doubts about the types of stars that can offer suitable conditions for the development of life. It is necessary to issue a certain amount of ultraviolet radiation because life can begin, while the presence of X-rays is harmful. According to some theories life is more ubiquitous than it may appear (see panspermia) and the value of fl can be high.

fi fc L and are more difficult to sell. It is possible that the evolution of our civilization has taken place following a precise combination of events, difficult to repeat. The lifetime of a civilization can be limited by the possibility of self-destruction or catastrophic natural events, such as the alteration of the climate or the impact of meteorites. Drake suggested a minimum estimate of 10 years, or at the time the period of time from which humanity had begun to send radio signals in the cosmos (especially involuntarily with the television). For the same reason today it is reasonable to indicate a period of 50 years.

Applying the parameters initially adopted by Drake gives a value of N = 10. He further stated that these parameters were too simplistic and reached the final value N = 600.

Other estimates of the parameters, equally plausible, the results are much larger. For example, since R * = 20/year, fp = 0.1, I = 0.5, fl = 1, fi = 0.5, fc = 0.1 and L = 100,000 years, N = 5,000.

values \u200b\u200bgive the most pessimistic values \u200b\u200bof N smaller than one, which can not be valid for the Galaxy as it exists in at least one technological civilization (ours). In this case, to reconcile the data with the observations lead to the conclusion that most of the galaxies are empty.

The most optimistic estimates, however, clash with the Fermi paradox, that if there are many civilizations can contact us, because this has not happened yet?

The only value of N given the observations is N = 1, ie that our civilization is the only known to us.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Car Accident Police Calgary

"We will try the aliens in the lake of mysteries" The

Hours decisive for a Russian team at the South Pole under the ice

a habitat for 15 million years ago

There are only five meters. More a hit and a true time capsule will hatch before the eyes of researchers after a sleep that lasted 15 million years.

The object of desire is Lake Vostok, huge expanse of water - more or less like Ontario, the youngest of the five Great Lakes USA - buried in Antarctica by an ice sheet 4 kilometers thick. After months of work the team of Russian scientists led by Alexei Turkeyev is finally about to discover the secret. In fact, nobody knows what is hidden beneath it. The hypothesis is that there are hidden depths in dark new forms of life. "There is only a little bit," whispers Turkeyev the handset of his satellite phone.

"Out there is a temperature of -40 ˚ - says the student journalists reached by the Independent on Sunday -. But we work the same. They were five meters of ice before the surface of the lake, we'll get there soon. " But the brief Antarctic summer is almost over. And it is the Russian Vostok station that was recorded the lowest temperature ever observed on Earth, -89.2 ˚. The Russians will then be forced to abandon their post, perhaps today. It seems certain now that the full exploration of the waters will have to wait another year. Time, observed many in the scientific community, will serve to better prepare the shipment. "It 's like exploring an alien planet where no one has ever set foot before," said Valery Lukin, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St. Petersburg, the institute which is coordinating the mission -. Nobody knows what we can find. "

The comparison is not alien to air unsubstantiated. The living conditions in Lake Vostok would be prohibitive so it can serve as a means of comparison with certain environments of Mars. Even without leaving the planet Earth, there are many reasons to be impatient: the waters of Vostok could shed new light on the conditions of life before the last ice age. In reality, what all students are hoping to find unknown species of microbes or bacteria that have evolved in a world without sunlight. "When it comes to the exploration of our planet and its understanding - said Chuck Kennicutt, oceanographer - Antarctica is the last frontier."

The Russians, however, are not the only ones who work the auger. Two other teams, including one British, are trying to reach the waters of other smaller lakes: the underground reservoirs discovered to date are 150 to the south pole. Martin Siegert, head of the department of geosciences at the University of Edinburgh, is optimistic: "We are talking about extreme environments that might still be habitable. If so we are interested in understanding how possibile».

La prossima sfida, comunque, non sarà tanto quella di superare gli ultimi cinque metri di ghiaccio, ma di farlo senza contaminare in modo irrecuperabile le acque purissime del Vostok. «Credo che in quel lago si scoprirà un’oasi per la vita. Ma sinoa che non saremo sicuri di entrare in modo pulito, dovremo essere cauti», ha detto John Priscu della Montana State University. Opinione condivisa da Massimo Frezzotti, responsabile delle attività di Glaciologia del Programma nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide. «Al momento - spiega - non ci sono garanzie che la perforazione venga fatta nel pieno rispetto ambientale e in modo pulito, ossia evitando contaminazioni». Per questo sono vent’anni che progetti of this type are hampered by the environmental safeguards imposed by the Antarctic Treaty, a reference point for all scientific organizations that conduct their research here. The Lake Vostok drilling project, submitted last November to the Antarctic Treaty Committee for Environmental Protection, was welcomed with caution. Apprehension shared by Russian researchers. "I'm very excited - said Alexei Ekaikin -: once touched, the lake will be broken forever."


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can Gallstones Cause And Enlarged Liver

Meteorologist Domenico Azzopardi - condensation trails and SCIE ABNORMAL

Friday, February 4, 2011

Solomon Stone Inline Skates

Ufo SaLuSa 31 Gennaio 2011. Federazione Galattica di Luce.

What Is The Red Card In Poptropica For

Sathya Sai Baba chanting the Gayatri

Sathya Sai Baba chanting the Gayatri

The Gayatrimantra my favorite.

How Many Units Are In Jack Daniels

Dopo la tempesta [PARELI. Occorre iniziare a conoscerli... "Quando vedrete segni nel cielo..."]

From site SPACEWEATER.COM astronomical site recognized and serious ...

After the Storm: the U.S. skies are clearing as a result of this monster winter storm week. But "light" is not the same as " void. "Sky watchers are seeing an unusual number of sundogs . Doug Koehler photographed them yesterday in Davenport, Iowa:

Title Photo: Sun Pillars "
February 3, 2011

"Pillars rainbow-bright sunshine as the early morning fog below zero in Davenport, Iowa, just off the Mississippi River. It lasted about 20 minutes before disappearing as the sun rose. Unfortunately, the camera does not do justice to how they were colored. Taken with a GE A1251 in automatic exposure mode "
Doug Koehler.

Davenport, Iowa

"these words is brilliant appearance in the early morning fog below zero, just off the Mississippi River," said Koehler. "I lasted about 20 minutes before disappearing. The camera does not do justice to how colorful they were."
Sundogs and their cousins, Sun pillars are caused by ice crystals in aria.E if there's one thing North Americans have a lot of it is the cold air. ; In fact, the pillar and the dog show is set to continue for at least six other weeks.
other images: by Dave Merritt of Middletown, Indiana, by Sid Murthy of Laramie, Wyoming, by Patty of Davenport, Iowa. USA.


And also this:

Adriano Forgione, in a comment on Fb, says: " is an optical effect . but I'm not lightning columns light source whose light sources are on the road (see arising from groups of street lamps) and that because of the moisture and ice crystals in the air and then pulverized flkuttuanti become visible. In short, you create "natural fiber."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Funny Message For Baby Cake

Aggiornamento ufo Gerusalemme: quarta ripresa video

really interesting, both the video and text!

SOURCE: . raggioindaco translation.

ufo Jerusalem Update: Fourth shooting video.

A quanto pare le persone che hanno assistito sia a Gerusalemme che nello Utah (Stati Uniti) ai due identici avvistamenti Ufo sono moltissime, purtroppo pero’ non sono molti quelli che mettono i loro video su Youtube o altri siti su Internet, ma visto l’andamento attuale e i numerosi commenti ai video in questione su Youtube, di coloro che affermano di averlo visto di persona con i propri occhi e filmato anche loro, possiamo supporre di trovarci di fronte a una manifestazione piuttosto eclatante del fenomeno e che probabilmente vuole catturare l’attenzione delle persone comuni, il popolo.

independent Ufa is a fourth round of Jerusalem ... .. now the debunkers will have a hard life ...

Interesting also reported the site, an alleged Russian report that provides very interesting details about the event (to be taken with caution, in my opinion, because 'the site in question has often exaggerated vision of catastrophic events ) we can 'provide further food for thought and evaluation in this regard:
----------------------------------------- -------------
A mysterious report of the Russian Space Forces (VKS) circulating in the Kremlin these days says that on January 28 our world has been "officially" contacted by aliens / intelligences inter-dimensional, whose "beacons" of communication are descended some of the world's holiest cities, Jerusalem and the American state of Utah, home of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Mormons) and launched a quick burst of energy which information in binary code that roughly translates to this "Do not be afraid while [we-it-I] return."
The report states that the subjective personal pronouns contained in these messages (we-it-myself) are inclusive and relevant to specific geographical areas on our Earth.
The most surprising thing of all 'that these "beacons" communications were videotaped in action by hundreds of people in both Jerusalem and Utah as evidenced by the many messages on YouTube and other sites around the world of this mysterious event.
In the video of this mysterious event that happened in Jerusalem is seen a light or white ball down on the dome of the temple, stand still upon it, and then suddenly unleash a flurry of rapid flashes of light vertically into the street and splash ' top speed 'impossible, and where' joined together with other objects of similar color red, and then disappear forever from the sky.
Similarly, in the video taken in Utah, the same way, you see UFO red objects to release the true white light down, and release the same flashes of light in quick succession, before going back up to red objects.
It 'important to note that the places where these events occurred, Jerusalem and Utah, have an important historical and religious significance on the monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Church of the SDA day (Mormons).
The Rock of the Temple in Jerusalem is very important, 'cause you think it was the location where the temple was built by King Solomon (First Temple) was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II, king of the Babylonian empire, dopo l’assedio di Gerusalemme nel 587 aC. E’ il luogo più sacro della fede ebraica e viene chiamato da loro come il Monte del Tempio.
Nella fede islamica, la Cupola della Roccia è chiamata Al-Aqsa ed è uno dei luoghi più venerati da quella religione, è stato detto che Maometto una notte volò sul destriero alato, di nome Buraq, dalla Mecca a Gerusalemme. Era accompagnato dall’Arcangelo Gabriele. Atterrò sul Monte del Tempio. Il suo viaggio continuo’ poi dalla Roccia del Tempio attraverso i sette cieli fino a quando incontro’ Allah. Si dice che egli incontro’ nei cieli ciascuno dei profeti precedenti. Maometto incontro’ Allah e gli chiese il numero di volte che ogni credente dovrebbe pregare ogni giorno. Il numero concordato fu cinque. Maometto tornò tranquillamente alla Mecca quella notte stessa.
Durante le Crociate la Cupola della Roccia è stata data alla fede cristiana dell’ordine religioso Agostiniano, che lo trasformò in una chiesa, mentre la Moschea Al-Aqsa divenne una stalla reale. I Cavalieri Templari istituirono il loro quartier generale nella Moschea di Al-Aqsa adiacente al Duomo per gran parte del 12° secolo. Il “Templum Domini”, come lo chiamavano, è stato descritto sui sigilli dei Maestri del Grande Ordine e divenne il modello architetturale per le chiese templari in tutta Europa. Molti cristiani credono, e gli scritti romani sembrano confermarlo che la Cupola della Roccia è stata, inoltre, il luogo dove Gesù fu giudicato da Ponzio Pilato.
La Chiesa mormone è legata a Gerusalemme e la loro fede sostiene che Gesù tornera’ li’ alla fine dei giorni e poi verra’ a Salt Lake City, nello Utah, nel loro Tempio, dove entrera’ dalle porte a lui riservate, che si trovano verso Oriente in tale edificio. Una delle principali divinità di questa chiesa e’ chiamata l’Angelo Moroni, ed e’ raffigurato su molti dei loro templi, a est verso Gerusalemme.
Tornando al report della VKS, vi si afferma che l’impulso di energia rilasciato da these "beacons" provided the frequency of 1420.377 MHz (megahertz), which is' almost identical in emulation of the strong narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman, 15 August 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University, called "Signal Wow! ".
Note: two different values \u200b\u200bof frequencies of "Wow Signal" have been given: 1420.356 MHz (JD Kraus) and 1420.4556 MHz (JR Ehman). The frequency of 1420 is important for researchers from the SETI because it is specific and intelligent, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, e l’idrogeno risuona a circa 1420 MHz, quindi gli extraterrestri potrebbero usare quella frequenza su cui trasmettere un segnale forte. La frequenza del “Segnale Wow! ” corrisponde molto da vicino a qualla dell’idrogeno, che è a 1420.40575177 mhz. La larghezza di banda del segnale è inferiore a 10 kHz (ciascuna colonna della stampa corrisponde a un canale di 10 kHz per livello, il segnale è presente solo in una colonna). La stampa originale del “Segnale Wow!” [vedi foto a lato], completa di esclamazione famoso Jerry Ehman, è conservata dalla Ohio Historical Society.
E’ ancora piu’ interessante notare quanto vicinamente corrisponda alla crescente evidenza that of the ancient "gods" (that myths and legends handed down to us tell us they have helped mankind through other periods of great transformation in our history), not only left us the early warning systems at a distance, but now this has been "activated".

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Edu Science Reflector Telescope




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FOTO larghezza massima 350 circa

Dill Pickles And Ear/jaw Pain

E magari pensi che siano tutte STR#NZATE ?

Lo guardi, vero?

How To Make A Violet Beauregarde Costume

ZEITGEIST MOVING FORWARD (subtitles superimposed in Italian)